After thinking for a long time, Mr. Zu said, "I think you'd better slow down what you've done. It can't be urgent. Moreover, I've told him that all the fighting over the past few years has been acting with the government. It's just to cheat the money from the government, but it won't work this time. Secretary Ding won't give a cent and arrest people. I'll ask you, who is willing to leave the village Will you go to jail

The young man stopped talking, and his conversation with the old man broke up in a bad mood, but when the guy got back to his home, he immediately started calling.

At that time, Qishan was inspecting a bathing center in Mangshan city. He was sitting on the sofa with a dozen girls standing in front of him. All of them were in three-point style and covered with a layer of gauze. The owner of the bath center was very pleased to serve him.

"Director Qi, these are new comers and have not worked yet. I'm waiting for director Qi to cut the ribbon for them..." The boss did not finish his words, in front of the tea table on Qishan's mobile phone rang, the boss immediately picked up the mobile phone, hands handed to Qishan.

Qi Shan saw that it was a strange number. After connecting, he waved his hand to signal the people in the room to go out. All of a sudden, the room was clean, and they were waiting outside the door.

"Is that true?" Qi Shan asked with a frown.

"It's true that the elder clan is no longer reliable. I don't know what else he said to Secretary Ding. But one thing is very certain. The elder clan has told Secretary Ding about the fraud. What should we do next?"

"What do you think? All our previous affairs were related to the clan elder, and you are also one of the contacts. Now the clan elder has picked out the matter. What do you think we should do? If we want this to go on, we can't talk any more. If we testify about what we did, we'll all go to jail. Qi Shan threatened.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is not obvious enough. If you testify, I'll go to jail. If you don't testify, then we can go on. I'll help you with the compensation this time.". Qi Shan said.

It's really cold in the mountains, so Ding Changsheng can't sit still in the car. After thinking about it, all the people in the stockade should be sleeping now, but the lamp of his family's hometown is still on, and he hasn't slept at this time. He should give this face to go to his house to warm himself up.

There is no one to guard the stockade at night. There are a few barking dogs occasionally, but it will soon be quiet.

Ding Changsheng gradually approached his hometown, but before entering, he heard someone talking inside.

"Yang Wenquan, I will not take back what I said. You should remember why we were driven to this mountain. Our ancestors did not fight against the government and were killed by others. Now Qishan is not in Long'an town. We don't have to be afraid of him any more. I think that this young man named Ding is reasonable. Even if he deceives me once a year, I will How much can we get? It's not that they take away the big head, but how much we can get. I think, from now on, we should not have any contact with Qishan. ". The clan always said that they were determined.

"Clan elder, that is to say, there is no room for relaxation?"

Wen Quan, it's no good to fight against the government. Listen to me. We'll stop cooperating with Qishan to do bad things. Said the patriarch.

Ding Changsheng gradually came to the door. Although the door was closed, the door was leaking seven times and eight times. From the door, you can see the movement inside.

Just after the old man had said this, he got up to add some bamboo roots to the fire pool. When he saw this scene, Ding Changsheng wanted to push the door in, but he thought that even if he was going in, he would not believe what he said, so he would watch the change.

Finally, a short rope appeared in Yang Wenquan's hand. Just as the old man bowed his head, the rope sheath in Yang Wenquan's hand was put around the old man's neck. He didn't know whether he was afraid or to strangle the old man to death as much as possible. After he determined that the rope was on the neck of the old man, he turned his back to the old man and began to exert himself. The old man had no time to do anything The only reaction was that I kicked my foot on the shelf of the fire pool and poured a pot of water into the fire pool.

"What are you doing?" Ding Changsheng kicked the door open, and Yang Wenquan was startled. He didn't know where Ding Changsheng came from. He also wanted to strangle the clan elder here tonight, and then put the blame on Ding Changsheng after daybreak. At that time, the people in the stockade would join forces to attack with their own encouragement. No one could do anything about it. Qishan would not stand idly by at that time, so everything was well planned Unfortunately, the old clan has not been eliminated, and this guy comes again.

The sudden arrival of Ding Changsheng made Yang Wenquan quickly loosen the short rope in his hand, but he picked up a Miao Dao beside him. This kind of Miao Dao is a necessary tool for Miao family to go out to the mountain. On the one hand, it can defend oneself, and on the other hand, it can cut things to open the way.

Now the clan has not killed him. If he goes out now, he will not be able to stay in the stronghold. If the official is alive, he will be wanted even if he leaves the stockade. He can't stay anywhere. He can only go into the mountain and become a wild man.

Therefore, Yang Wenquan is now killing his red eyes, thinking that Ding Changsheng can do it all in one pot, and then he will clean up the clan old man who coughs violently on the ground."Now you put things down, I can see that you are young and unreasonable for the sake of sparing you. If you continue to be so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude.". Ding Changsheng pointed to him and said.

"You are not a good official, but you come here to do a lot of things. I think you are unnecessary to live..." Without saying that, Miao Dao has already been cut to Ding Changsheng's shoulder. Ding Changsheng dodges the knife, and Yang Wenquan cuts it again. Ding Changsheng is very angry. At the moment of escaping, he runs to the corner of the room and picks up a bamboo pole. Yang Wenquan has no advantage. After being hit by Ding Changsheng's bamboo pole, he can see that Ding Changsheng is here, I couldn't do it tonight, so I took the Miao Dao and went away.

Ding Changsheng went to the old man, squatted on the ground and asked, "how do you feel now? Do you want to go to the hospital? I'll take you to the hospital. The car is down there.

The old man shook his head and pointed to his mouth. Ding Changsheng helped him up and sat down. After a long time, he finally recovered.

"Thank you, this beast. Thanks to my kindness to him for so many years, I always wanted to pass on the patriarch to him. Now, it almost killed me.". The old man gasped.

"If I didn't feel too cold in the car below, you would have reported to the West tonight. This bastard is really able to handle it. This can't be done like this.". Ding Changsheng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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