Ding Changsheng's words sealed he Bing back. He Bing didn't want to tangle with him again, so he said, "let's talk about something else. Are you close to a businessman named wanyoucai recently?"

"I know what you want to ask. Wang ronghuo called me in the morning, and I told him very clearly that although I am a friend with Wanyou, I can't help him in his affairs. If you want to do him, you can do whatever you want. I can't think of the use of you one by one to me and the relationship between him and me It's not as close as you think, and I don't have to hide anything from you. Ding Changsheng said lightly.

He Bing is not Wang ronghuo. He is not very familiar with Wang ronghuo, and he Bing is not familiar with him at all. Only a few times of meeting also broke up unhappily. The most important thing is that after a dialogue with Li Tiegang, Ding Changsheng has raised his vigilance against these people. It is very difficult for him to associate with a person who does not recognize him. Although Li Tiegang's answer makes Ding Changsheng speechless, but Such an explanation is also the most hurtful explanation. Once upon a time, Ding Changsheng took Li Tiegang as his teacher, but he could still smile back after being stabbed. Therefore, he took a cold treatment and did not associate with such people. If you can't afford it, you should hide.

"No, it's about him and Xu Yijian. How much do you know?" He Bing asked.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "he didn't tell me about it. It's better to find out about him and Xu Yijian by asking them. Wanyoucai has been arrested now, and the rest is Xu Yijian. Isn't it difficult for the Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

He Bing smell speech, silent for a moment, said: "from your tone, how can I listen to all complain?"

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "there is no complaint. What I want is that you can do business as usual, and don't come to me again. The relationship between me and wanyoucai is not as close as you think.".

"Yes, but the materials in my hand show that you still have a lot of intersection.". He Bing asked.

Ding Changsheng said: "as I said, he and I are friends. Of course, we have an intersection. What's so strange about this..."

"No, I'm talking about business. Huzhou new energy base also has his shares, right? Xu Yijian also has shares there. Although these shares are now transferred to Wu Yuchen's name, Wu Yuchen is Xu Jiansheng's wife. This is his legal identity. How can we explain this?"

"Then you have to ask them.". Ding Changsheng said.

The wisest thing Ding Changsheng has done is to transfer and digest all the industries under his name. Now it can be found that there are almost no industries on his head, but these industries are inseparable from the manipulation of Ding Changsheng. This is the means of some big men. Ding Changsheng and they are the same. What they have done has nothing to do with the enterprise It can survive. That's the root of the problem.

"But I know that you and several shareholders of the new energy base are very close. How can I explain this?" He Bing asked.

Ding Changsheng did not say a word, he Bing said: "if you can't explain, then I'll explain for you. What's the relationship between them and you? Don't need me to say it. They are all your feelings. Women, right.".

He Bing stares at Ding Changsheng, and Ding Changsheng never says a word. When he Bing can't help patting the table, Ding Changsheng said: "it doesn't matter if you insult me. I'm different from you, and I understand that your work is not easy. But if you insult them, they won't let you go. They will hear all your words. As the leader of an inspection group, do you feel that You've got too much power? "

He Bing smiles and says, "it seems that the leader is right. You are not easy to deal with.".

"It's not that I'm hard to deal with, but I know what's going on with you. If you want to fight me, go back and collect evidence. When the evidence is enough for you to take me away, I'll go with you. Otherwise, don't delay our normal work here, OK?" Ding Changsheng asked.

After that, he no longer pays attention to he Bing. He knows that this matter is not over, and some people will take it as an article and do his own article. But at present, he really has nothing to say.

Ding Changsheng didn't like he Bing because of Xingshan. If he didn't care about his feelings, he was still considered as a matter of his own. Ding Changsheng was very angry about this, but that's all. His arm couldn't be twisted too big. His leg should be recognized. Otherwise, what else could he do?

1、 During the night, the bad news kept coming. Even though Xu Jiansheng gave an order not to open business, everything stopped to check the fire-fighting problems. However, there was still a fire. Their ship sank on the berth of the port, which made Japanese terminal enterprises very angry. They kept negotiating with Xu Jiansheng to ask them to pay for the boat to be towed away as soon as possible. Otherwise, one day would be delayed A lot of business.

"Dad, we can't go on like this. Japan has suffered heavy losses. Although the killers have been found, they seem to have received huge rewards. It's very difficult for the police to handle it without saying who ordered them. So far, we can't find out why. If this goes on like this, all our industries in Japan will be destroyed.". Xu Jiansheng said."There's no good news now. I'm waiting for news. Chen Huanshan hasn't given me news yet. I have to wait. I feel that these things are not from local people, but from the manipulation of domestic people. This can't be ignored.". Xu Yijian said.

Xu Jiansheng turned his head and asked, "is it possible that this matter has something to do with Ding Changsheng? Now we have lost all talents. Will Ding Changsheng submit? I always feel that Ding Changsheng is too quiet. There is no news at all. How can it be? There is no news from Huzhou. I always feel that something is going to happen.".

As soon as Xu Jiansheng said this, Xu Yijian's brain also turned. They always focused on WAN Youcai and the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but ignored the existence of Ding Changsheng. Xu Jiansheng was right. Wanyoucai was trapped. How could Ding Changsheng be indifferent? This is not so simple.

"What is Ding Changsheng doing?" Xu Yijian asked.

Xu Jiansheng shook his head and said, "I don't know. There is no one around Ding Changsheng.".

"What about Wu Yuchen, doesn't she know?" Xu Yijian asked.

Xu Jiansheng spread his hands and said, "Ding Changsheng is in the south of Sichuan, and Wu Yuchen is in the central and southern provinces. It is so far away. Besides, Ding Changsheng is very alert to Wu Yuchen. She can't get close to the core layer of Ding Changsheng. She can't possibly know this news.".

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