"I'd like to trouble you to go there. If you make a phone call, it will be over. Director Ding, this is my business card. If you have anything to do in the future, you can call me directly.". Wang Chengshan stretched out two chubby hands, holding a business card and handed it to Ding Changsheng.

"It's a matter arranged by county magistrate Zhong himself. How dare I call to finish the work? I must make sure that the ambulance and the personnel are all confirmed. I will arrive at Linshan town at 8 o'clock in the morning tomorrow morning and stand by. Mr. Wang, if there is no accident, our county hospital should also be prepared for emergencies. These people are leading cadres and can not have any mistakes ”。 Ding Changsheng had to pull the flag and pull the tiger skin.

"Don't worry, director Ding. I'll make arrangements right now. You can sit down for a while. I'll arrange for doctors and nurses to come here to meet you. This is what we've decided today.".

"Well, President Wang, it's up to you. I'll wait here for a while.". Although Ding Changsheng hated Wang Chengshan's face of seeking personal gain just now, he thought about himself and Xia Hehui, and his face was not very good, which made him feel very uncomfortable. If there was no comparison, there would be no gap. Now when he compared with Wang Chengshan, he found that there was not much difference between himself and Wang Chengshan, and when did he become such a face.

Seeing Wang Chengshan go out to look for a doctor, he reaches out and touches a piece of paper on the edge of the table. When he looks at the photo, Ding Changsheng understands that this is the resume of the girl just now. It looks like she graduated from Central South Medical University. It seems that she is going to graduate and find a job. No wonder Wang Chengshan has decided her appearance. Alas, it is a white tree The vegetables are going to be eaten by pigs.

At this time, Ding Changsheng heard a slight footstep outside the door. Three people followed Wang Chengshan in. Ding Changsheng stood up and waited for president Wang to introduce him.

"This is director Ding of the government office that I told you just now. I have already told you about the task. Director Ding, this is Dr. Xu Jing, an expert in cardiac surgery in our county hospital, her assistant, Dr. Lu Yanhua, and this is head nurse Guo Jie.".

"Good doctor Xu, good doctor Lu, good head nurse.". Different from treating Wang Chengshan, Ding Changsheng respects these people for one reason. At best, Wang Chengshan is a bastard in a doctor, and these people are really practicing knife therapy. They will fall into the hands of these people one day. So don't put on your own airs, or you won't know how to die when you die Don't offend the doctor.

After a series of greetings, Ding Changsheng had no impression on other people except Xu Jing, because the female doctor was so characteristic that she did not see a smile on her face since she came in, and the whole person showed an expression of rejecting others from thousands of miles away.

Lu Yanhua was a man, so they didn't say anything. It was Guo Jie, the head nurse. When he heard that Ding Changsheng was the deputy director of the government office, he chatted a lot. Until Wang Chengshan coughed, he turned his eyes and shut his mouth.

"Is it done? I have several patients waiting for me. Xu Jing asked coldly.

"Er, doctor Xu, what's your attitude? This is a political task. Do you know?" Wang Chengshan is very angry with Xu Jing's face-to-face provocation, but there is no way. Xu Jing relies on herself to be a doctor's expert, and no one in the county hospital pays attention to her. What's most puzzling is that she is not married at such an age, and walks alone all day long. It is said that this woman is a lesbian, but no one has ever seen her.

"Ha ha, it's OK, it's OK, everyone go to work.". Ding Changsheng made a hasty comeback.

After the three left, Ding Changsheng also got up to say goodbye. Before leaving, he put Chen Lihong's resume on the table and asked casually, "President Wang, who is this girl?"

"Oh, did director Ding say that girl just now? Oh, it's a new intern here. Why? Director Ding knows her? " Wang Chengshan's eyes brightened. He didn't lack women, and he didn't care about one more or less. There were more nurses and doctors coming to the hospital every year, but there was not much chance of fawning on the people above, so the idea of pimping up came up again.

"Well, I don't know. I just can't remember where I met him. I'm a little familiar. OK, President Wang, you should worry about this. I'll go first.". Ding Changsheng even made an exception and shook hands with Wang Chengshan, which made him feel flattered. This is totally different from the attitude when he came just now. Otherwise, Wang Chengshan thought a lot and said, "you should worry about this matter". What is the matter? Is it about sending a doctor tomorrow or Chen Lihong?

"Definitely, definitely, I will do it well. Director Ding, take your time.". Under the insistence of Wang Chengshan, Ding Changsheng has been sent out of the hospital building.

Chen Lihong is sitting in the office thinking hard. She will give up the moment someone knocks on the door. Maybe now she has been picked up by the dean and put into the small bed in the inner room. When she thinks about this, she can't help getting goose bumps. But if she doesn't promise him, tomorrow will not belong to her. In fact, in this year of internship, her talent has been acquired To the full play, many old doctors have recognized her medical skills, but to stay here, Wang Chengshan must nod.

Is nervous psychological struggle, the door was pushed open from the outside, Wang Chengshan walked in."President Wang, you, how did you come?". As soon as Chen Lihong was nervous, she almost overturned her chair.

"Why can't I come? You are going to work together with Xu Jing and Xu Jing for temporary medical insurance in Linshan town tomorrow. By the way, do you know the man who went to my room just now

"No, I don't know. What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing. Do well. He called you to go. You can do it yourself.". Wang Chengshan has no doubts. It seems that the deputy director of the government office really takes a fancy to this flower. Mother, it seems that he will lose another chance to pick flowers again. His evil eyes finally patrol Chen Lihong, and finally gets gloomy and leaves by pushing the door.

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