"Xingshan is a bad guy, but he's a good guy. If you want to come, we'll get together. Don't you want to get back the lease right of Shenxian lake? This is an opportunity. The situation will be much better after face-to-face talks. Moreover, these are all interest exchanges. It depends on how the two sides compromise. This is not better?" Liang Keyi said.

"Are you leaders so calculating? He Shanglong also said so.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I really do it for you. He Shanglong is trying to kill people with a knife. Don't you understand?" Liang Keyi asked.

"I know. All right, let's talk about it later.". Ding Changsheng said.

Wu dingqili has to call her home when she doesn't want to call her home.

"Is it not appropriate for me to go to his house?" Wu Lanqi doesn't want to go.

"Qishan is not in his hometown, but in the city. Go to his wife and ask about the wine.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Oh, I see. Secretary Ding also wants to taste the wine?" Wu Lan Qi asked jokingly.

Ding Changsheng wryly smiles and shakes his head. He thinks that this Hani sister really dares to think.

"No, as one of the few specialties in Long'an Town, I want to see if it is possible to sell it. Besides, I want to see if their wine can contribute to the secret recipe or expand reproduction. All these can be done. As long as it can bring benefits to Long'an Town, the rest is OK.". Ding Changsheng said.

"That's impossible. It's a stepping stone for Qishan's promotion. If you make contributions, you can buy them in the market. Who will sell Qishan's face?"

"It's not the face of Qishan. If Qishan was promoted by this, he would have gone to the province. Why did he still stay in Mangshan city for so many years? He Shanglong took all the benefits away. Qishan got few benefits. Moreover, if the wine could open up a market and sell money, the Qishan family would be moved. It was because there was not enough money.". Ding Changsheng said.

Wu Lanqi said: "Qi Shan is the master of their family, not his wife. Therefore, if you want to further expand this matter, you still have to deal with Qishan, but Qishan probably hates you to the bone.".

"I know. So, there is one more thing. I'll talk to the clan elders at the side of the horse village. I'll go to the dam crest tomorrow and tell the villagers that as long as they go around the company, they will have money to take, and the old Bai family name will take it easily. I'll see how much money secretary he has to give subsidies.". Ding Changsheng said Yin test.

"Well, that's a good idea. I'll arrange it now.".

"OK, I'll go first.". Ding Changsheng said.

After Ding Changsheng left, yuan Kanghu entered Wu Lanqi's office and closed the door.

Wu Lanqi looked at him and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Well, sister, Secretary Ding has gone to the city?"

"Yes, you can tell me what you want. I'm busy here.". Wu Lanqi said.

"Elder sister, I love you. Don't be fooled by Ding Changsheng. This person has too many minds. Be careful to be cheated.". Yuan Kanghu said.

Wu Lanqi stopped his work, looked at yuan Kanghu and asked, "this is it. OK, I know. You can go.".

"What, what I'm saying is true. Look at you now, do you watch the news? It's full of news about you. He has nothing to do with you now. You've been in politics for nearly ten years. You don't know the rules of this trade. Low key is king's way to work in such a system. You can almost become a star now I think many journalists are on their way to interview you. Do you think you can have it Yuan Kanghu said worried.

"I know what I'm doing. I'm not the mayor. I'll go back to accompany Wu Yun. It's OK. I'm not forced or cheated by anyone. I volunteered. I saw Ding Shuji want to do something. He can't go naked. I'll come.". Wu Lanqi sighed.

"He doesn't go up. You're stupid. If something happens to you, what will Wu Yun do?" Yuan Kanghu asked.

"What's the matter? I believe if something happens to me, Secretary Ding will not ignore Wu Yun.".

Yuan Kanghu was stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at Wu Lanqi and asked, "sister, what do you mean by this? You and him..."

As soon as Wu Lanqi saw yuan Kanghu's thinking askew, he immediately explained: "things are not what you think. I mean, since Secretary Ding lent me money to do the operation for Wu Yun, if something happened to me, Ding Shuji would not sit back and ignore it. I think so. As for what I think, it is not under my control. It's OK to be a man and do what he likes.".

"What are you talking about? Did Secretary Ding lend you the money for Wu Yun's operation? " Yuan Kanghu asked.

"Yes, I borrowed all the money that our relatives could borrow. Later, who would lend me money? I borrowed part of the money with my salary as collateral, but it was only enough for Wu Yun's daily treatment. After Ding Shu got to know my situation, he asked his friends to send the money to the hospital in the provincial capital. Otherwise, Wu Yun was still relying on drugs. I don't know when Gone. Wu Lanqi said.Yuan Kanghu's lips trembled and said, "no wonder, no wonder you are so willing to work for him. Yes, this is a life-saving grace. I think you have been chained to death by him, and now some people in the town are gossiping that you have an affair with Secretary Ding. You should pay attention to it. Although you are single, he is married Married people, don't make a mess at that time. ".

"Who said that?" Wu Lanqi frowned and asked.

"I inquired about it. It seems that Yue Weimin said it.". Yuan Kanghu said.

Hearing the speech, Wu Lan Qi laughed and said, "Kanghu, you and Lao Yue have a conflict. I know, is it interesting for you to fight like this? I tell you, in the past, Qishan was picking you up. Now Ding Shuji came here to do something for Long'an town. If you are still as before, I believe you two will not be far away from Long'an town. Don't blame it then I didn't remind you.

"I really didn't lie. You really want to talk to Yue Weimin when you have time. This boy's mouth is not clean. Don't make trouble for you at that time. Anyway, I said everything I should have said. Believe it or not, I really didn't frame him this time.". Yuan Kanghu said.

Wu Lanqi nodded and ignored yuan Kanghu.

There are not many good hotels in Mangshan city. Because there is no outside consumption and the consumption ability of local people is limited, so the consumption level can not go up. Ding Changsheng can easily find the hotel in the city center and the gourmet hotel.

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