Weng Lanyi thought that before Chen Huanshan came, he could get Ding Changsheng settled. At least, when they met, it was no longer so stiff confrontation. Everyone could talk about any conditions. As long as the agreed conditions were reached, the rest were all details. However, at present, Ding Chang's life and death did not let go, which made Weng Lanyi feel very embarrassed.

"Hello, Secretary Chen. Are you almost there?" Weng Lanyi called Chen Huanshan outside again.

"It's fast. It's almost into the mountain. How about it? Is it OK to talk about it?" At this time, Chen Huanshan was sitting in the car, but the direction of the car was Jiangdu, so he would not come. The so-called coming to the banquet was just an illusion to Weng Lanyi. Of course, he informed Kebei of this matter. But judging from Weng Lanyi's performance, Kebei certainly didn't tell Weng Lanyi that news. Otherwise, Weng Lanyi would not give it to himself again and again I called.

"There is something you can't solve. You have to make such a scene. I think you'd better meet and talk about it. I can't reconcile it. I've tried my best to solve this problem.". Weng LAN Yi said.

"Well, well, I know it's difficult, so I won't embarrass you. Let's meet then.". Chen Huanshan said.

After hanging up the phone, Weng Lanyi breathed a sigh. She really tried her best. It depends on what agreement the two people can reach by then. What they have done in this matter is useless, which makes her very angry, but this kind of anger can only be held in the heart.

After Chen Huanshan hung up the phone, he thought for a moment and dialed his younger brother Chen huanqiang. Chen huanqiang is still in Beijing to recuperate, but the things here are not relaxed at all. Therefore, in order to avoid being implicated, Chen huanqiang is in contact with all the things related to Ding Changsheng, and he tries not to be contaminated.

"It's better to follow your plan. This matter is still unsolved. If this person doesn't solve it, all the plans about Han Qiu are zero. From his tone of view, he will not let us go. Try not to hurt the innocent, just solve him alone, which is certainly good. There are no conditions. Other methods are at all costs. However, we must do it clean Don't be found out, Lizzy. Chen Huan Shan ordered.

"OK, I see. That's it.". Chen huanqiang hung up the phone. He was still in the hospital, looking up at the ceiling. He didn't know what to think. All the staff were in place, and they were waiting for their own decision. There should be an end between himself and Ding Changsheng.

Chen Huanshan said that he had already entered the mountain, but half an hour later, he was supposed to arrive. However, when Weng Lanyi contacted him again, the phone couldn't get through. When he called his secretary, he couldn't get through. This made Weng Lanyi have an ominous premonition that Chen Huanshan had an accident in the mountain.

"Hello, can you get in touch with Chen Huanshan? Half an hour ago, I called him and said that he was going to enter the mountain. I can't get in touch with him. Can't anything happen?" Weng LAN Yi called her husband Ke Bei and asked.

"No contact? And his secretary? " Asked Cowell.

"I can't get in touch. Was there an accident on the mountain road? Or will you send someone along the way Weng LAN Yi said.

"OK, I'll send someone here. Don't worry. Besides, even if there's a car accident, isn't it better? The old guy, who ran our project so miserably in Jiangdu, naturally changes someone else when he dies. So, the life and death of this guy is not so important.". Although Kebei is actively responding to his wife's orders, he gives such an answer, which is quite surprising to Weng Lanyi.

"Don't talk nonsense. You should send someone.".

"OK, I see. I'll send someone to you. Be careful and drive slowly.". Said Cowell.

"I won't go back tonight. I'll leave tomorrow. It's OK.". Weng LAN Yi said.

An hour later, there was still no news of Chen Huanshan. Ding Changsheng got up and said, "Chen Huanshan won't come tonight. Go ahead. I'm a little tired and want to go back to have a rest. If he does come, please call me again.".

"I went back to have a rest.". After that, Che Ruier and Ding Changsheng get up together. Ding Changsheng scolds her to stay at this time. Therefore, she can only follow her. This makes Weng Lanyi very embarrassed. When Ding Changsheng leaves, he calls Chen Huanshan crazily, but there is still no news.

The people on the mountain began to go down the mountain. After climbing on the mountain for a day, their bodies were a little stiff, so they stood up and moved for a while. This is in China, and there are no hunters like them. Therefore, their actions are very loose and far from catching up with the vigilance when they carry out tasks abroad.

"Who will do it later?"

"It depends. How many people are there in the villa now?"

"Just saw in two, a man and a woman, the other people did not see in, should be these two people, how to solve first the male, the female finally comes to clean up, has not opened meat for a long time, the afternoon looks OK from the mirror, I do not know what kind of close look, brother, is you first or I come first?"

"Go away, you can do it yourself. I'm not interested in women.".

"Is it? Are you interested in men? "Yes, I'm interested in you.

One after the other, they went down the rope from the mountain to the bottom of the valley and touched Ding Changsheng's villa in the night.

Because Ding Changsheng didn't make it, Du shankui asked his people to wait outside. He felt in the villa. It was cold outside, but it was warm like spring. He hid in the trees. He had just seen Ding Changsheng and wanted to call him, but the woman was very vicious. He wanted to call Ding Changsheng later or send a message to ask him to come out and slip away Good luck.

I didn't expect to wait until Ding Changsheng went in and found that the light inside was not on. Did you even have time to pull the light and go to bed? Du shankui sighed. At this time, he couldn't call and send text messages to disturb his good deeds, so he could only sit in the trees and wait.

More than ten minutes later, he heard a burst of familiar footstep sound. The reason why this kind of footstep sound is familiar is that it is very similar to the footstep sound of his training in the army. After staying in a place for a long time, some things have penetrated into his bones, such as the posture and sound of walking.

He turned his head and looked at the source of the sound. Although it was a little vague, he still saw that the two men approached Ding Changsheng's villa one after another. Moreover, they were well-trained, not ordinary killers. They were more like soldiers.

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