The low hill is covered with shrubs, only a path barely leads to the top of the mountain. Tian E Ru gets out of the car without saying a word. He looks at the red clouds of the west mountain, which makes the whole western mountain red.

The wind was blowing on the mountain. Ding Changsheng couldn't understand what Tian E Ru meant when he brought himself here. So he tightened his tight clothes and walked to Tian E Ru's back. "Sister Tian, it's cold here. Let's go back. If you have anything, we'll go back and say the same thing.".

"Ding Changsheng, do you hate me, do you annoy me?" Tian E Ru turned and said without expression.

"Sister Tian, what are you talking about? How can I bother you?". This is a bit against his will, but at this moment, he can only say this. What he wants now is to clarify the matter as soon as possible and leave here. After all, he is alone with the woman in charge of his boss in the wilderness. If people see it spread out, he can't bear to go.

"Ding Changsheng, you don't have to be afraid. I won't do anything to you, just like you saw me make a fool of myself. I didn't do anything to you.".

"Yes, sister Tian, I didn't mean to do it that day. Please forgive me. I dare not do it next time.".

"Ding Changsheng, didn't you think that what happened that morning had nothing to do with you at all. I volunteered to seduce you. Didn't you think about it?"

"No, I just feel that the director is very kind to me. I have done something sorry for him, and I regret it now.".

"In fact, you helped me that time. In the past more than a month, I had a hard time, because at that time, you lost my child. I also thought of a way to kill the child, but after a lot of efforts, there was no insurance for this road. You would not tell Huo Lvmao about this, right? Hum, you dare not, he will kill you.".

"So, sister Tian, I'm afraid. Let's go back.". Ding Changsheng looked around and begged.

"Ding Changsheng, I brought you here today to tell you something. Don't you want to make a success of yourself? I can help you. Maybe you don't know. Maybe you know, I'm the most unprofitable one among my three sisters. I've been a police station chief for more than ten years. I didn't go to school well. I just became a police station by relationship Compared with my two sisters, I'm just a trash. Although Tian E Ru is not saying that she is not, when it comes to her sister, the brilliance in her eyes makes Ding Changsheng bright.

Tian E Ru looked at Ding Changsheng and continued: "my elder sister is the director of the city's Construction Bureau. Her husband is the executive vice mayor of Baishan City. My second sister-in-law is very powerful. She works as a prosecutor in Haiyang county's Procuratorate. Her husband is from Baishan City's Commission for Discipline Inspection. You must say that I boast. It's really such a strong relationship. Why is Huo Lvmao still the director of a police station?".

"Yes, why?" Ding Changsheng did not expect that Tian E Ru, who is usually silent, has such a network. This is not gaide, so he can't help but be interested in her words.

"Because Huo Lvmao is a stubborn donkey. He doesn't buy my sister's brother-in-law's account and looks down on others. Do you think there is such a stubborn donkey? I'm really pissed off when I'm with him. I can tolerate all these things. Who makes him my husband? I want to defend my own man. What's wrong with this? But now I regret it. I regret it since I joined Kou Dapeng. Compared with Kou Dapeng, Huo Lvmao is not a man. Do you understand? Do you understand what I said? " Tian E Ru's eyes were filled with tears. This is a woman's disappointment with men. Ding Changsheng doesn't know where Huo Lvmao doesn't look like a man. Is that what?

"I lived with Huo Lvmao for ten years. Only when I was with Kou Dapeng did I know how happy it was to be a woman. From then on, I didn't want to have anything to do with Huo Lvmao, but I couldn't. He was my man. I had no choice but to hide and steal. I couldn't stand the feeling of no ups and downs when I was with him Peng together, I am addicted.

"So, but you are now with village head Kou?"

"Do you mean why I ignore Kou Dapeng now? Is it? " Ding Changsheng did not speak and nodded.

"It's a man. He should take responsibility. He just wants to be happy and make me pregnant, but I can't have this child. When I told him, I didn't really want to give him any problems. As long as he said a word, as long as he was born, I would still follow him with determination. But he didn't have a man who didn't dare to say that. What's the meaning of seeing him What about it.

"So, I just Speaking of this, Tian E Ru stopped talking, wiped a handful of tears, and looked at Ding Changsheng straightly, which made Ding Changsheng a little hairy.

"Er Gou, I know that you are a hard-working child. You want to be a joint defense player instead of money from that night. I know that this is not your destination. You will want to climb up. But have you ever thought about it? Kou Dapeng is at most a township head. How high can he arrange you to climb? If he can climb up, he will go in the morning and get you in turn Only I can help you.

"Well, sister Tian, why did you help me?"

"Elder sister wants to find a backer and a big one. It's hard to find such a supporter. She can only pile up a little bit. Huo Lvmao can't, but you can. You're still a child. You have a future. I believe that. At present, only I can help you.". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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