"There was no actual action, but it was pointed out several times at the meeting that the focus of the city's work should not be focused on the new energy base, the resources of the whole city should not be pinned on such an enterprise, and all hopes should be placed on this enterprise. It is the meaning of the speech made at the Standing Committee recently. It is quite different from the previous one. In the past, the new energy base was used It is the number one project in the city, and no one can set any obstacles for the new energy base. Tang Lingling said.

"This is not my biggest worry. What I am most worried about is that he wants to change the political situation in the city, including him.". Tang Lingling pointed to Liu Zhendong.

Liu Zhendong didn't say anything, just nodded.

"What do you mean?" Ding Changsheng asked.

He Yuanzhi and I have mentioned this matter several times. At the beginning, he was very much recognized by him. At that time, you were still in Beiyuan, but now the talk seems to have changed, and not only he and another small prefecture level city are not vice mayors On the contrary, it is said that Liu Zhendong's resume is too single, and some leaders have said that this is not easy to operate. We'd better not have too many things to cause trouble to the leaders. What do you mean? " Tang Lingling said angrily.

"Don't you see that? You are in Beiyuan, at least you are in that position, and you are so close to Zhonghua. But now, you have been pushed to the western mountain area. When can you come out? Who can tell? For a person, the length of his political career is also limited. There is no opportunity to seize in front of you. What's more, you and he Yuanzhi do not have such deep friendship. ". LAN Xiaoshan said.

"Secretary LAN is right. Therefore, when you come back this time, this matter must be solved. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for us to go further.". Tang Lingling said.

"What did the others say?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Other people are watching the fun now. Except Secretary LAN and I can stand together, the rest of us are either relying on he Yuanzhi or watching the fun. Therefore, we are not in such a good situation now. If he really cooperates with Chen Huanshan to block the new energy base, we will have no way.". Tang Lingling said.

Ding Changsheng nodded his head and said nothing. It was a famous saying that people left for a long time. After staying in the officialdom for a long time, they knew more about this kind of thing. In order to survive, they chose to look for another supporter, which was also a matter of reason. Therefore, he Yuanzhi didn't owe anything to himself. Of course, he didn't owe him anything. When he came together for the benefit, the interest was gone However, it is not reprehensible that we have to go our separate ways.

"I'll talk to him. If it doesn't work out, it's not the best time to solve this problem, and how sure are you?" Ding Changsheng asked.

LAN Xiaoshan smell speech to look at Tang Lingling, Tang Lingling a Leng, asked: "what assurance?"

"If he Yuanzhi is not in Huzhou, how sure are you to control the political situation in Huzhou?" Ding Changsheng asked.

When Tang Lingling heard the speech, she understood Ding Changsheng's meaning in an instant. Then she was silent for a moment and said, "I dare not say that I am 100% sure, but with them, I think I have no problem.". Tang Lingling looked at Liu Zhendong and LAN Xiaoshan and said.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "you are the mayor now. The Secretary of the municipal Party committee is not the same as the mayor. The Secretary of the municipal Party committee is in charge of the overall situation, which is much higher than the mayor's vision. Although some things he Yuanzhi is doing now may not be what we like, it is very sad that we have not found a person to replace him. Of course, you are one, but once the superior disagrees He Yuanzhi said, after all, we can negotiate. If we change the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, we may not be able to let others stand with us, can we? "

"I don't think I have any problem. I can try it. I didn't do this work at the beginning. I have been the organization minister, deputy secretary and deputy mayor for so many years. I have worked step by step. Besides, what am I afraid of with you?" Tang Lingling said.

"I'll talk to he Yuanzhi first. I'll talk to him later. If he really has other thoughts, then I'll talk to him more about the things involved. His thought is too simple. Now he is being shot. Neither Chen Huanshan nor Xu Yijian is a person to be provoked. If he misses our train, he will do it again I don't have a chance to get on the bus. Ding Changsheng said.

Tang Lingling and he Yuanzhi have been looking at each other for a long time. Tang Lingling has always wanted to replace he Yuanzhi, but without external support, she can not reach the goal. Fortunately, there is a chance at this time, that is, he Yuanzhi's separation. Especially after Ding Changsheng is knocked to the bottom, his mentality has undergone a thorough change, and he is ready to move. This is Tang Ling Ling's chance is that Ding Changsheng will not allow Huzhou to have a person who is unfavorable to him as a secretary. Therefore, once he Yuanzhi is down, the successor can only be himself, and others are not suitable.

Therefore, under such a situation, Tang Lingling also has her own careful thinking, that is, to encourage Ding Changsheng to use his relationship to drive he Yuanzhi down and put herself in the top position, because this is also the last chance. If he Yuanzhi has been doing well, where is his opportunity?Power is a very scarce thing. Since the birth of mankind, it has been very scarce. You have it, but I don't have it. So if you want to master enough power, you have to step on people, that's all.

"Is there a place for me? I don't want to work in Huzhou. It's meaningless. Everything is calm and there is no pressure. I'm not used to it.". Liu Zhendong asked Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "you can't go anywhere. You are the most solid guarantee for them here. Once this position is changed, the situation in Huzhou will change unpredictably. If you really want to change places, you have to find a suitable person to replace you. You also have to be absolutely reliable. Do you have such a person?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Liu Zhendong shook his head and said, "it's really not. It seems that I have to continue to work..."

"I know that. I will go to the province before I leave. I will report the problem of Huzhou to the leaders of the relevant provincial Party committee to let them know where the problem is. If it is not solved, there may be problems in the new energy base, but I will wait until I go to Jiangdu.". Ding Changsheng said.

"How are you doing there?" Ding Changsheng asked LAN Xiaoshan.

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