Miao Zhendong is very depressed and goes out of the office. He happens to see Ding Changsheng and Hu Jiajia chatting in the outer office.

"Two leaders, I'm sorry to delay your work. I'll go first.". After that, they didn't wait for them to talk. They pushed the door out of their own, which made Ding Changsheng and Hu Jiajia look at each other. For a long time, they almost thought of a sentence in their hearts. No wonder you are still a captain of the criminal police and don't understand human relations.

Although we Miao Zhendong sometimes really don't understand the world, he is not stupid at all. From the fact that he sent Cao Jingjing and an intern to stare at Zheng duangang, we know that if something goes wrong, Cao Jingjing is definitely the best shield.

"Head, why come back and stop staring?" Cao Jingjing, standing in front of Miao Zhendong, asked, this is her first contact with such an exciting task, so she is very serious. Although there has been no progress, Miao Zhendong actually asked them to withdraw back, so she did not understand.

"After watching for so many days, I don't see any progress. I guess it's either transferred or killed. I'll try to find another way. This line has no value. Although Niu er ben didn't catch it, he has caught the important executor of the explosion, which is good for the superior. Let's do this in advance, sort out the inquiry record and prepare to hand it over to the procuratorate.".

To tell you the truth, Miao Zhendong is a bit negative today, but the general environment is such that he can't decide on some things. Sometimes, he can only choose to retreat and forge ahead bravely. Even if he can't touch death, he will encounter a broken head.

Xie Heyang, who was far away from Liyuan Village, did not know what happened in the county. During this period, Xie Heyang grew up in Liyuan Village like a demon. With the help of machinery and equipment rented by Ding Changsheng, he began to build large-scale construction next to the Liyuan Village Committee.

She is really a person who does what she says. Ding Changsheng sits next to the computer wrapped in pajamas and looks at the effect picture of the hotel sent by Xie Heyang. She has to say that she is very farsighted, because she also realizes that as soon as this road is opened, this road will be a very busy road, and Liyuan Village will be a very important node, not to mention the pear garden of ten thousand mu in Liyuan Village Feng Mingtao's 5000 mu blueberry base indicates that Liyuan Village will usher in a period of vigorous development with the opening of this road.

At present, Liyuan Village has no pollution, blue sky, white clouds and fresh air, which is in line with the model of rural tourism. Therefore, the design specifications of the hotel are not low. She wants to have it once and for all. The opening of Highway 1 will be the best time for the hotel to recover its investment.

"Hello, have you seen my picture? Give me a comment? " Xie Heyang called Ding Changsheng and asked him. He was deeply disapproved of the act of teasing his husband's little secretary instead of calling her husband at night. If her own woman was like this, she would have to slap her buttocks.

"Well, it's very good. I don't have any opinions. It's not mine. What's my opinion? Does it have anything to do with losing and earning?" Ding Changsheng did not say a word.

"Doggie, don't make me angry. This hotel is my investment, but your wife is the partner, so you don't care..."

"Well, well, stop, can we not talk about it? Ms. Xie, can't you survive if you don't expose other people's shortcomings? "

"Ha ha, who let you be evil? I always don't offend me. By the way, how's your boss doing?" Xie Heyang asked.

"Our boss, sister-in-law, he's your man. You won't ask yourself about this. I'm not good at spreading words in the middle. Maybe I'll become a gossiper who stirs up the relationship between your husband and wife. You'd better spare me.".

"Doggie, I didn't have an appointment. It seems that you are not very trustworthy. Well, it's ok if you don't keep your promise. I'll talk to your mistress about this.".

"Forget it, let's talk about the hotel. Your building is eight or nine floors. When are you going to finish it? The road top will be repaired for another year. Then your hotel will be completed. Where are you going to kill people?"

"The hotel has already started to be built, but it is in the workshop. I didn't plan to build it so high. Later, I thought that it would be better to build a shed on the roadside if it was small, so it could be completed in one step, and there would be no need to move it for at least 10 years.".

"Investment should be increased a lot.". Ding Changsheng asked, he was worried about whether Liu Xiangli would even take out the money at the bottom of her box to vote for the female cheater.

"You don't have to worry about it. Your mistress hasn't paid a cent, so you don't have to talk to me.". Xie Heyang said with a smile.

"Sister in law, can we not say that? It's not good to hear.".

"What's the matter? You don't want people to say that you just want to play like this. When Liu Xiangli is old and old, you will kick them again. You men don't have a good thing.".

"Sister in law, if you don't take such a curse, it's not good for county magistrate Zhong. You really killed a group of people at one stroke, but there are many unjustly dead.".

"Go, I don't care about you. By the way, has the commencement time of the highway been fixed?"

"This weekend, next Monday will be open to the public bidding, it is estimated that as long as the construction unit is determined, construction will start immediately."."I see. It seems that my hotel has to hurry up, otherwise the materials will be difficult to transport in.". Xie Heyang said a little worried.

At the moment, Kou Dapeng is not off work. He is holding a jade Qilin Paperweight in his hand. He starts to feel cold. However, he immediately feels a warm feeling. For a moment, he feels a bit like a genuine one.

"How much is it?" Kou Dapeng asks Qin e Xiang, who is opposite him.

"It's not cheap. It's more than 2000. If the price is lower, anyone can see that it's inferior, and it's not easy to get rid of it. In fact, this is ordinary jade, but someone will tell him that it's Hotan jade, worth at least 100000 yuan.".

"Well, OK, you can do it. I'll deliver the Paperweight tomorrow.".

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