Ding Changsheng sighed and said, "many people have advised me to stay away from Weng LAN Yi, but you have advised me to go to the appointment, saying that this woman is not easy..."

"There are many women, even Che rui'er, you can subdue, not to mention Weng LAN Yi. Besides, don't you like this one? Why, are you afraid at this time?" General Ye Yijun said.

"It's not that I'm afraid. It's that I'm not interested. Weng Lanyi has some relations in North Central Province. It's good, but Kebei is not easy to get into trouble. If Kebei gets jealous about this, I'll have a hard time. Zhonghua and several of them have quarreled in the Standing Committee, but Kebei doesn't speak. To be honest, he is the leader I have the least contact with, and the less contact with him The more people don't understand, they all say that this person looks good-looking, but actually he is a very cruel person. For such a person, I think it's better to be careful. ". Ding Changsheng said.

"This time, the Ye family has grasped the last chance. If you don't make a fuss, no one will know that there are still people in the Ye family. They are fighting for death. You should help me.". Ye Yijun said.

"I haven't helped you yet?"

Ye Yijun drove the car to the backyard of a humble hotel. The dining place was also in the backyard. It was very quiet here. After the waiters came in, ye Yijun just nodded and the waiters left. It seemed that they knew each other and were quite familiar with each other, as if everything had been discussed.

"It's better to talk about things first, or I won't have a solid meal.". Ding Changsheng said.

Ye Yijun smiles and says, "you don't have to be down-to-earth. I can't eat you.".

"If you eat me, I am willing to eat, afraid that you will not eat me, but play with me.". Ding Changsheng said.

Ye Yijun laughed and said, "to be frank, the Ye family is going to die this time, or they are going to arrest all these people. I think they may not have the courage, or they will completely unravel yuan's real estate. Don't think about the idea of beating the Ye family any more. In your opinion, which method is more likely to be adopted by them?"

"I don't know he Jiasheng very well, but now it's mainly tongjiagang who is fighting for the battle. Therefore, based on my understanding of tongjiagang, it's more likely that he Jiasheng will be reconciled.". Ding Changsheng said.

Ye Yijun shook his head and said, "it's no good to make it clear that the government can't stick to it any more. Yuan's real estate is a private enterprise, and it doesn't need any working group sent by the state. They can go bankrupt if they lose money. What's the matter with their involvement? I haven't said yet. This matter has had a bad impact on many foreign media. They say China doesn't It's a real market economy. The survival of the fittest in the market economy makes an enterprise bankrupt if it makes a compensation. The boss of an enterprise should also give evidence for any accusation. However, this kind of operation is hardly convincing.

Ding Changsheng nodded and asked, "there is also this matter. I haven't paid much attention to the comments of foreign media, but what you said is an excuse. Are there any reports in newspapers and so on?"

"Yes, do you understand?" Having said that, ye Yijun took several newspapers from his bag, belonging to different countries and newspapers. Most of Ding Changsheng could understand them, and the content was similar to what ye Yijun had just said.

"Are these newspapers true..." Ding Changsheng asked.

Just finished asking this sentence, ye Yijun has not had time to answer, Ding Changsheng's mobile phone rings, take a look from the table, it is Tong Jiagang calling.

"Hello, secretary general, what can I do for you?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Where is it? Let's meet. I have something to talk to you about.". Tong Jiagang said.

"Talk to me? What are you talking about? I don't think it's necessary for you to talk about my business. Why, it's also a matter of the organization department. Where should I be kicked? " Ding Changsheng asked.

Tong Jiagang was stunned by Ding Changsheng's words, but soon he calmed down and said, "what nonsense are you talking about? What's the organization department? I have other things to look for you, it's about Yuan's real estate. Do you care?"

"My boss said that Yuan's real estate business is not under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. Since the provincial Party committee wants to take charge of it in person, we can't manage it. Secretary general, are you looking for someone to be a successor?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Don't talk nonsense. Let's meet. I'll be waiting for you in the office." Asked Tong Jiagang.

"I'm with the leader outside now. Can I do it in two hours?"

"An hour.". Tongjiagang was a little impatient and said.

"I'll try my best to find you when I get back.". Ding Changsheng said.

"What can he do for you?" Ye Yijun asked.

"What else can be good? It's mostly about Yuan's real estate. It seems that they have discussed how to deal with Yuan's real estate, but what can I do? Forget it, I don't want to. I'd better eat first. I'm really hungry. ". Ding Changsheng said, and began to eat.

Although it's in the box, the table is not very big. Ding Changsheng is eating, and ye Yijun takes a few mouthfuls from time to time, but most of the time she is serving Ding Changsheng to eat, constantly carrying vegetables, and cleaning up the garbage he has eaten. She is not like eating, but rather a competent waiter."Isn't there any poison in it? Why don't you eat it? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"I'm not hungry, I have no appetite, I'm not in the mood.". Ye Yijun said.

Hearing this, Ding Changsheng put down his chopsticks and asked, "is it for the sake of chejiahe?"

Ye Yijun sighed and said, "how can I say that I have been a husband and wife for more than ten years. Now, how much affection is there? I've always been a shield to protect their family, just to look good. This is a complete home. I never knew what their father and daughter discussed. If it wasn't for the things you gave me, I really would It's been kept in the dark.

Ding Changsheng said: "this is also a good thing. You have been kept in the dark. Anything they do has nothing to do with you. You can all retreat. Besides, you are helping the Ye family now, which is also a kind of betrayal to him. In a word, you are even now. No one owes anyone. What can you be unfair about?"

Ye Yijun was stunned at the words, and immediately understood what Ding Changsheng meant. He was right. He was really even with chejiahe.

People are like this. When thinking about interpersonal relations, they always think that others owe more to themselves, and never think whether they owe others. If they can think like this, they may not live so tired.

In her stupefied Kung Fu, Ding Changsheng got up and moved to her side. When Ding Changsheng put his hand on her shoulder, he startled her.

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