From the rearview mirror, Ding Changsheng sees Lin Tao coming with a small bag on his arm. He opens the door and drops the glass. Lin Tao bends down to see that it is Ding Changsheng. He opens the door and sits in.

"Director Ding, how can you have time today..." Lin Tao is a little nervous, especially there are some shady secrets between them, which only the three of them know, and the other is of course Lang Junzhi.

"It's OK. I just went to the provincial government. Seeing that you haven't finished work, I have something to talk to you about. Let's go. I'll treat you to supper.". Ding Changsheng said.

Ding Changsheng is not familiar with the provincial capital, so Lin Tao points out the way. Ding Changsheng drives. The two stop at a night stand and ask for some food. They sit in the innermost position.

"When I was in college, I used to come over for supper at night. The snacks here are very delicious.". Lin Tao said.

"Well, indeed, has Lang Junzhi gone to Beijing with Qi Zhenqiang Ding Changsheng asked.

"It may be that I left for two days and didn't say when I would come back. I called him and asked him not to ask more. It seems that I was going to do it. After chejiahe was arrested, many people in Beiyuan city were living and thinking about what they could get. Qi Zhenqiang has been mayor for many years, and of course he wants to go further.". Lin Tao said.

"Well, what about you, do you want to go further?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Me? What I can do is just a small civil servant. I have no advantages and no background, so I'll mix slowly. ". Lin Tao said.

"How old are you to start to mix up? I just went to the provincial government, and governor Lin said that the office recommended you to be her secretary and asked me how you are. Of course, I would like to praise you, but in the end, it depends on what you mean. If you agree, I'll talk to her again. If you don't agree, you can go back to her directly, and she will find someone else. ". Ding Changsheng said.

"Secretary to governor Lin?" Lin Tao was a little confused. He didn't expect that governor Lin would take a fancy to her.

"Yes, you are a woman, and she is also a woman. You get along well. You can't have a male secretary for her. Of course, I also told her about your situation, your background and family situation, especially your husband is Qi Zhenqiang's secretary. There are many things involved in it. At least you have to figure out how to live with the secret. Lang Junzhi will certainly ask you some of governor Lin's In particular, if governor Lin is promoted in the future, you should keep the bottom line. Otherwise, it is better for governor Lin not to use you now. ". Ding Changsheng said.

"I know that, I have professional ethics, I will not tell anyone about the work unit, this is the bottom line of my life.". Lin Tao said.

"So you agreed to be her secretary?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I have no problem.".

"Don't you need to discuss it with your husband?"

No, I can do it.

"You are going to get married soon. If you get married, you have to have children. There will be a lot of things to do later..."

"Let's talk about it in a few years, but I don't have this plan now.". It can be seen that Lin Tao hopes to be the Secretary of Lin Chunxiao, because she is not stupid. Lin Chunxiao is a supporter of Zhonghua. Zhonghua will definitely rise in the future, but he will have to wait for a moment. His position will be improved again in the future. If he leaves Lin Chunxiao in the future, he will arrange a good position for himself. In a word, it depends on how much he climbs High, Lin Chunxiao climbed high, he also climbed high.

"So you've decided?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, you can tell governor Lin, I'd like to be her secretary, but I promise that work is work and life is life. I will never confuse them, and I won't tell anything about her, including private and public affairs.". Lin Tao said.

"It's good that you know it yourself. It's useless for you to say these things to me now. You're not going to be a Secretary for me. In the future, it's still up to you to see how you get along with her and the relationship with the leadership office. It's like falling in love. At the beginning, it's strange, but gradually you get familiar with it. But after you get familiar with it, you should keep a distance from the leader, and you and I can't be separated from you and me In that case, the leader will be annoyed. No matter how you say it, the leader is the leader. The position he gives you in his heart is the Secretary, not any other relationship. If you are very familiar with the relationship with the leader, you begin to pay no attention to your own propriety. Then, the leader will soon hate you. Therefore, you should control this degree by yourself. ". Ding Changsheng said.

"Thank you for your instruction. Do I have to keep a distance with you?" Lin Tao looked at Ding Changsheng and asked.

"You and I don't pay so much attention. This is another problem. If you are my secretary now, you should keep a distance, but you are not my secretary now. On the contrary, this distance can be deepened. How to say, when you are a secretary to a leader, you should look like a secretary, but if you have a good relationship with the leadership office, it is not appropriate Secretary, you should be like a family member in the leadership office. I didn't say that to others. I mean, you should be like a family member. Don't let the old leader forget you. If there is any good thing to think of you, give full play to the surplus value of the old leader. Of course, you should grasp and understand these things yourself. ". Ding Changsheng said.Lin Tao thought Ding Changsheng was joking, but he didn't expect him to tell himself such a lot of truth. However, if she realized these principles, she would not know how long it would be. So she would like to thank Ding Changsheng from the bottom of her heart.

After eating and drinking, Lin Tao settled the bill, and Ding Changsheng sent her back to the downstairs of her house. Instead of getting off the bus immediately, Lin Tao said, "it's still early. Go up and sit down?"

When she said this, her face turned red. It was the first time that a man was invited to his home in the evening. Ding Changsheng should know what he meant, but he did not mean anything else. He just wanted him to come and play in the house because he was not at home.

"Yes, is it convenient?" Ding Changsheng hesitated to ask.

"Well, it's convenient. Let's go. It's not good to sit in the car when I'm here.". So they got out of the car and walked into the corridor one after the other.

"Is this going to be a wedding room?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Yes, the wedding room, decoration is OK, this is his family bought the house, my parents pay for the decoration, is afraid that I will be wronged, so my parents have to pay to install this house.". Lin Tao said.

It's not bad. It's very tasteful. Ding Changsheng smiles and then visits their room under her guidance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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