"You talk nonsense. When did I have this idea? Don't talk nonsense.". Lang Jun didn't admit it, but he didn't stop.

However, he found that he was just in high spirits, but there was no movement. How hard he tried was in vain. He didn't know what was wrong with him.

"Don't fiddle and sleep.". Lin Tao also felt his weakness and gave him a face.

After a while, Lang Junzhi said, "you really don't want to be transferred to the municipal government. Today mayor Qi asked you. If you are willing to transfer to the municipal government, he can say hello and arrange a good seat for you.".

"Mayor Qi?"

"Yes, I'm the leader. What's the fuss about?"

"I know, I just think that your leader's concern for you is too much, and his look at people is uncomfortable. When he held my hand when he was engaged last time, how could there be such a leader? Did he get used to holding the hands of other little girls, and without looking at whose wife I am, how could I feel so blatantly? Anyway, I felt like I had eaten a fly that day It's very uncomfortable and you don't say a word. Lin Tao props up his chin with his arm, tilts his head to look at the Lang Junzhi beside him, and says.

"Did you? I didn't pay much attention to it. He is the leader. I think some things are just negligence. " Lang said.

"Anyway, I'm doing a good job in the provincial government. I won't go to your municipal government. I don't look up to your temple. I'll do a good job in the provincial government. Maybe I can help you in the future. Let's not put eggs in a basket, do you think?" Lin Tao asked.

Lang Jun nodded and said, "yes, but today mayor Qi said that Ding Changsheng is very lustrous. Let me be careful.".

"Bah, I see your leadership talent. I'm very honest in leadership. I never flirt with any little girl in the unit. Those little girls are afraid of him. I'm also afraid of him. I'm afraid that he can't do a good job. Therefore, he and I are really just working relationship, and there is no other relationship. By the way, don't try to get any information from me. There is no door, no way to be a person We still need to have basic loyalty. Lin Tao finished and lay down.

After saying this, I feel my face is warm and my face must be red. This is really a little guilty. I carry those photos that Lang Junzhi sent to Ding Changsheng, and now it is exposed every day, more and more every day, but he has never commented on it.

"Don't worry, I won't ask for information from you, but you should be careful about Ding Changsheng. I'm still worried that he will eat you. Where can I regret it then?" Lang said.

"We're all engaged. Who else can I be eaten by? You haven't eaten me in my life. But I gave you the first time. What else do you want?" Lin Tao said angrily.

Lang Junzhi quickly got up and began to coax her. He put his mouth into the collar of her pajamas. One hand began to unbutton her pajamas. Although Lin Tao was struggling, her hand touched him and began to feel better. Moreover, she just thought of the photos she had given to Ding Changsheng, she felt that her body began to react most truly.

"You look so good-looking, so sexy, every day in front of a male leader, I'm really afraid that he will eat you one day..."

"Well, if I'm really eaten by him once, twice, three or four times, what do you do, don't you want me?" Lin Tao breathed heavily and began to speak in his voice, but her hand never left his lifeblood. When she finished this sentence, she obviously felt that it was shaking all over her body, as if it was full of heroism. Therefore, she said that the husband was really a jerk. Whenever he talked about his wife having an affair with other men, he was very excited, I don't know if this is a psychological hint or if he really wants Lin Tao to have such a relationship with other men, which makes Lin Tao afraid and inexplicable.

The next morning, although many people went to the gate of the inspection group and asked to see the leaders of the inspection group, after screening, it was found that there were almost no people in Yuan's estate. Firecrackers were placed in front of the Yuan's real estate building. There were all kinds of firecrackers. Ye Ruping came back alone.

Ye Ruping was the only leader who arrived at the scene. Yuan Huansheng was still in the hospital and couldn't move. Ye Wenqiu still had no trace. Ye Ruping made a speech on behalf of the company, and then there was the sound of firecrackers. Looking at the bustling scene in front of the company from a distance, ye Wenqiu asked Ding Changsheng, "when can I go back with dignity like my sister? ”

"you can go back now, but you are not the same as your sister. Although your sister is the president of the company, she only controls the administration, and the finance is still with you. If you have an accident, the company will be really doomed. Therefore, you will still hide behind the scenes. This time, you can come back for the Spring Festival. It is thanks to your little aunt. She is the same as you now Can only hide and tuck in, do not know when to come out to face. ". Ding Changsheng said Ye Yijun.

"Spring Festival to my home, ye family is a big family, every year festival is very grand, you help the Ye family so much, ye family must thank you well, hope you don't refuse.". Ye Wenqiu said.

"Really, how will the Ye family repay me?" Ding Changsheng asked."Whatever you want, the Ye family will satisfy you.". Ye Wenqiu said very definitely.

"What if I say I want you?"

"Am I yours now? What else do you want? " Ye Wenqiu asked.

"One is not enough. It is said that there are beauties in Ye's family. You see, you and your sister, and ye Yijun are all one in a million. I don't know if there is anything else besides you. I'm very curious.". Ding Changsheng said shamelessly.

"Eat the bowl and look at the pot. Don't push your luck. I found you. I'm willing. My sister has also come to you. You can fool around. As for the rest, you'd better be careful. Chejiahe is not a good one to be provoked.". Ye Wenqiu said.

has the final say, "hell bent on him," your sister doesn't want him to die. Besides, I advise your sister to take her hands off when she's in charge. She gave me a list, and she wanted me to get rid of all the people on the list. She followed me with all her heart. I didn't promise. I was a government official, not a killer. I thought it was over. I didn't expect that list. People are disappearing one after another. I'm not saying that those people don't deserve to die. I mean that if something goes wrong, they will still find her here. ". Ding Changsheng said.

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