Ding Changsheng was taken to the manager's office. He was polite to them. The manager came soon.

"What are you doing here? I'm in charge here.". Said a young looking boy.

"Are you in charge here? Can you count if you say so? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"It depends on what it is. Ordinary things are OK. I just heard the doorman say that you are from the town. You don't come to ask for donations. We pay the money every year. This is also our social responsibility. But this year's money has just been paid less than three months.".

"Hello, I'm Ding Changsheng, the new secretary of the Party committee of Long'an town. I don't know what kind of donation you're talking about..."

"You don't know it can't be done. We've donated a crop. How can we change the official position? We'll have another crop?"

"What's your name?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Wang Zhengan, let me tell you, although we are from other places, we are not easy to bully. My boss also has some people on it. It's OK to blackmail once. Is it too much for you to blackmail?" Wang Zhengan was very angry and said that he could not hold his breath at first sight.

Ding Changsheng waited for him to get angry and asked, "I've been here for a while. Have I raised the money? Why are you so angry? "

Wang Zhengan was right to think about it, as if the other side didn't mention the money.

"What do you mean? What are you doing here? " Wang Zhengan asked in a slightly better tone.

"The mountain people below want to sow, but there is no water. Can the reservoir increase the water discharge?" Ding Changsheng asked.

On hearing this, Wang Zhengan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "it's not that we don't want to release water, but the price of international bitcoin has plummeted. We have turned off some machines and can't use so much electricity, so we can't release water.".

"Then do not generate electricity and release water. If you miss sowing now, there will be no harvest this year.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I can't do it. What if we let the water go now and there's no water when we want to generate electricity?" Wang Zhengan refused to be accommodating at all.

"Which one of you is in charge, you call me and I'll call him.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I'm sorry, my boss's phone number is not everyone can get, this matter is not negotiable, you go back.". Wang Zhengan then turned to leave.

Ding Changsheng sighed and asked, "is it really not discussed?"

"This matter is not discussed. This is the reservoir contracted by us for ten years, and it is difficult for anyone to say so.". Wang Zhengan said.

Ding Changsheng nodded, turned back to Wu Lanqi and said, "go back and gather the people from Shangma village and Xiama village. All who can climb will come and surround here. No bird can fly out, nor can anything come in from outside, which will starve them to death.".

Wu Lanqi was stunned. He just wanted to say that it was not good. But when he saw Ding Changsheng's eyes, he knew what to do. He immediately called the elders in shangmazhai and xiamazhai and brought all the people here. The town was responsible for the cost of missing work and eating and drinking.

As soon as Wang Zhengan saw that Ding Changsheng was not a reasonable master of mine, he had no choice but to make a phone call. However, the result of the phone call was that he was scolded. The boss didn't even look at the parents of Mangshan city. A small town mayor wanted to fight with himself?

"I think this matter is in suspense. This is a project that he Shanglong got. Those so-called donations are just road money. If we do this, he Shanglong will certainly intervene. What should we do then? We need to work out a plan.". Wu Lanqi said.

Ding Changsheng looked at his mobile phone and didn't think of any idea for the time being. He had to fight with the hydropower station.

"Otherwise, we'd better find the media to expose it. This is a matter of people's livelihood, which should be concerned by some people.". Wu Lanqi said.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "the media in the province can't be relied on. If you want to find media outside the province, it's too late.".

"Since it is so difficult to find the media, we should make our own media.". Wu Lanqi said.

"We Media?"

"Yes, there are a lot of live broadcasting software on mobile phones now. Let's make this live broadcast and broadcast it to the people all over the country." Wu Lanqi said.

In this way, we have no way back. Ding Changsheng said.

"I know, so, I'm ready. I'll do it live. I won't involve you. I'll take all the responsibilities. Even if I thank you, besides, I'm a cadre of ethnic minorities, and I'll think about it many times.". Wu Lanqi said.

Seeing Wu Lanqi's resolute appearance, Ding Changsheng can only think about it. Moreover, Wu Lanqi is willing to be cannon fodder, which is not forced by her. If you have this awareness, I am not helping you in vain.

As a result, Wu Lanqi downloaded a live broadcast software on his mobile phone and started the live broadcast. He broadcast all the events here, and the villagers who came here in succession became the best background for Wu Lanqi, and Ding Changsheng was always out of the camera. This is because Wu Lanqi did not involve Ding Changsheng.

Wu Lanqi is the first person to broadcast the scene of conflicts among cadres nationwide. It is very common in foreign countries that local governors often stand with their own voters. However, Chinese officials are not elected by voters, but appointed by their superiors. Therefore, Wu Lanqi's behavior is undoubtedly suicide. She is ready to be removed from office or even be held accountable It's also the best opportunity to show his attitude to Ding Changsheng. I can do everything, so that I can finally interpret my sincerity.That night, Ding Changsheng and Yuan Kanghu of Wulan banner didn't go back to the town. Now spring sowing is around the corner. If there is no water all the time, the people's crops will be hopeless.

"The mobile phone is out of power. Today's live broadcast can only be here.". Wu Lanqi said.

If it was in the East, it would soon be reported by the public opinion police. However, this is Mangshan City, and everything is slow. Until the next day, he Shanglong still received the call from the expensive childe in the province, and then he knew that there was another accident in longan town.

"Hello, Ding Changsheng, where are you?" He Shanglong asked.

"I'm on my way to shangmazhai. What's the matter, secretary he?" Ding Changsheng sat on the edge of the reservoir, looking at the distant fairyland, perfunctorily.

"What's the matter? Is Wu Lanqi crazy? Who does she think she is and pleads for the people? " He Shanglong roared on the phone.

"Secretary he, what you said is that officials don't ask for the people's orders, but who else?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"You don't give me this kind of thing. Call Wu Lan Qi to the city immediately. I'll wait for her in the office.". He Shanglong said.

No problem. I'll call her right away. Ding Changsheng said.

Yuan Kanghu asked the people in the town to send the power bank, and then started the live broadcast. He Shanglong realized that he had been fooled when he received the phone call again.

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