Although up to now, Chen Lihong still doesn't believe Ding Changsheng's nonsense, but one thing she is happy about is that as long as she agrees with Ding Changsheng, Ding Changsheng will also promise to go to Wang Chengshan's son of a bitch. In this way, she will have hope to enter the county hospital.

"Is that true? Is it that simple? " Chen Lihong asked in disbelief.

"Then how complicated do you want to be? I said that Dr. Chen, people with high education like you have too many minds and don't use the right place. The more you think about things, the more complicated they are. In the end, they miss their own affairs.".

"Well, I'll trust you for the moment. No matter what your purpose is, I thank you.". Chen Lihong chuckled and took a sip of the cup, but the tea was already cold, so she picked up the teapot to pour a little hot, but found that the teapot was empty.

"If you want to drink, please add water. I have to go in advance.". Ding Changsheng got up and left, leaving a gaping Chen Lihong standing in the same place.

Wang Jiashan is getting older and older, and without the biggest spiritual support of petition, his spirit is obviously depressed. If you don't find him something to do, I believe he will soon grow old. So when he knew Chen Lihong's purpose, he thought of this idea. No matter what, it's a common fault for people to be good teachers. What's more, Chen Lihong is still a high-quality student Let Wang Jiashan, a wandering doctor in the world, teach this high-quality student. His self-esteem will certainly be greatly satisfied, so that he has no time to take care of him. It is enough to have Chen Lihong, a filial child.

Recently, the leaders of the city seem to like Haiyang county. Since the construction of the No.1 highway in Haiyang County, these leaders have been inspecting Haiyang county one after another. After Yang Dazhi reported the situation of the county to the south, the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the competition mayor, Lin Chunxiao, came to Haiyang county to inspect the work of the Discipline Inspection Commission 。

Although Zheng Mingtang didn't like the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, he didn't have the courage to challenge a member of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee, so everything was done according to the procedures. The reception that should be received and the forum should be held should be held. Where Sinan wanted to go, Yang Dazhi, Secretary of the county Discipline Inspection Commission, would go around with him.

Inspired by Yang Dazhi's previous report, when the forum was held in the No.1 meeting room of the county Party committee, Zhonghua and Lin Derong looked at each other, and the things inside were clear at a glance. It seems that this is the salvation of Yang Dazhi. They also take a look at Zheng Mingtang, who is chatting with Si Nan.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Today, we are very happy to welcome the Secretary to our county for inspection, which fully reflects the attention of the municipal Party committee to the economic and legal construction of Haiyang county. I won't say more. Next, we will hold a forum. Let's ask the Secretary to give us instructions. Secretary, please tell us a few words.". Zheng Mingtang personally presided over the forum, and his attitude was very low. This was what happened in officialdom. Although Zheng Mingtang vaguely guessed the purpose of Sinan's coming to Haiyang County, and even though he wanted to find a place where no one was to greet the eight generation ancestors of Sinan's family, he still had to be modest, cautious and respectful.

"Well, let's just say a few words, but this is not an instruction. The instructions and comrades talk about each other in a small range. After the construction of the No. 1 highway in Haiyang County, Haiyang county has become the focus of Baishan City. The city attaches great importance to and supports the construction of this road. After the road is completed, it is not only for Haiyang County, but also for the sake of it The economic development of Baishan City has opened up a second battlefield, which is very important... "

Sinan Xia said, while patrolling the faces of all the Standing Committee members. It seems that this white faced Bao Gong is exerting psychological pressure on these people in this way. Thieves are afraid of meeting the police. Everyone knows that as long as they are people who do something bad, they will inevitably bring a little bit of light. Therefore, when they meet the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, they will hold a forum. As long as the cadres here have ghosts in their hearts It's hard to avoid beating drums in my heart.

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon. There was a report that a county-level cadre had embezzled a lot of money, and people were in a panic all day. One day, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection called him to attend a meeting in the city. However, when he heard the call, he thought it was the Dongchuang incident, so he explained the matter to the person who informed him on the phone The deterrent force in the minds of some cadres is still very strong.

"Economic development has always been inseparable from the development of the legal system. At this stage, our country's legal system is gradually improving. However, to be honest, the legal system is sound, but some of our cadres still stay in the level of rule of man, and act on the basis of their brains. This is easy to cause problems. If there is a problem with the local leaders, it is The big problem is that the common people's carelessness in farming may destroy one crop. But if there is something wrong with our cadres, it will destroy more than one season's crops of countless ordinary people. This is something we cadres must bear in mind. ". Sinan Xia's words are like one sentence after another, and the atmosphere in the conference room is also gradually tense. Although we do not know the spirit of the meeting, we all feel that there is something wrong in it.

Sun Guoqiang's spirit has not been very good these days. He secretly sent Yang Shengjun to catch Niu Jiangsheng. However, Niu Jiangsheng disappeared like his cousin Niu Erben. He was always worried about an accident. Sure enough, he didn't get to the office until 10 o'clock because he was a little late at widow Wang's house in the town last night People are waiting for him."Who are you? Listen to the people in the Office say you have something to look for me?" Sun Guoqiang glanced at a man and a woman sitting in the office and asked.

"Is this the mayor of sun Guoqiang?"

"Yes, yes, it's me. What's the matter? Where are you from?"

"I'm from the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, and these comrades are also from the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Some things need your cooperation and investigation. Please come with us.". The visitor said coldly.

In fact, none of these people is from the County Commission for Discipline Inspection. This is all Yang Dazhi's transfer from the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection through the relationship between the Secretary and the south. He is afraid that if the county Discipline Inspection Commission comes forward, someone will leak out the news. They say that the coal boss has an eye on everything. Yang Dazhi has to be careful. At least sun Guoqiang is also a coal boss behind the scenes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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