"Director, I think we should take measures against Zheng duangang immediately.". Miao Zhendong stood in front of Chen Junwei, reporting.

"What do you think? What's the evidence? Why do you take measures against him? Zhendong, you don't know who he is

"Evidence? Director, some people saw Niu er ben in the street this afternoon, but now Niu er ben seems to have disappeared, and everyone knows that Niu Er Ben was following Zheng duangang. Isn't this sufficient evidence that Niu Er Ben is following Zheng duangang? Is this not sufficient evidence? Besides, if we give up this clue, we will be very passive. ". Miao Zhendong knows what Chen Junwei is worried about, but he can't control so much. Although the specific implementer has been found, the mastermind behind the scenes has not been dug out. For a case, this is a failure. Moreover, he can conclude that the mastermind behind the case is Zheng duangang. However, the sudden disappearance of Niu er ben, as a key figure, puts the case into a dead end.

"You go back first and continue to search for Niu er ben. As for what you said, I will consider it. Zhendong, you should also understand my difficulties.".

"All right, director, speed is very important. I'm afraid that the longer the delay, the more difficult it will be.".

At the edge of the city, Zheng Laosan had already figured out everything. When he returned to his residence, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. He closed the door of his bedroom and took out a bottle of half drunk red wine from the wine cabinet. The dark red liquid swayed in the wine glass like blood. For the first time, he felt that things were out of control. He didn't think of a Jia Chengliang The death of Jia Chengliang will lead to so much trouble, and he did not expect that Jia Chengliang would have such a background, so at the moment, he knew it was time to make up his mind.

He lifted his neck, poured all the wine into his throat, touched the phone and dialed the number, but suddenly he realized something. Instead of pressing the launch button, he gently put the mobile phone on the table. Since the police have begun to suspect Niu er ben, the suspect may have been locked on him, so the mobile phone is no longer safe.

Open the computer, log on QQ, but the person he is looking for is not online, but he still sent a message: "in?"

After waiting for a while, I didn't expect that the other party would return the message, "in".

Zheng Laosan immediately stopped typing and started a voice chat.

"What's the matter, brother? I don't stay at home with the girl at night. What do you want to talk to me about?"

Xiangzi, I'm in trouble. Help me. Zheng Laosan's voice was low, and he was not pretending to listen. Xiangzi realized this, so he put away his funny face and listened carefully.

"Brother, say it.".

"There is a man hiding in the cellar of our hometown. You can go there tonight, cheat him out, kill him, clean up the cellar and level it. But this person can't be found by anyone. If you want to live or die, you can't see a corpse. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Brother gang, is this person important?"

"Well, it's quite important. If he is alive, it will not only be bad for me, but also dangerous for our family. If it is fast, it must be finished tonight. If it is too late, I'm afraid the police will find him.". Zheng duangang ordered.

"Well, I know. Brother, don't worry. I'll pour Ya into the concrete wall just like last time. It's OK for one hundred and eighty years. The bridge is being built in front of our town. I'll pour it into the bridge and make some contribution to you, hee hee.".

The two brothers don't seem to be talking about a person's life and death, but they seem to be talking about how to deal with a chicken or a duck. Life is in the hands of these two people, with no dignity at all.

Xiangzi and Zheng duangang played together since childhood, because they were cousins, but this man rarely appeared in Haiyang County, and no one knew him. His task was to help Zheng duangang deal with his enemies in business or on the road in recent years. Because of his kinship, Zheng duangang trusted him very much, and he was very low-key. Zheng duangang raised him with money Has made him an invisible killer.

This night, many people did not sleep well.

First of all, the police in Haiyang county did not sleep well. They set up checkpoints everywhere, intercepted vehicles leaving the city, and searched Niu erbeng carefully. However, he was still not heard from. Only when the eastern fish belly was white, did they change another group of people to continue the investigation.

Zheng duangang didn't sleep well. He was waiting for Zheng Duanxiang's news, but he couldn't make a phone call. So he was staring at the QQ on the computer screen. Nothing was safe at this time. Only by using QQ to transmit some well-known information from both sides, he was waiting for a smiling face.

Chen Junwei didn't sleep well because he was tangled. From a police point of view, Miao Zhendong's suggestion was right. Everyone knows that Niu Er Ben is Zheng Laosan's horse and his dog's leg. However, once measures are taken against Zheng duangang, there is no room for relaxation between him and Zheng Mingtang. Although he knows that this matter is closely related to Zheng Laosan, the evidence is all We have to go through the procuratorate to court. What about the evidence? No, it's hard to make up my mind even though I've pulled out several hairs.

Hong Xiaoyu didn't sleep well because of the day's events, which made her wake up from nightmares several times. She turned on the light, curled up in the quilt, leaning on the head of the bed, quietly waiting for the dawn. Fortunately, there was a little comfort in her heart that Secretary Ding lived in the next room. When Ding Changsheng opened a room for her and was ready to leave, Hong Xiaoyu implored that Ding Changsheng could live here as well. Because she was afraid, there was no way. Ding Changsheng opened a room next to Hong Xiaoyu.However, some people had a good night's sleep. One was Ding Changsheng, who had no distractions and was really tired, so he had a good sleep until dawn; the other was Niu er ben, who had never slept, but the place was not very good and his posture was not comfortable. He was upside down in an empty pier mold, sandwiched in a steel cage, and was mixed by a car at dawn The concrete was poured under the river for ever.

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