I don't understand what you mean. He Yuanzhi also wants to deny this, which can never be admitted.

"It doesn't matter whether you understand or not. The key is whether you use the money or not. If you use the money, even if you don't know, it doesn't matter, just like what you just said, as long as it's believed, it doesn't matter whether there is evidence, right?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Is that why you came to me?" He Yuanzhi asked.

"Yes, it's not. I'm here to talk to you for the last time. It doesn't matter which side you stand on. Anyway, if I let it go, Chen Huanshan won't let you off easily. I don't know if you have any control over him. If so, you'd better weigh up what to do.". Ding Changsheng said.

Chen Huanshan and I did not have any deal, including that my son went to Jiangdu City Committee and he took the initiative to look for me. I did not do anything. He Yuanzhi said.

"Well, that's good. My hope is that you can continue to work in Huzhou and make some achievements. As long as you can do these things, I won't make any changes. Even the things you did before, I can ignore them.". Ding Changsheng said.

"But my son is still in Jiangdu.".

"It doesn't matter. Where he wants to go, it can be Beijing or overseas, or it can be in North Central Province. I promise that the arrangement is much better than now. You can think about it yourself. I won't force you, but the time will not be too much. I don't have much time to stay in Huzhou.". Ding Changsheng said.

When things get to this point, no one can stay out of it. Ding Changsheng is waiting for he Yuanzhi's answer, and he Yuanzhi is also weighing his own gains and losses. He knows that Ding Changsheng will not talk about it. If he really turns his face against him, his good days will come to an end.

"So simple?"

"It's so simple. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I've always wanted to push you down and pull Tang Lingling up, but I'm not sure. Besides, Tang Lingling's ability may not be better than you. So I think you'd better stay here, but I don't want to have another such thing in Huzhou, if that's the case, Maybe it won't be so polite now. Ding Changsheng said.

Ding Changsheng's words have been very clear, if he Yuanzhi can't understand, it's not that he can't understand, that's pretending not to understand.

One minute, this short one minute is infinitely long for he Yuanzhi. If he doesn't agree, the next step is not the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, but the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"OK, do as you say, but my son has to go abroad, he is not at ease to stay at home.". He Yuanzhi said.

"No problem, I'll go abroad to study. When I've cleaned up my investment in Panshi and let him work in Panshi, isn't your son studying finance, and investing in Panshi is just the right way.". Ding Changsheng said.

He Yuanzhi is in a speechless state. Ding Changsheng has already figured out a way out for him. If he doesn't know how to praise him, he will have to be himself.

"But how can Chen Huanshan and Xu Yijian account for what I promised? If they don't fulfill my promise, can they just give up?" He Yuanzhi asked.

"You don't have to worry about their business. It's still up to you. What you don't want to do, others won't force you.". Ding Changsheng said.

He Yuanzhi hears the speech and thinks that I don't want to follow your ideas. Now I am not threatened by you. There is no matter in the world that is not threatened by others. Even if he has no handle and is caught by others, there are also his family members and relatives. Such things can be found everywhere.

"If you don't want to follow their ideas, will they force you?" he said Ding asked again.

He Yuanzhi has no way out. He has to fight with Ding Changsheng now, or listen to Ding Changsheng's opinion and shelve the dispute between him and him. However, neither of them is what he wants. He doesn't want to be controlled. However, he seems to be a mouse in a bellows, neither of which is good.

"What did he say? Was he shocked? Now, my father will scold me again. He Qing waited until Ding Changsheng got on the car and asked.

"It's OK. He knows that he shouldn't hate you. He should thank you. Before you came to me, I meant to let him get out of Huzhou. But if you said he took your money, I thought it could be used. If he obeyed obediently and listened to our words, he could continue to serve us as secretary of the municipal Party committee, better than changing another one When people we are not familiar with, Tang Lingling is really not sure that she will carry them with each other. Even if she is barely able to carry them, will Huzhou's economy still develop? If one or two leaders form a group, the province will not only ask, so I think it is not worth it. ". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, you can still see it far away, but I can see that you have learned to bear it now. If you have never had a night's Revenge before, how can today's revenge be avenged tonight? When a person learns to tolerate what he can't bear, he is the strong one.". He Qing said.Ding Changsheng looked at her and said, "are you praising me or saying I was immature before?"

"Of course, it's praising you. It's you who are jealous of evils. It's also you who can't resist. I used to be a young hero, but now I'm far sighted. It's OK to flatter.". He Qing asked.

When he Qing's car arrived at the door, she opened the window and looked at the night vision device beside the car. The door began to open slowly.

"What kind of high tech is this?"

"Facial recognition, no one can enter this courtyard like this except me. There are security guards everywhere in the yard. The richer the people are, the less daring they are. I have offended a lot of people. I'd better be careful.". He Qing said.

"Do you have Zhao Qinghu? Didn't they all go in? "

"The pursuit is almost complete, but we can't be careless. What if there are some outlaws?"

Sure enough, the lights were bright in the courtyard. Just after they came in, several cars came in behind them. However, they were released only after being checked by security personnel. These people were secretly protected by He Qing's car.

"How do I feel weird?" Ding Chang asked after he got out of the car.

"What's the matter? What's weird? "

"I feel like a duck you brought back.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

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