At night, a shrill sound of ambulance from far to near quickly drove into the gate of Beiyuan City Detention Center, and Chen Hanqiu, who had been in a coma, was carried to the ambulance.

Weng Lanyi hasn't gone to sleep, because there are too many facts in these two days, and it's about Che Ruier. She doesn't believe that chejiahe doesn't act at all. Therefore, she has been checking and mending leaks, trying to minimize the impact and loss. However, she has neglected Chen Hanqiu in the detention center, nor Ding Changsheng, because after Chen Hanqiu was starving, she had already fought with the detention center Yes.

"Hello, this is Weng Lanyi..." After Weng LAN Yi connected the phone, he was shocked to hear the situation reported by the detention center's own related person.

"Are you there?"

"I'm off duty tonight, these bastards. We haven't prepared at all. According to the investigation, it's the guys from the two gangs who were fighting by mistake and injured him. It should not be a problem. I'll rush to the hospital now.".

"You should go there immediately, do a good job of protection, and don't let any non essential personnel get close to him.". Weng LAN Yi said.

Weng LAN Yi cleaned up and was ready to go out to the hospital. At this time, Ke Bei got up and asked, "do you still go out so late?"

"Chen Hanqiu was wrongly injured by the prisoners fighting in the detention center. Now the result is not clear. I have to go and have a look. Otherwise, I can't explain this to Chen Huanshan. Would you like to call Chen Huanshan?" Weng LAN Yi asked.

"Well, OK, I'll call right now. You go first.". Said Cowell.

"It's accidental injury. I don't think it's so simple. Who do you think did it?" Weng LAN Yi asked.

"It's hard to say that Ding Changsheng and chejiahe are all possible. They have the ability to do this, and the detention center is not a piece of iron. Do you think it's finished by saying hello to a director? I see, Lanyi, we all want to be simple about this. Maybe cheruier is just a fuse, and the fierce struggle is still behind. We have to make preparations to say that you should not take over Juxin company. Taking over Juxin company at this time is a hot potato. ". Said Cowell.

Weng Lanyi didn't think so. Looking at the driver at the door, she walked back a few steps and said in front of him: "even if it's hot potato, I have to take it over. It's a matter of attitude. From Yuan's real estate's power to deal with chejiahe's deprivation, to now Juxin company's being taken back again, what does this mean? It shows that he Jiasheng has already distrusted cars So, it's your chance now. How long can Zhonghua stay here? I don't know. Even if Zhonghua can stay here, you have to make a mental preparation. Dad will go to Beijing to celebrate the new year in a few days. It's not for you. You have to show some courage. ".

In the face of this powerful wife, Kebei can't say anything but nod.

After Weng Lanyi left, Kebei found out Chen Huanshan's phone number with his mobile phone. However, he hesitated for a long time, but he still didn't dial out the number. The more he contacted Chen Huanshan, the more he felt that this person could not be handed over. His heart was too poisonous. Therefore, although he did not tell his wife Chen Huanshan's plan in the mountains, he did not need to call him at this time You should settle the matter between you and his son. I will not take part in it.

After that, he turned off the cell phone and left it at the head of the bed and went to sleep.

When Weng Lanyi arrived at the hospital, Chen Hanqiu was still in the rescue. She asked the police on the spot, but no one could tell what happened. Maybe no one would ever know. Judging from the attitude of these policemen, she guessed that this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy that almost killed Chen Hanqiu.

However, this wait was for several hours, until a doctor came out to change shifts. One doctor could not do the operation at all, so two doctors had to change their shifts to do the operation.

"How are things, doctor?"

"It's not very ideal. There are many intracranial hemorrhage, and blood clots have been taken out after craniotomy, but some bleeding points have not been found and are still looking for. In addition, the legs are fractured, and a broken rib in the chest is inserted into the lung obliquely. Alas, now the whole body is undergoing surgery, and it is impossible to carry out the operation. It is good to finish the operation successfully, and other consequences are not easy to say.". The doctor whispered.

Weng LAN Yi thought it was a fracture or something, but he didn't expect that the injury was so serious. It was just for his life. It seems that this matter can't be concealed any more.

Chen Huanshan was awakened by Weng LAN Yi's phone call. When he called, he had a bad feeling. He knew the result of the mountain. So, what would happen when he called?

"Hello, Mr. Weng, can I help you..."

"Well, Han Qiu had an accident and was being rescued in the hospital. He was injured in many places. If you can come here, you'd better come as soon as possible.".

"Isn't he in the detention center? Why was he hurt?" Chen Huanshan was in a hurry and roared.

"It's hard to say. The two gangs fought each other. He was injured by mistake..."

"I don't believe it. It's bullshit. I'll start right away.". Chen Huanshan said.

While wearing clothes, he talked to Weng Lanyi on the phone. After hearing Weng Lanyi said Chen Hanqiu's injury on the phone, Chen Huanshan sat down on the chair. The fool could think of what was going on. So, he didn't stop at once."They're so quick to do it.". Chen Huanshan said.

"What do you say?" Weng LAN Yi asked.

"No, it's nothing. I'm going to Beiyuan and tell the doctor that at all costs, my son must be saved. Otherwise, you and I will not be finished.". Chen Huanshan said.

Weng LAN Yi's lips are open. She doesn't know what to say. She won't say this.

She could understand his feelings, but she didn't know how to account for it when he came.

At daybreak, Chen Huanshan arrived at the hospital. The operation was still in progress. Seven hours later, the light was still on in the operating room.

Ding Changsheng got up and prepared to go to work. Remembering what happened last night, he received Du shankui saying that the plan was smooth and went to sleep. At this time, he did not know what was going on. After thinking about it, she wanted to call Qin Lishan. She shivered when she saw that it was Ding Changsheng's, but she did not dare not answer it.

"Hello, Ding, director Ding. What can I do for you?"

"Last night your hospital sent a patient named Chen Hanqiu. What's the situation now? After you go to work, you can inquire about it and then call me back. The more detailed the better.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, I see. Nothing else?"

"What else do you want? By the way, I'm not very comfortable under my body. I'll see you some other day. Ding Changsheng joked.

"No, I can't see your illness. You'd better find someone else. I'll hang up if it's OK.". Finish saying, Qin Lishan quickly hung up the phone, she can't provoke this person. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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