"You bastard, you have that one, now you have to make up so many things that have no shadow to insult me, do you have conscience?" Wu Yuchen cried and cursed dingchangsheng.

"What I have done, I never deny, you dare admit, where is the zero, is it facing me with a gun now?" Ding asked, pointing to his chest.

In fact, dingchangsheng still cares about Liang Keyi's view, especially in this kind of thing. Although bow and bow women do anything to any woman, they are unacceptable. Therefore, although she tries to defend herself, she still sees the dissatisfaction in Liang Keyi's eyes.

Dingchangsheng is difficult to explain at this time, so she can only let Wu Yuchen tell her, until dingchangsheng can't help but take out her mobile phone and shoot it on the table. The recording is clicked. The dialogue is all the conversations between dingchangsheng and Wu Yuchen. If the recording is not cut, Wu Yuchen reaches for it. However, it is a BA to be shaken by dingchangsheng The palm hit her face, not only Liang Ke was shocked, but even the restaurant people were stunned. The quarrel happened here they had noticed long ago.

Dingchangsheng put up his cell phone, and he continued to put his own conversation with Wu Yuchen. Gradually, Liang Keyi turned his head to Wu Yuchen and asked, "what he said is true?"

Suddenly, Liang Keyi stood up and sat on the side of dingchangsheng. They looked at Wu Yuchen, who was stunned by the conversation in the recording.

"These are all his clips, not what I said, but he forced me to be true.". Now it is changed into Wu Yuchen, who tries to explain.

At this time, dingchangsheng saw another person coming in in the restaurant, which was a white person. But his skin color was very deep. His eyes were always staring at dingchangsheng. The waiter asked him what he wanted. He just put his hand. Dingchangsheng looked back at Wu Yuchen, and found that Wu Yuchen's eyes were also looking at that side, and his eyes were full of joy.

"That's zero, right?" Asked Ding.

So dingchangsheng didn't move, just made a call, and didn't see that guy again. He just kept arguing with Wu Yuchen. Liang Keyi didn't notice these, and tried to persuade them to persuade them hard. At first, none of them listened to the advice.

Fifteen minutes later, dozens of people came out, seven of whom entered the restaurant together, and the rest were waiting outside.

"You go back first. I have something to deal with. When I finish, I will go to you and let them send you back.". Ding Changsheng refers to the person outside the door, and says to Liang Keyi.

"Are you sure it's ok?" Liang Keyi asked, she knew dingchangsheng's skill and knew that she was only a burden. So she simply stood up and didn't see Wu Yuchen, and went straight to the door. The people outside looked at dingchangsheng's gesture, and then surrounded Liang Keyi to get on the car, so she left. At this time, Wu Yuchen also stood up and walked outward, but was pulled by dingchangsheng.

"You can't go. We haven't finished.". Ding said.

But Wu Yuchen was not a good bully. She also played dingchangsheng in the same time. So, when dingchangsheng just slapped her, she waited for this moment. She threw dingchangsheng's hand on her shoulder and kicked it to dingchangsheng's face. After so many years of absence, her leg can still be kicked so high, which makes dingchangsheng have more interest in her Maybe she can unlock more poses. Isn't she very fond of xujiansheng?

He decided that one day, sooner or later, xujiansheng and she were locked together, and she was hard to do the work in front of xujiansheng. Then he let her know who is her king.

Dingchangsheng is crooked and dodged. Dingchangsheng doesn't force her to leave again, but he looks at the foreigner in a moment. However, the man actually ran back to the kitchen in this moment. No one is a fool. Dingchangsheng has called so many people for such a while. The most important thing is that there is no guy in his hand. It is not foreign or Middle East. He can take the guy to the kitchen Run here, don't say to take a guy. In the subway, he saw a person with his own eyes because the scissors with a nail clipper were confiscated. Now he has caught up with the meeting. The security inspection in various places is even more severe.

Double boxing is hard to fight four hands. His weapons can't be brought in. No one can provide those things here. So it's hard to say what it will be like. It's better to slip away. When dingchangsheng comes to the chef, this guy has disappeared.

Fortunately, the person in front stopped Wu Yuchen, and she couldn't walk away.

Dingchangsheng also did not squeak, and put his arm on Wu Yuchen's shoulder and said, "be honest, I don't do it, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite.".

Wu Yuchen is certainly not the kind of character to walk with you honestly. Dingchangsheng is impatient to fight her abdomen. Wu Yuchen is immediately beaten to his waist. It is dingchangsheng who is driving her business car to the roadside, throwing it on the seat, saying to drive loudly, and the car starts immediately. It is just a very insignificant conflict. No one is willing to do more things and lasts for a long time It was short, so it didn't cause much commotion. When the police came, they had already dispersed.

"Without you, the zero is a blind man in Beijing. I also remember what that guy looks like. You can be assured that if he doesn't leave Beijing now, I will bake him into a pig. If I see the roasted pig on the street, I will cut the first one for you to eat.". Ding Changsheng said coldly.With that, Ding Changsheng took out his mobile phone and called Wu Mingan.

"Secretary Wu, I have found Wu Yuchen. She is here with me now. The killer came with her. The man ran away. What should I do? Should I send the person back to you or do you come to pick her up?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Wu Yuchen stares, his eyes become more and more red, which shows how much he hates Ding Changsheng. But Ding Changsheng doesn't care. The so-called zero is not as powerful as Andy said. Therefore, Ding Changsheng is not afraid of him at all.

Thank you. I'll send someone to pick her up. Keep an eye on her. Don't let her go out again. Wu Mingan's reply was very sharp. She also wanted to say a few words, but she was pressed and hung up.

"Your father has always had high hopes for you, but I didn't expect you to be reduced to this level. I really look up to you. Let's go and go to a place. Before your father sends someone to pick you up, we'll finish what we haven't done in the resort. Then you'll know how much I love you.". Ding Changsheng said.

Then he called Chen Liu and asked him to get everything ready and send it to the designated place.

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