But what Ding Changsheng didn't expect was that she didn't have anything in her carry on bag. Did she think too much?

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Ding Changsheng asked, "who is it?"

"It's me, waiter.". Weng LAN Yi called outside the door.

Ding Changsheng opened the door, Weng LAN Yi found that the foreign girl had been leaning on the chair, motionless, as if she had gone to sleep.

"Well, this is a foreigner. If you can't check anything and pass out in my shop, causing bad effects, I'll be in trouble.". Weng LAN Yi said.

Ding Changsheng handed the bag to Weng Lanyi and said, "except for the passport and a little money, there is nothing else. How can it be that I am too nervous? Wrong guess? "

"What about you?" Weng LAN Yi asked.

"I didn't check it.". Ding Changsheng said.

With that, Weng LAN Yi went to check Andy's body. At the beginning, she didn't find anything. But when she touched her thigh, she stopped strangely and slowly opened her little skirt. Ding Changsheng's eyes were staring straight. Outside her stockings, at the root of her thigh, there was a strong belt. The outside of the belt was a holster A very small pistol is in the holster.

Ding Changsheng quickly squatted down to examine the other thighs. He saw a dagger set similar to the holster. It was small and chic, but the body of the knife was blue, which was very similar to the dagger soaked in poison in martial arts novels.

"It seems that this man is really not simple. I don't know if he came for me. If that's the case, it's a big fish. How can I get this big fish out now?" Ding Changsheng asked.

At this time, he is still checking Andy's Weng LAN Yi. He takes out a small blue bottle from the inside of her hood. Ding Changsheng takes a look at it and asks, "what's this thing?"

Ding Changsheng looked at it and found that the design was very good. As long as the lid was opened and pinched hard, the liquid inside could be sprayed out. This was enough to make Ding Changsheng think that this man was at least not a good man. Therefore, he was right to start first. Otherwise, he might be dead in the morning.

What we need to make clear now is whether this woman came here on her own. If so, what is her purpose? Who sent her? Just after reaching an agreement with Xu Yijian, do they really want their own life so quickly?

It seems that it doesn't make sense, but how many things can be said in this world, so many things don't need reasons. The so-called reasons are just self comfort.

"Who is this man?" Weng LAN Yi asked.

"You ask me, I ask who ah, think of a way to take people to me, sent to my designated place.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Take you home?" Weng LAN Yi asked.

Ding Changsheng thought for a moment and said, "I know a place where you can send people there. I'll find the key.".

Weng LAN Yi doesn't know where it is, but according to what he says, he will have less trouble.

Weng Lanyi went to prepare. Ding Changsheng picked up Andy's glass and looked at it. Although there was no powder on the glass, it was not easy for Weng Lanyi to do it. He wanted to ask her if she had done this often before.

Ye Yijun doesn't know the use of Ding Changsheng's key to drive the other garden, but he still sends someone to deliver it to him. Ding Changsheng stops the car in the underground garage, then carries Andy from the car and puts it in the basement of Ye Ruping, chejiaheguan.

Although Ding Changsheng didn't know what she was doing, he was so warm to himself, but with such things on his body, he had to consider what she wanted to do, so he had no pity for her, so he locked her with a chain, just like Ye Ruping, who was Chejia River pass at that time.

After all this was done, he stripped off his clothes and brought some quilts from upstairs. He was very kind.

Then she took a sip of cold water and puffed it on her face.

Slowly, Andy gradually wakes up. At first, it is a vague figure. Gradually, the figure becomes more and more clear. What he sees is Ding Changsheng standing in front of her, but she feels that her head is a little heavy. Her first feeling is that she has been drugged by him. He just wants to insult himself, but the more sober she is, the more she feels something wrong with her body. After she is fully awake, she will feel something wrong, I found my situation.

"You, what do you mean, what are you doing?" Andy asked in surprise.

Ding Changsheng took out the pistol and dagger found from Andy, as well as the unknown bottle of liquid. He didn't know what the bottle was for. Ding decided to send it to Qin Lishan, the mistress of mon Yi Bing, tomorrow morning. She has acquaintances in the hospital, so she can send it to the laboratory to check what this thing is for.

"What do you mean, all these things are found from you, and you repeatedly contact me and invite me to dinner again and again? If you tell me the truth, I may spare you. If you don't tell me the truth, don't blame me. This is an abandoned and uncompleted building site. Generally, no one comes here. When it comes to starvation, no one knows. I don't embarrass you. As long as you say it, I can let you go. Maybe I can pay double price and you can do it That's all right. Am I loose enough? " Ding Changsheng asked."Mr. Ding, you are really thoughtful. All my things are for self-defense, not really for any other purpose..." Said Andy.

Ding Changsheng would never believe it, so she picked up the things and went out. She closed the cage door in the basement, locked the password lock, and the longest distance of the iron chain would not let her reach the door.

"You come back, you come back, I can't put myself here..." Cried Andy from the basement.

Ding Changsheng doesn't care. Before he wakes her up, he has already checked all the places to make sure that there is no tool left to use, including her body, which is totally stripped, unless she can unlock the lock with her own hair.

Andy really wants to cry without tears. She didn't expect Ding Changsheng to be such a vigilant person. She has been on the road for five years and has never failed. This time, she will not only miss, but also try to get in and bite her tongue. She doesn't have the courage. Moreover, she believes that she still has a chance to escape. So what she thinks now is not death, but how to escape When Ding Changsheng comes back, she will have a chance. Her first task now is to accumulate physical strength. Therefore, she stopped shouting and waited in the boundless darkness.

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