Ding Changsheng returned to the upstairs and called Yuan Kanghu to his office. At this time, yuan Kanghu was no longer arrogant. Some people were not clean up like this. Maybe there was no official fight in longan town. This is the first time for Ding Changsheng.

Secretary Ding, what can I do for you Yuan Kanghu asked in a very low-key way.

"I'll call Qishan later and tell him all the things here, including that the town will take a taxi to find him in the city tomorrow, and tell him in advance, so as not to make it look bad when he gets there.". Ding Changsheng said.

"But I told him that these people couldn't find him in the city. He was transferred from here, and he would certainly not care about the business here.". Yuan Kanghu said.

"No matter what, take these people to his home. These promises are given by him to the common people. We can't just ignore them. The town has no money and can't afford to pay.". Ding Changsheng said.

Yuan Kanghu still wants to persuade Ding Changsheng again, but Ding Changsheng stares at him, nods and says, "I'm going to call now.".

Ding Changsheng doesn't want to carry this black pot. The main reason is that since he came here, he won't be able to work for three days and then there will be a long time to go. However, if there is still fighting and fighting in two or three days as before, let alone developing the economy, no one dares to come even if people from outside want to invest.

Therefore, if we want to turn this situation around, we must be tough now, and we can get away with killing people. Now Qishan is not the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau. Well, the matter of arresting people and solving cases will be kicked to the Municipal Bureau. In short, we should kick the ball out.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Qishan's phone call came in.

"Brother Ding, why is this necessary? I don't blame you for coming here just now. You don't understand the rules, but you should listen to the advice. Secretary he made this decision..."

"What you mean is that secretary he's decision has nothing to do with the town, right? I came here with such a big black pot on my back. To put it bluntly, if the town doesn't have the money, it's impossible for the government to take out the money to do illegal things. If someone is killed without solving a case and arresting a person, the government has to pay for it. This man was killed by the government?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Brother Ding, it's no good to make trouble. These people can make trouble. If you don't satisfy them, they will make trouble.". Qi Shan said.

"If you make trouble, you will be arrested. Secretary Qi is now director Qi. By the way, there is one thing I want to tell you. If you kill people, you can't just let it go. The Municipal Bureau should file a case to solve a case and arrest people. If you don't give them a lesson, they won't be honest. Next time they will surely kill people. What's the matter?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"How can I make no sense to you? What happened in the past was done like this. How could it change when I came to you?" Qi Shan said impatiently.

"Director Qi, I know that you have worked here for ten years, five years as mayor and five years as secretary. Do you mean that every year you have paid out 2 million yuan, which is 20 million yuan in these ten years. What is the income of Long'an town in these years? Is that how you maintain stability here? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"Don't talk about it to me..."

He also wanted to say a few harsh words with Ding Changsheng, but found that Ding Changsheng hung up his phone first. He was so angry that he patted his mobile phone on the table. After thinking about it, he immediately called he Shanglong, but he Shanglong's line was always busy.

After hanging up the phone, Ding Changsheng looked at the map on the wall and called Yuan Kanghu.

"Where was the man who had the fight?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Yuan Kanghu went to the map, looked at the map on the wall, pointed to the location, and said: "here is Shangma village, here is Xiama village. There is a river. There is water in summer, and it dries up in winter. Since a reservoir has been built, water can be released slowly all year round. However, when it comes to watering, Shangma village will use its own gate to block the water and put his field first When the land is irrigated, the water will be released to Xiama village. Every year, there are fights and fights over this matter. In the past, it was young people. In recent years, even women have gone to work, because many young people have gone out to work, but the fields at home still need to be planted, so... "

Ding Changsheng looked outside and said, "it's still early. Call a taxi. You and I will go to the horse village and have a look.".

"At this time? It's a long way from here. I can't come back at night.

"What's wrong with your family?" Ding Changsheng asked with a frown.

"I need to pick up the children, my wife has gone to work in the city, and there are old people in my family who also need me to cook.". Yuan Kanghu said.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself.". Ding Changsheng said.

Just after getting off the building, the driver also drove the car out. Ding Changsheng decided to go to Mazhai to have a look without the driver. Unexpectedly, he saw a car stop at the door before going out, and there was a person on the car. Ding Changsheng was a little surprised.

"It's very fast. I didn't give you all the medicine.".

Yes, it's Andy. He just told her where he is now, but he gave her all the medicine before he left. It's enough for her to eat for half a year. How can he find here again?

"I stayed in Beiyuan for a few days. I was going to go back to Beijing. But Wu Yuchen found me again and wanted me to go back. I thought it would be a bad end to go back. I promised her that she would disappear in the middle of the night. If she could find me, number zero would also find me. I would like to think about it, but I would be safer here. If they let me go, I would not come to you I always feel like they're going to get rid of me. Said Andy."You come to me, and they don't want to get rid of you?" Ding Changsheng drives out, and Andy sits on the copilot.

Andy turned to look at him and said, "I believe you are safer here than I am. By the way, I went to Jiangdu. Your wife and children live very well. No one bothers them for the moment.".

Hearing this, Ding Changsheng looked at her and asked, "what do you mean? Who asked you to go to them? Threatening me? "

"No, don't get me wrong. I just want to get to know you for a while. So, I found them by looking for online information. Because of your demotion, they were also posted online. Don't you know? All your details have been picked up, and I can't find them? " Said Andy.

When she said this, Ding Changsheng was in a rage. He knew that although Li Tiegang beat him to the bottom and sent him to this place far away from the emperor, those people still kept on pushing Ding Changsheng's hand. In this way, they would look for opportunities in Ding Changsheng's anger.

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