"What's going on?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Let's go first. I saw Wu Yuchen. Just now I wanted to go back to my bedroom, but I heard someone looking for me in my bedroom. The sound was very similar to Wu Yuchen. She could come here to find me. It was probably zero and knew where I was.". Said Andy.

They entered the subway station again and got on the subway. No matter where they were going, they had to leave here first.

"But I don't think it's a good way to hide. I have to find Wu Yuchen. I've been looking for her, but I didn't expect her to come. Isn't this just the right time?"

"When we are in the resort, we have the advantage, but now we have no advantage at all. Although Wu Yuchen is in the light, we are in the dark, but once we have some action, No. 0 will start in some place that is not noticed. You should know that he goes to the middle East from here to there..."

"The Middle East is the Middle East, and Beijing is Beijing. The security measures we have here are that he can't even carry weapons with him. What can we do against us?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Andy looks at Ding Changsheng's self-confidence. Self confidence is very good, but her heart is still very worried.

Although Wu Yuchen's mobile phone was damaged by him, Wu Yuchen's number did not change. When Ding Changsheng tried to call, he actually got through.

"Let's meet and find a place where there are many people, so you don't have to worry about what I will do to you. It's meaningless to be so furtive all the time. I'll go with Andy. If you have the seed, you can bring your zero number together. We'll talk about what to do. If we can negotiate the price, I'll double it. You can go back and finish the original client It's a win-win situation. Ding Changsheng said.

"Ding Changsheng, you bastard, wait for me. If I believe you again, I will not be Wu Yuchen.".

"It doesn't matter to you. It doesn't matter to me. By the way, since you are willing to play this kind of work, your brother will receive the order of demobilization in a few days. My sister is willing to work for the international killer organization and return home to hurt her compatriots. I think we can at least doubt his loyalty and can't be loyal to the country and the party. We dare not use such soldiers I'll call the leaders of the army I know and tell them that your brother is not far away from the day he's gone. ". Ding Changsheng said Yin test.

"Dare you? If you dare to do so, I will let you die. Wu Yuchen said.

"Well, I'm waiting for you. I know you've come to Beijing, and you're looking for Andy. Andy is with me now. If you can, come to me.". Ding Changsheng finished and hung up the phone.

Ding Changsheng takes Andy everywhere in Beijing. During the NPC and CPPCC sessions, the subway inspection is particularly strict, and the traffic jams on the street are frequent. Andy can't help but ask, "where are we going?"

"Find a safe place for you. Don't go out there. Don't contact the outside world. I'll find someone to look for these two people. I don't know what zero is, but Wu Yuchen should be easier to find.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Mr. Ding, you can find the place you want me to find. This is the place where my brothers live. Usually, few people come to live in the neighborhood, so it won't attract people's attention.". According to Ding Changsheng's meaning, Chen Liu finds a humble place for Andy to live in.

"Well, this is a good place. By the way, you can send someone to help me find this person.". With that, Ding Changsheng sent the photos and identity information of Wu Yuchen to Chen Liu.

"OK, I'll send someone to find it right away.".

"Well, but don't make a big fuss and keep a low profile. It's an extraordinary time. Don't get into trouble. Just let me know. Don't act without authorization. By the way, didn't you see where Du shankui was?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Brother Du has been following another thing. I didn't ask much. It seems that he has something to do with Mr. Yang. I don't know how far it is.". Chen said.

When Ding Changsheng arrived at the courtyard of Qin Mo, he only saw Yu Wen Lingzhi. At that time, he thought Du shankui had gone out and didn't ask much. Later, he forgot about it. Now he remembered that he had not seen Du shankui when he came to Beijing.

"OK, I see. Go ahead and do it.". Ding Changsheng said.

After Chen Liu left, Ding Changsheng said to Andy, "you should be honest and stay here. Don't contact the outside world. You say that this zero is so powerful. Be careful to come here and kill you. I can't blame you.".

"Can't I go with you?"

"Besides, I can't do too much time with you in Beijing, and I can't do too many things with you

Ding Changsheng said nothing else, but she did not admit that she was poor in skill. The main reason why she was captured alive by him was that she was careless and was dizzy with medicine. Therefore, when Ding Changsheng said that she was poor in skill, he put out his hand to clench his fist and hit him in the face. Because the distance was too close, it was impossible for ordinary people to escape, let alone fight back.

However, Ding Changsheng just tilted his head, which hit an empty one close to his ear, which surprised Andy. In his stupefied effort, Ding Changsheng's fist was confiscated. Ding Changsheng punched her armpit. This place is very fragile, and it may cause dislocation if the force is very strong.Andy's other hand was holding his arm, and he stepped back urgently. Ding Changsheng said, "don't make fun of such jokes. I don't like it. Next time, I won't be so polite. Do you think I've been too kind to you recently, or do you think I've got a face? Tell you, don't give me a face, don't let me get angry.".

With that, Ding Changsheng opened the door and left Andy standing in the room. Thinking of the scene just now, he kicked a chair away.

Sitting in the car, Ding Changsheng thought about it and decided to call Wu Ming'an. Although he knew that Wu Ming'an couldn't manage Wu Yuchen, as an old acquaintance, it didn't seem good to say hello since he knew about it.

"Secretary Wu, I'm Ding Changsheng..."

"Oh, Hello, Hello, Jiangdu?" Wu Ming'an is very happy to receive the call from Ding Changsheng. From his attitude in the phone call, Ding Changsheng guesses that Wu Mingan should not know what his daughter is doing. He has a bottom in his heart all of a sudden. Wu Yuchen, this time, I let you have a home that you can't go back to, and you can't recognize your relatives.

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