"I remember that you had a good relationship with wanyoucai, but why did you give him up suddenly this time? My friend said that the Discipline Inspection Commission has received the prosecution materials, which you handed in, and you are good enough to fight for a list of knights.". Xu Yijian said.

"Mr. Xu, the more you talk about you, you are more and more energetic. You think that you are interested in the underworld in the officialdom as much as you are. What I do as an official of the party is what the party does. My greatest backing is the party, not your so-called juemon. Frankly speaking, isn't that so-called juemon a tool for making profits for you? Now you really need to find someone to carry the pot I've tried my best, but Wanyou is too stupid to see your evil intention. Alas, what else can I say? He is willing to jump into the pit, and I can't stop him. But you want to pull me into the water. Don't you think it's a waste of your heart? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"Yes, but you have read the list and made a backup. How about knowing who to look for and who can do things for you and help you. Then you will kick wanyoucai out of the way. With this move, Wanyou will be admitted to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. If you don't die, you will have to take off the skin. It's really a fight for you to sit and enjoy the profits Good abacus. Xu Yijian continued.

Ding Changsheng really wants to hang up the phone, and then pull the black guy, but he also knows that he can continue to listen with a clear conscience. If he hangs up in a bad temper, those eavesdroppers will surely think that Ding Changsheng is guilty of a guilty conscience. Therefore, in spite of his extreme disgust, he should be patient to listen and continue to deal with him.

, Xu Yijian, I think you are really too busy. The fox hunting team hasn't found where you are yet. Then I will tell them your specific location. When you call, they have already fixed your position. Do you still want to run? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"I don't care. I don't plan to run. Foreign countries are foreign countries, while domestic ones are domestic ones. Don't think that they are so great. I'm here waiting for them to come. It's you who know where I am and where my industry is. If you burn a fire for me, you dare not tell the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Ding Changsheng, what is your heart?" Xu Yijian asked.

He confirmed that Ding Changsheng was the behind the scenes of these fires, so he always took it with him. However, Ding Changsheng refused to admit that he was forced to point out directly by Xu Yijian. However, he didn't tell the people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection that this was to plant a thorn between the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Ding Changsheng. As for whether the thorn will take root or sprout, then It depends on nature.

"I'm right.". In the face of Ding Changsheng's silence, Xu Yijian continues to ask.

"Whatever you say, it's not the first time you're talking nonsense. In addition, I'm still looking into the matter of talents. If I find out who betrayed him, I'll find him out and try to leave the system again. I'll tear this man apart. Not only that, his descendants and all those who have relations with this person can't run away. Anyway, you These people like to transfer their wealth and future generations abroad, so I'll go abroad to find you. Xu Yijian, do you think you'll be trusted if you talk nonsense here? Do you want to ask Xu Jiansheng for a letter? There is one more thing you can listen to. If I find out that you pulled wanyoucai into the pit, I will not kill you. The first one to die is Xu Jiansheng. I will deal with him personally. If you have the ability, you can ask him not to go out again. ". Ding Changsheng said coldly.

"Oh, I'm so angry. OK, I'll wait for you.". Xu Yijian said.

"Well, no problem. Are you finished?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I can't find out more. Finally, I'll say again that if my industry loses again, I will disclose more of your secrets and let everyone know, especially those from the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and see how they deal with you.". Xu Yijian said.

"It doesn't matter. If you go ahead, you'll find out which one of us will die first.". Ding Changsheng finished and hung up the phone.

Xu Yijian looked at the mobile phone, stupefied for a moment, muttered to himself: "isn't this guy, unreasonable ah, not he can be who?"

"Dad, we should be more careful about this. Ding Changsheng is really hard to deal with. Although we are abroad, you can see our losses now. We can see that this guy's influence abroad is not small. We can't take it lightly.". Xu Jiansheng said.

"I know, from now on, double the security when you go out.". Xu Yijian said.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jiansheng was stunned and asked.

"It's OK. It's just that Ding Changsheng threatens to do something to you. It seems that I'm pressing him.".

"Ah, what are we going to do next?" Xu Jiansheng asked.

"Watch the change". Xu Yijian said.

They watched the change, but Ding Changsheng didn't want to calm down any more. He thought he could force Xu Yijian to stop, but he didn't mean to stop. Ding Changsheng was angry.

"Dingo, what's the news?" When Mo Xiaoyu received the call from Ding Changsheng, he was having dinner with his wives in a mansion in Tokyo, and went out with his mobile phone.

"Xu Yijian seems to have guessed that we started it, but this guy intensified his efforts. He not only threatened me, but also pinned the report of talents on my head. All these were said when I called. I knew that my mobile phone might be monitored, so I planted a wedge between me and the Commission for Discipline Inspection in this way, People from the Commission for Discipline Inspection will not believe me any more, and they will doubt me. Wait, they will find me soon. Xu Yijian's mind is extremely vicious. How much of his industry is there in Japan? " Ding Changsheng asked."There are still 11 places found, but they have been honest these days and closed their business. It's hard for my people to get close to them. It's more difficult to follow the way before. But if you think you can do it, I'll think of other ways.". Mo Xiaoyu said.

"OK, keep going, pay attention to safety, money is not a problem, I will supply you with your loss..."

"Dingge, what are you talking about? We are on the same boat now. This is my business. It's my duty. You really don't have to say that.". Mo Xiaoyu said in a hurry.

"Well, I won't say much about anything else. Wanyou hasn't got any news yet. I'm still thinking about how to get him out. But I'm afraid that if I'm too anxious, the other party will raise the price. It's really difficult to get him out and deal with it carefully.". Ding Changsheng said helplessly.

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