"Who paid for the two million? In town or in the city? " Liang Keyi is still arguing with he Shanglong.

"Mayor Liang, this matter has come to an end. The state leaders who come to inspect are on their way. If they come and see this scene, what should we do? Do you think there is light on either of us? This matter should be settled first, and then we can wait until the state leaders have left?" He Shanglong said angrily.

Liang Keyi was stunned and asked, "secretary he, what you just said doesn't count? If you don't give them money at that time, who is it? Besides, it's reasonable for them to fight each other. Why should the government lose money? I want to make it clear that there is no budget for the municipal finance.

Qi Shan was surprised to see Liang Keyi quarrel with he Shanglong. In his eyes, no one dared to talk to he Shanglong. Looking at his boss's irresistible face, Qishan knew that his boss had really met his opponent.

Because he had to deal with Ding Changsheng's business, Liang Keyi immediately left longan town by virtue of this spirit, and drove directly to Anhe City, the provincial capital, after passing through Mangshan city without stopping.

Ding Changsheng stayed in Mangshan city and didn't go with him because he received a message from ye Yijun. She rented a house and began to entrust the landlord to clean it up. Let Ding Changsheng go and have a look. The picture on the mobile phone looks good.

After Ding Changsheng and Liang Keyi left, he Shanglong did not leave here. He contacted the state leaders and could not get to the downtown of Mangshan until the afternoon.

Secretary, have dinner here at noon. I'm ready. I'm in the restaurant on the street. He Shanglong said.

Standing by the window and looking at the man cleaning at the gate outside, he Shanglong asked endlessly, "Qishan, how many years have you worked here?"

"Five years as mayor, five years as secretary, nearly ten years.".

"How is your old man?"

"It's OK. It can move, but the output is not as good as before. He is teaching his apprentice how to do it.". When Qishan heard about his father's health, he knew that he was not kind enough to ask about his father's health, but about donkey whip wine.

"A lot of people have asked me for wine these days, and they all say that the effect is good, but the output is too small to keep up with the supply. It seems that I am very stingy. In this way, a lot of people are offended. Your father is not in good health. How old are you? If your father passes by one day, will you be good at this craft? You won't, teach others, do you expect others? " He Shanglong asked.

Qi Shan was stunned and tried to say: "the apprentice I taught is not other people. It's my wife. She has been learning at home all the time. This is an ancestral thing. How can it be taught to others?"

"Yes, how are your brothers and sisters?" He Shanglong asked with a smile.

Seeing his smile, Qi Shan said, "fortunately, my father instructed her to do this several times. By the way, I used to make donkey whip wine, but now I also make other products of donkey whip. My wife wants to expand her business with vacuum packaging machine at home Would you like to bring some to you? "

He Shanglong looked at his watch and said, "now the leaders of the state still have to wait for some time. Let's go and have a look at your home.".

"To my house? There's no dinner arranged at home. It's all arranged here. ". Qi Shan said.

"It's OK. Go to see the old people and have something to eat.".

Qishan had no choice but to do what the leader said. So Qishan drove he Shanglong to the village where he lived.

"Qishan, you have to take some responsibility for this. Besides, you have been working in the town for a long time, and it's time to move your position. But after you left, I worried about the problem of wine. If you can't supply it, the leaders will not be happy. Although you take some responsibility, you can rest assured that I won't treat you unfairly. I will let you go to any department in the city People make room for you. He Shanglong said.

"Really? Thank you for your leadership. You can rest assured that the wine business is not a problem, it will be available. ". Qishan once again promised.

"That's good. You want to think about which Bureau you want to go to. Tell me later, I will arrange your position.". He Shanglong said.

Qishan's home is not far away from the town government. Otherwise, he Shanglong would not always run to his home. He felt that the wine was a good thing to drink. At that time, he drank it himself. Later, it became bigger, but not a drop of wine was sold, which paved the way for Qishan's official career.

"Who is the leader of the two families fighting?" He Shanglong asked.

"Leader, it's up to me. As long as the money is in place, I promise that they won't make trouble again. If they make trouble again, I will let them know that the government is so powerful that they have been spoiled over the years.". Qi Shan said.

"Don't talk about these bullshit. You should learn about the national policy and don't cause any big trouble. I can't protect you then.". He Shanglong said.

Soon, Qishan's car drove to the door of his home. After he Shanglong got off the car, he was invited to his home by Qishan.

"Dad, secretary he sees you here.". After entering the door, an old man was picking up herbs in the yard, which is an essential material for processing donkey whip wine.On the long rope pulled in the yard, there are donkey whips of different lengths, but they are dark and shiny. This is in the air. When it is dry, the effect of brewing wine is better.

"Secretary he, I'm old. I can't stand on my legs anymore.". Qishan's father couldn't stand up. He was still struggling to shake hands with he Shanglong. Seeing this, he Shanglong had some vague worries in his heart. If the old man was finished, could the product quality be guaranteed?

Li Xiang, Qi Shan's wife, heard someone talking in the yard and rushed out. Seeing that Qishan had come back with her leader, she immediately welcomed her with a smile.

"Secretary he, but you haven't come for a day?" Li Xiang's eyes seemed to be able to speak, which made him itch. Of course, now that he Shanglong is in such a dazzle, he can't do anything. The past has passed, and now it can only be a good memory.

"Busy work, brother-in-law and sister-in-law are hard, the old man is like this, the family affairs all fall on you.". He Shanglong said some sensational.

"Hard what, sit in the room.". Having said that, regardless of Qishan, he Shanglong was let into the house. When Qishan saw the situation, he didn't dare to follow him in. Instead, he sat down in the courtyard and discussed with his father the methods of health preservation and donkey whip wine processing.

"When will the wine in this room be available?" Seeing that all the wine jars in the room were made, he Shanglong asked in a calm way.

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