"The situation in the town is very complicated, and it has something to do with some people in the city. Therefore, if you want to find out this matter, it's not easy for you to find out. Moreover, foreign investment has to go through the city. It's very difficult not to be divided up. This is the reality. Who have you consulted about this matter?" Wei Heshan asked.

"I asked yuan Kanghu.". Ding Changsheng said.

"What did he say?"

"This guy said he didn't know. I know that this boy is a small follower of secretary Qishan. The poverty relief fund is closely related to Secretary Qishan, right?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Wei Heshan chuckled and said, "this matter is not only closely related to Qishan. None of the main leading cadres in the town can run away. Mayor Wu also knows about it, but also should be involved in the case. She is busy with her daughter's medical treatment. When she comes back, you can ask her about it. Her daughter has not spent less money on medical treatment these years. Where does the money come from? It's self-evident.".

Wei Heshan's words made Ding Changsheng very suffocating. He thought Wu Lanqi had been out to see a doctor for his children and would not be involved in the embezzlement and corruption of the poverty alleviation fund. However, Wu Lanqi was one of them. He asked Ye Yijun to send her money for the operation. He knew this was the case. He would not help him because it was rotten That's right. But now that we're at this point, how can I get back?

"And that?" Hearing this, Ding Changsheng leaned back on the back of his chair, took a cigarette box, handed a cigarette to weiheshan, and lit it for him.

"How about Wu Lanqi? I mean work ability.". Ding Changsheng asked.

"The ability to work is no problem, but there are too many things at home. Her husband is a soldier and died in southern Tibet. Now she lives alone. It's not easy to take her children with her. By the way, she and Yuan Kanghu are cousins. You don't know that.". Wei Heshan asked.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "I don't know. No one told me about it.".

After a while, Ding Changsheng said, "I come here to do something to make the people's life easier. This is my sincere words. I never thought about anyone to be punished. But if the poverty alleviation fund continues to be deducted in this way, I'm afraid that I can't achieve my goal no matter how hard I try.".

Wei Heshan looked at Ding Changsheng and said, "it's no use. Even if we don't deduct it in our town, the city will do it. Then there will be no living money in the town. We can't do anything because this place is too poor. We can't pay our wages if we pay all the money.".

Ding Changsheng knows what Wei Heshan said is true, but it involves legal issues, and the deduction is common throughout the country. Therefore, it is not easy to let the common people really get the money. Besides, don't the above know about this kind of deduction?

Yes, but what can we do? We have to turn a blind eye. Otherwise, the local government can't make a fuss sometimes, because now everyone knows how high the debt of the local government is, and many places just can't pay wages.

I'm going to the city. Ding Changsheng said.

"When will you be back?" Wei Heshan asked.

Soon, when I'm away, you'll have to worry about the town. Ding Changsheng said.

Wei Heshan knew what Ding Changsheng was going to do and wanted to stop him. However, seeing that Ding Changsheng seemed to have made up his mind and said nothing else was appropriate, he chose to be silent.

In Liang Keyi's office, Ding Changsheng drinks the tea she brought from Liang Wenxiang.

"How does it taste?" Liang Keyi asked.

"It's OK. Compared with the tea in longan Town, there is a kind of craftsmanship gas, and there is no tea natural in longan town.". Ding Changsheng said in a serious way.

"Well, OK, I've only been there for a few days, and I've known how to sell local products. But have you ever thought about it? It's this craftsmanship that makes this tea sell at a high price. In a word, the tea there belongs to wild tea. It's just like a village girl. No matter how beautiful it looks, it's also a village girl. If you want to sell it to more people, you have to package and hype it.". Liang Keyi said.

"I know that, but there's something you have to tell me right now, whether I should do it or not.". Ding Changsheng asked.

"What's the matter, so serious?" Liang Keyi added water to her and asked.

"Mangshan city's poverty alleviation funds are severely deducted. Do you know about this?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Liang Keyi was stunned, nodded and said, "I know this. I just misappropriate it. Otherwise, the salaries of teachers and civil servants in the city will not come out.".

"But it's against the law. If it's known from the outside, your responsibility will not be smaller than he Shanglong. You don't count it in your mind?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Don't worry, since I know this, I've been ready to deal with it. Even if something happens, it won't hurt me. What do you think about it?" Liang Keyi asked.

"I am forcing Qishan. Qishan turned out to be the Secretary of the Party committee of the town. He can't get involved in this matter, even the mayor of the town is involved in it. If I make a big fuss about this, I'm afraid the people in longan town will have to be changed.". Ding Changsheng said.

Liang Keyi nodded and said, "I mean, I don't suggest you make a big fuss about it, but don't let it go..."Ding Changsheng nodded and said, "I think so too. This account can be calculated slowly. We should make good use of it.".

"Yes, you have just arrived. You should take advantage of this matter to gain a firm foothold and make a big gesture. However, they should also be prepared to negotiate and make greater profits for themselves. In order to cover up this matter, they must promise some of your conditions and think about what you want. I'm afraid they will have to talk directly with he Shanglong at that time.". Liang Keyi said.

"I understand, so you should help me in time.". Ding Changsheng said.

Liang Keyi nodded and said, "I know. By the way, will you go back at night?"

"I don't want to go back today. Why do you want to invite me to dinner?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I've asked people to move all the furniture to your house. You can go and have a look. What else do you need to buy? Otherwise, you can buy some food from the outside and warm the pot for you?" Liang Keyi said with a smile.

"Yes, I'll go back and tidy up first. I'll buy some things. Then you can go back directly.". Ding Changsheng said.

Ding Changsheng left the municipal government. He came to the city for another purpose, that is, the logistics company called him. When his car arrived, the old cars in the town were very old, so he couldn't go to the countryside. When his own car arrived, he could roam in the mountains without fear. How can this town develop? We still have to go down and have a look. It's in the office You can't beat your head inside.

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