Ding Changsheng knew that the drama was coming. He knew that Jiangcheng construction was so big that a boss could not come to Haiyang just for those broken machines. He must have smelled some opportunity. For a builder in Haiyang, the opportunity must be Highway 1.

In fact, he didn't want to participate in this project at all. Such a project involves so much money, so it is hard to guarantee that there will be no accident. However, if he refuses, it can be euphemistic to say that Jiang Hanhan is here. He is not good at saying that. Moreover, jiangchengjian has indeed helped him. He can't do anything to tear down bridges and rivers. Besides, there are feelings of old classmates in it.

"Some time ago, I went to work in other places. Several projects were completed, but I didn't collect any money. As soon as I delayed, I forgot about the bidding. Now I feel a bit sorry. So today I come to see if there is anything that I can't afford to win the bid. I'd like to subcontract. This will certainly help the construction period of the project.".

"Well, uncle Jiang, why don't you go to the units and ask them directly.".

"Ha ha, that's the same sentence. Now all the units have just eaten, and these units are of some strength. Otherwise, they can't win the bid. However, if they just win the bid, they will subcontract. Unless they are those who originally subcontract the project, others will have to try. If they can afford it, they will not subcontract. After all, they will be transferred out Money. ".

"Well, that's true, but..." At this time, Ding Changsheng thought of Changhe construction company. The company won the bid for a section of highway and a bridge, which is the biggest winner of all the winning companies. If you can, you can introduce Jiangcheng construction. The only obstacle is that Ding Changsheng thinks that Yang's brother's character is not good. Although he is not familiar with Jiangcheng construction, he is familiar with Jianghan Han, in case he arrives When something happens, it's not easy to meet again.

"Waiter, order first.". Looking at his father and his old classmates chattering about this, and the tone of this speech makes people feel depressed, you guess me, I guess you, just a word, tired.

This is the menu. What would you like to order. When the three entered the hotel, Xia Hehui saw Ding Changsheng. She was surprised and pleased. To her surprise, Secretary Ding dared to come here. Although she did not reprimand him severely that day, she did not give him a good face. She even dared to come here to eat. I'm glad that he can come here to get guests, and this shows that he is not afraid of being a thief and still thinking about himself.

Sometimes a woman's feeling is strange. When you miss her, she says that you play rogue and are not serious. If you don't care about her, she will be lost. Xia Hehui is now in such a contradictory state.

So when Ding Changsheng disappeared a few days later, she couldn't help being a little disappointed. Today, when Ding Changsheng came, she was a little nervous, but when the waiter wanted to order with the menu, she volunteered to come over.

Ding Changsheng heard the voice is her, but now Jiangcheng is built here, and there is a river Hanhan, so he converged a lot. He just glanced at Xia Hehui, turned his head and continued to talk with Jiangcheng Jian.

"Director Ding, if you have anything to say, we are all our own people, it's OK.".

"Uncle Jiang, I know the boss of a construction company, and I can take the lead for you. But specifically, you need to talk about it yourself, and there is one thing you need to pay attention to. The two brothers are not easy to get into trouble with. You should be careful.".

"Oh? Which company, you say? "

"I wonder if Uncle Jiang has ever heard of Changhe construction company?"

"Oh, it's yang Huian and Yang Huiquan, right?"

"Uncle Jiang knows them?"

"Yes, but I haven't dealt with each other. You are right. These two people are not very sociable. How did director Ding know them?" Jiangchengjian gradually shrugged off his contempt for Ding Changsheng and changed his address to director Ding. However, jiangchengjian's call was very natural. Even Ding Changsheng and Jiang Hanhan didn't feel the change in his address.

"This is very accidental. If you really want to subcontract a little bit of this project, I can take the lead and you can talk about it by yourself. It's just a matter of how much interest it will bring.".

You're right. I can think about that. Jiangchengjian also wants to do something about the project in his hometown. In the final analysis, it is because of his lack of funds and the funds for several projects can not be collected. Now it has occupied more than 20 million of his funds, and this project is also advanced funds. However, this project is a government project, so don't worry that the government can't afford it. It may be a problem earlier or later.

Although Xia Hehui keeps recording the dishes ordered by Jiang Hanhan in her book, her mind is not in Jiang Hanhan here. She is listening to Jiang Chengjian and Ding Changsheng talking. She sees Ding Changsheng holding a tea cup in one hand and a cigarette in the other hand. She thinks that this is a man. She abandons the hooligan appearance of Ding Changsheng every time he sees her. Ding Changsheng is still very male Human, although this man is a little immature, but who has not been young.

She was frightened by this idea. When she started to speak for him, her heart thought showed on her face. Her face gradually turned red, until it reached the root of her ears. After finishing ordering Jiang Hanhan, she picked up the menu and turned away, as if there was a wolf driving her away."What's wrong with you, boss? Sick? " Seeing Xia Hehui blushing so much, the waiter thought she had a cold, so she asked with concern.

"Oh, I'm fine. This is the menu. Let the kitchen do it. Be serious.". After that, she walked to the bathroom, entered the bathroom, closed the door, and leaned behind the door for a while. Only then did she recover her spirit. She walked out of the washroom and looked at the mirror in front of her. Her heart slowly slowed down. But at this moment, she saw a man walking towards the bathroom from the mirror, not the hateful Ding Chang Who is life?

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