"You fart, I don't believe there's nothing else to do but do it?" Ding Changsheng murmured.

Of course, the red tortoise did not dare to confront Ding Changsheng, but was only submissive. At this time, the red tortoise's wife came out with her clothes on, and then walked to Ding Changsheng's side, with one hand around his neck. Ding Changsheng hid, she actually sat on his thigh and put her arms around his neck.

Ding Chang frowned and pushed her away. She almost fell to the ground. The scene was once very embarrassing.

"The little brother is still very shy. You and my man are friends. Of course, I have to take care of it. Don't be so excited.". Said, this woman pasted up again, however, this time is not so hot, just sat beside Ding Changsheng.

"How much do you make a month?" Ding Changsheng turned his head and asked the red turtle's wife.

"Can't make much money, thousands of yuan, make do enough to spend.".

"Well, I'll give you 20000 yuan a month. Move out of here, find a high-end community, rent a house, and wait for my news. Every time you make a single business, the monthly money will double. This is OK. It's much better than the one you're working so hard here. By the way, the one named" black brother "lives here, give me the address.". Ding Changsheng said to the red turtle.

"Well, what you just said is serious?" Asked the red tortoise.

"Of course, you can rent a house tomorrow. It's better to rent it near the municipal Party committee and municipal government. Don't be too far away. It's inconvenient. What should I do then? I'll tell you again. First of all, you'll find the house and move away from here. Besides, don't do business any more. Go to the hospital to check and see if you have any disease.". Ding Changsheng stood up and went out. As he walked to the door, he took out ten thousand yuan from his bag and threw it at the red tortoise.

"You'd better do as I say, otherwise, I'll look for you again. At that time, I won't be so polite. I like to be obedient, and I don't need to be disobedient.". Ding Changsheng said.

Take a look at the address written by red tortoise. This black brother is a small leader in Mangshan city. He has a bigger underworld and monopolizes many industries. However, the city bureau is very weak. It is not weak. Instead, he was bribed by the boss of the black brother. To say that the official is also very stupid. Every year, because of the softness of their subordinates, the state loses a lot of taxes and causes other problems How many losses, but these losses are the state, they can get the bribe of the black boss, in this case, fall into their own pocket is the most affordable.

He Shanglong went back to the municipal Party committee. He looked at the list on the table and drew with his pen. However, he thought for a long time, but he did not think of anyone to go to longan town to replace Qishan as the party secretary. The mayor had asked for leave for half a year. Her daughter had leukemia and had been treated in the provincial capital. If Qishan had gone, longan town would have no leader, and none of them could raise the beam Yes.

While thinking, the phone on the desk rang. As soon as I looked at the phone number, I answered immediately.

"Secretary Ba, what can I do for you?"

"Shanglong, have you dealt with all the affairs in longan town?" The rich voice of Ba Jijun, Secretary of the Party committee of Lichuan Autonomous Prefecture, came from the phone.

"Yes, yes, it has been dealt with for a long time. There is no sequelae. I will handle the matter. Secretary Ba can rest assured.". He Shanglong said.

"I don't worry? I can rest assured. When do you let me worry when something so big happens? By the way, the relevant leaders of Long'an town must be responsible for this matter. The Discipline Inspection Commission will intervene in the investigation and report the results to me. First of all, I will be relieved of the Secretary of the party Committee. What can you do if you can't do this well? " Ba Jijun said angrily.

He Shanglong was scolded by him. When the state leaders came, they received them well. The food, drink and play were all one-stop service. They didn't treat them badly. Didn't the leader say something nice to him when he went back?

"Yes, yes, I have been removed from office..."

"Well, it's good to be removed from office. The leaders below should be clear about one thing. Whoever makes a mistake there will be responsible. Otherwise, it will be over with a ha ha."

Yes, yes, I was thinking about how to deal with it seriously. He Shanglong followed the leader's words.

"Since you have removed all the people who should be removed from office, I will send you a person here to be the Secretary of the Party committee of Long'an town. You must arrange it for me. There is no discount on this matter. After everything is arranged, you can call me to report.". Ba Jijun said.

"Secretary Ba, I will do it according to your instructions, but where is this man from? Long'an town is not a joke. It's a wine production base. If a novice is sent there, I'm afraid the wine will be affected.". He Shanglong also wants to talk about the conditions.

"Well, I don't know about this. I haven't met this person, but the director of the organization of the provincial Party committee called in person to arrange the arrangement. You just have to carry it out to the letter. Don't try to negotiate terms. Since people like Long'an Town, they have their own reasons. Don't say anything else.". Ba Jijun said unhappily.

"But the wine..."

"You can do it yourself, but it has to be carried out to the letter.". Ba Jijun finished and hung up the phone.

"Fuck, who is this man? He can even stab him into the province. Then he thinks that his secretary just said Liang Keyi went to the province. It's not related to this matter?" Ba Jijun said to himself.But obviously, Long'an town can't be controlled by itself.

Liang Keyi received a phone call from the organization director of the provincial Party committee and said happily, "thank you, uncle Xing. Next time I go back, I will steal some bottles of good wine from my father to bring you.".

"I'll forget the wine, but this Ding Changsheng, your father called me personally. He's a character. You should communicate well with him. Don't cause unnecessary trouble. Now he's still in the limelight, and I don't know who's hyping it. Keep a low profile. Otherwise, he'll be famous here soon. It's really hard to do at that time.". Xing Honggang said.

"I know that he is very low-key now, and no one knows what he is doing here. What I see is that he has a lot of resources and can make some contribution to the development of Mangshan city. In fact, I want him to take a post in the city, but he has to regard himself as a poverty alleviation cadre and go to the most difficult place. It's good to give full play to his specialty. Long'an town is very poor, If it can be developed in his hands, perhaps Mangshan city can take off the hat of a national poverty-stricken county. ". Liang Keyi is a compliment to Ding Changsheng.

"That's OK, you know it in mind. The organizational relationship has gone down, and I will be in your city soon. In addition, I have also said hello to Lichuan. If there is any problem, just call me directly.".

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