If a woman gets dizzy, she can do anything. The next morning, Yu Quanfang will go to Baishan City. Liang Yanxia, after a quarrel with Yu Quanfang last night, is very angry. The next morning, she doesn't get any reply from Yu Quanfang. So she is even more angry. She decides to go to Zhonghua herself. She thinks she is the Deputy Secretary of the county Party committee His wife, who is also the Deputy Secretary of the county Party committee, should give himself a face and transfer his nephew from the countryside.

"Sister in law, you see, I've been here for months, and I've been busy. I didn't go home to see you. I didn't want you to come to see me.". Zhonghua asked Ding Changsheng to pour a glass of water for Liang Yanxia. He personally let Liang Yanxia sit on the sofa opposite her. He was always very strange. He was not familiar with this woman. How could she find herself? Was it Yu Quanfang's idea?

"Mr. Zhong, you are so polite. It's my own idea that I came to see you this time. My elder brother doesn't know. I want to ask for something from you.". After a while, the county magistrate became a brother. Zhonghua tried to suppress his smile and continue to listen.

"Sister in law, you can say, as long as I can do it, I will.".

"Well, that's what happened..." So Liang Yanxia said her request again. Zhonghua didn't expect this. It seems that as long as the deputy director is not appointed, they will never be able to stop the mouth of these people. Today, a city leader called to recommend a person. He could not help but sigh in his heart that the official position is really a scarce product. If there is such a vacancy, he will really squeeze his head into it.

"Sister-in-law, I know what you want. I'll think about it. And recently, I'd like to meet with Secretary Yu, and I'd like to ask Secretary Yu's advice on some matters. Do you think it's good?" Zhonghua tried to use a peaceful tone to deal with the best woman.

It's easy to send Liang Yanxia away, and Ding Changsheng probes in.

"Leader, it's a good phenomenon. It seems that Secretary Yu can't sit still. He has sent his wife to stand in front of him?" Ding Changsheng joked.

"Go, what do you know? This woman is really not an ordinary person. It seems that what she said is true. She may not have known that she came here to the secretary. However, this is an opportunity to reciprocate one's favor and take what one needs.".

"Well, it seems that it is still the time for a family to dominate, but now there seems to be signs of loosening up. Is Haiyang county about to usher in the Warring States period?" Zhong Hua murmured, but Ding Changsheng didn't answer. There were some things Zhonghua could say, but Ding couldn't, so he poured water and was about to go out. But at this time, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated violently, so he went out to take the door and took out the mobile phone. His heart was suddenly tense.

"Sister in law, call me for something?" Ding Changsheng asked a little guilty, because since the Spring Festival happened on the first day of the lunar new year, Ding Changsheng has been uneasy, but let his heart gradually down is, since then, Xiao Han did not contact him, but just when he felt that the matter had become a thing of the past, he didn't expect that she actually called at this time.

"What's wrong with you? If it's OK, I can't give you a call. Ding Changsheng, are you not authentic? It's necessary for people to move forward and not to leave them behind their ears. It's not right. People say that they're going to demolish bridges before they cross the river.".

"Hehe, sister-in-law, if you don't bring such a hurtful person, tell me, what can I do for you?"

"I don't dare to tell you. However, can you come out for a moment? I'll wait for you at Mingdian coffee.".

"What do you mean, you've come to Haiyang?"

"Yes, it's opposite your county government now. However, I'll give you face. If you don't go up, how about coming down?"

"But I'm not off work yet?" Ding Changsheng thought about the reasons for delay.

"Oh, yes, I'll wait for you. I'll order Western food here and wait for you to have lunch. How about it? Oh, by the way, remember to bring money.

"Oh, OK, ha, me.". Ding Changsheng deals with it, but his tone is full of guilty taste. While Xiao Han, who is sitting in the coffee shop looking at the scenery outside the glass curtain wall, laughs a little mysteriously.

Ding Changsheng didn't know how he got through the off-duty time. He also considered telling a lie, saying that he was temporarily absent from work. However, it was a bit inhumane to go. Anyway, in public, he learned the lesson from the last time and never went to such a private space any more. As long as he was in public, he believed that the woman still had to worry about it The influence, such a woman is this virtue, in front of the performance like a noble lady, but as long as you enter the private space with a man, you can immediately become a woman who can't fill with desires.

When Ding Changsheng walked into the coffee restaurant, he saw Xiao Han sitting in front of the window, looking at a fashion magazine. The sunshine in spring was on her body, and the goose yellow turtleneck sweater was more shiny.

Xiao Han is tall and tall. She should be of the best in women. She has long legs, graceful bee waist, graceful figure, delicate white skin and pink in white. She has an oval face, willow like eyebrows, and cherry mouth. Her amorous eyes, which seem to be able to speak, are more beautiful.

However, there is a faint sadness on her face. This kind of sadness is not brought by the body of human beings, but the lack of a passion, a kind of original things inspired by the body. If there is a man, this woman will be much more beautiful than now.

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