The short working time has become the biggest short board of Ding Changsheng's rise, and whether he has the ability to take charge of one's own affairs has become a big doubt. Therefore, it seems that Zhonghua's plan must be changed. However, apart from Hu Jiajia, who has already relied on him, there is no one under him who can be worthy of his support. No matter who pushes any other person up, he is undoubtedly doing something for others To make a wedding dress, this is exactly Zhonghua's short board.

However, it seems that Yang Dazhi will not drag this case indefinitely. After all, the gang of people from the Commission for Discipline Inspection are not sheep. On the contrary, they are just wolves with their fangs temporarily closed. Once they smell a bit of blood, they will rush forward to tear the prey to pieces.

"Director Lin, what do you think of this matter?" Zhonghua informed Lin Derong of Yang Dazhi's report. It seems that the director of the National People's Congress is the only one who can stand in a trench with Zhonghua in Haiyang county.

"Well, Yang Dazhi is too anxious. He wants to explain this matter before Jia Keyong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, retires. I believe this is what Secretary Si Nanxia means. However, they don't want to think about it. It's easy to get rid of a few small shrimps. What can we do if we meet a big fish in the middle? Can Yang Dazhi eat, or even say, can Si Nanxia eat it?"

"Director Lin, do you mean that even the Secretary will feel embarrassed?"

"Well, he has been operating in Haiyang County for so many years. You think there will be no problems, but these problems have been covered up. But now Yang Dazhi has to scratch the itch first and then uncover the skin. You can wait and see. Yang Dazhi will certainly suffer unless the Secretary of the Department makes a move. You should know that the cadres at the county level are all provincial cadres and can't move easily.". Lin Derong deserves to be an old fox. In a few words, he made the matter clear.

"But now no one can stop him. I wanted to put this matter back. Now it seems that it is impossible to stay away from it.".

"Hum, who else in Haiyang county can stay out of this?".

Layout, net closing and killing are invisible. That's what big people do. For small people like Ding Changsheng, he has not reached that level. At the moment, he is sitting in a tea room opposite the hospital waiting for Chen Lihong.

Originally, he said he would have dinner, but Ding Changsheng also learned from other people's elegance. Coffee is too vulgar, and now tea is in vogue.

"I've never been to a place like this. I won't make a fool of myself.". Chen Lihong carefully sits opposite Ding Changsheng. At the moment, she regains her self-confidence and becomes the proud master's student. To tell the truth, in front of such a woman, Ding Changsheng still has a little inferiority complex. After all, she is a master's student, but she is just a dropout who has not finished high school.

"It doesn't matter. It's my first time here. What kind of tea can I have?"

"You order, I invite you.". Chen Lihong gritted her teeth and said that she had inquired before she came. It was very expensive to drink tea in the teahouse, so she brought all her money with her. There was no money for her internship in the hospital, and she has not received the formal employment notice until now. However, her internship time seems to have moved forward. As a result, she guessed the reason, so she did not hesitate to put herself into practice She also wanted to stay in the county hospital with the help of him, because she could see that director Wang of the hospital wanted to flatter director Ding and asked him how he was getting along with him all day long.

"Really? I'm not welcome. The tea here is very expensive. Ding Changsheng deliberately teased the proud doctor. In fact, to say that she and Jiang Hanhan are more mature than Jiang Hanhan. However, there is a trace of rustic green in this kind of maturity. However, Jiang Hanhan now seems to be a city girl, and there is no rural flavor in her.

Sure enough, Chen Lihong didn't say anything, but she felt uneasy. What's more, she even wanted to reach into her pocket and pinch the money, which was a sign of extreme distrust.

"Waiter, have a pot of chrysanthemum and rock sugar.". Ding Changsheng said to the waiter standing not far away.

Don't worry. The tea is not expensive. I think you can afford it. Ding Changsheng said to Chen Lihong with a smile.

"No, how do you know? And said you didn't come to drink? " Chen Lihong can't help being coy and angry.

You see, here's the price list. Ding Changsheng pointed to the cane chair table and said.

Damn it, isn't it? All the tea price lists are under the glass on the table. Just look down and you can see it at a glance.

"Come on, what's the purpose of inviting me to have tea? I believe that you are not the one who invites people to eat and drink tea from time to time. Just say what you want to do.". Ding Changsheng gave full play to the courtesy of a man, poured tea to Chen Lihong, and added some pieces of rock sugar to Chen Lihong's tea cup with a bamboo clip.

"Do you know our president Wang?" Chen Lihong hesitated for a moment and then asked directly. Because her problem has reached the point where it can't be delayed any longer. Although she has temporarily got rid of Wang Chengshan's harassment, it also means that the job in the county hospital has become full of variables. However, due to Ding Changsheng's half way insertion, now he is sending it to President Wang himself. He doesn't dare to treat himself any more. After all, for a hospital director, there are many women Yes, but the chance to climb up is not much."No, I just met that day. What's the matter?"

"Do you know what he said that day?"

"What do you say?" Ding Changsheng took a sip of tea and asked lightly.

"He said that as long as I follow him, I can go to the county hospital.". She said, gnashing her teeth.

"Oh, what do you mean by that? I'm not president Wang.".

"Director Ding, can't you have a little compassion? How can a man like him be the president of a hospital? Why don't you care about him? " Chen Lihong angrily stopped a cup of tea, wheezing said, this life gas to let her real figure exposed, Ding Chang two times in life actually did not pay attention, Chen Lihong chest capital is so good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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