After they got down the mountain slowly, Ding Changsheng took Tian E Ru to Tianjiazhuang by bike. By this time, all the villagers had turned on the lights.

"Oh, sanni, how did you come back? The old lady has been saying you for several times. Eh, who is he?" Tian Qingru said and saw Ding Changsheng, who was following the cart behind Tian E Ru.

"Elder sister, how can I compare with you? You have a car. Can you compare with you in my car? There are so many things today. It's going to be dark after finishing. Lao Huo is worried, so he asked Xiaoding to send me here.".

"What about him? He doesn't show his face on the old lady's 60th birthday.". Tian Qingru said a little angry.

"Well, you don't know about it. His mother is more angry when he comes. It's better not to come.".

"Also, ah, Xiaoding, push the car in." Tian Qingru turns around and looks at Tian E Ru's entry, leaving Ding Changsheng to lift the car up the high steps, as well as the gift Tian E Ru bought for the old lady.

"Tell me the truth, what is this boy for, and what's the matter with you? It seems to be..." Tian Qingru smelled the different ignorant way on Tian E Ru, but she was very familiar with that smell, but before she finished, she was covered by Tian E Ru.

"Shhh, keep it down. Are you a police dog, you can smell it.". Tian E Ru white Tian Qingru.

"You and him really? And he asked him to send you? " Tian Qingru didn't believe it.

"Don't worry about the things you shouldn't care about. Where's mom? Have you finished your meal?"

"OK, I'll wait for you. You go in first. I'll see the child.".

"Which child?" Tian E Ru was stunned.

"Hee hee, that's the child you brought. Let me see how it is. I didn't see it just after dark.".

"Go, warn you, he has a bad face, don't scare people.". Tian E Ru was warm in her heart. She and the second elder sister were the most intimate. On the way to her, she was still thinking about how to tell her, so that she could help Ding Changsheng. Now, she could guess what they had just done by her dog nose. I really had this ignorant way. Tian E Ru raised her arm and smelled it. No, it didn't.

Ding Changsheng moved the car to the yard and was unloading things.

"Well, yes, it's better than horumo. Hello, young man, how old are you?" Tian Qingru joked.

"Frighten me, Hello, sister Tian. My name is Ding Changsheng. Others call me Ding Ergou. It's eighteen this year." Ding Changsheng replied honestly, and could not help looking up at the woman who was said to be the prosecutor.

At the moment, Tian Qingru, without the seriousness of the prosecutor, is quite a mature woman's ignorance. Just now I only saw Tian Qingru wearing a white lady's suit. Now I can see it more clearly.

Tian Qingru seems to belong to the dignified and elegant type. She exudes a kind of mature woman's charm all over her body. Compared with Tian E Ru, who is already like a peach, she is more feminine, enchanting and enchanting.

At this time, she turned her head to look at Ding Changsheng, such a woman is the most attractive, because only the profile can see the most perfect curve of a woman.

Ding Changsheng can imagine the long legs hidden in the two white warehouse pipes. Even if he is wearing white trousers, he can still feel the graceful and moving curve.

"Ding Er Gou, ha ha, how can you have such a name? You are the second in the family?"

"No, it's that, that, it's hard to say this. Sister Tian, please tell me about it with that sister Tian. I'm gone and I'll be relieved when I deliver it to her.".

"Oh, no, I can't. If you leave without her permission, how can I explain it, ah, ha ha.". Tian Qingru teases Ding Changsheng.

"Well, please tell her for me.".

"Really go?" Tian Qingru asked. She also considered that it was the old lady's birthday. It was not suitable to have Ding Changsheng as an outsider. Although the old lady didn't like Huo Lvmao, it was not a matter for the third to bring people to the house in a blatant way. If the old lady understood what was going on, she would be angry.

"Well, I'm leaving. Goodbye, sister Tian.".

Seeing this boy disappear in the night, Tian Qingru has a little inexplicable feeling in her heart. This feeling may come from her sister Tian E Ru, or from this man who just left. I don't know why.

"Xiaoding is gone.". Tian Qingru said, sitting beside Tian E Ru.

"Gone? Didn't you say you were going to stay for dinner Tian Qingru suspected that it was her sister who said something that made Ding Changsheng run away.

"This has nothing to do with me. He wants to go by himself. It can be seen that he is a guy with a good eye. What's his origin? Sleep with me tonight and have a good chat with me.". Tian Qingru whispered to her.

"What are you two muttering about?" Asked the old lady. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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