"It's not the right time now, but if you look like this, you will not be interested when an Jing comes.". Ding Changsheng said.

"What to do? I miss you now, and he is my nominal ex husband and has no interest in me at all.".

"But you are interested in him..."

"There's a fart interest. I've wasted all my good years on him. And you know, from the beginning, it was political marriage, and now you don't believe me?" Zhou Hongqi said angrily.

Of course I believe you, but the thought that he is your ex husband makes me jealous. Ding Changsheng joked.

"Get out of here. I'm all yours. You're still eating a fart of vinegar. I'm going to mend my make-up. I can't lose face.". With that, Zhou Hongqi got up from Ding Changsheng and went to the bathroom in the box.

Ding Changsheng looked at the door, touched the things in his pocket, then got up and went to the bathroom, and closed the door behind him.

"Why do you come in? You need to go to the bathroom. I'll go out later.". Zhou Hongqi pursed her lips and just put on some lipstick.

Ding Changsheng took her, then hugged her from her back and pressed it on the washbasin table.

"Hey, what are you doing? He'll be here soon. Don't mess with me, or you'll look good..."

Ding Changsheng hugged her waist and whispered in her ear, "I brought you a good thing when I came from the provincial capital.".

"What?" Zhou Hongqi asked.

Ding Changsheng did not speak, but his hand reached between Zhou Hongqi's legs. It only took a moment for Zhou Hongqi to shiver all over his body, and he looked unsteady. However, she was always held by Ding Changsheng. Even if she was unstable, she had to stand up.

But just when she thought Ding Changsheng would take this opportunity to make a quick decision, she didn't expect that Ding Changsheng didn't mean it at all, but put something into her body.

"Well, you, what are you doing..."

"I brought it from the provincial capital. You can wear it when you meet him. I'll see if you can feel it. As I said, I'm jealous.". Ding Changsheng joked.

"No, what did you put in?" Zhou Hongqi reached for the garden to take it out, but was stopped by Ding Changsheng. Ding Changsheng washed his hands, took out his mobile phone, opened an app, and then turned on the switch. In an instant, it was like being hit by an electric current. His legs tightened and his whole body shivered.

"This thing is controlled by wireless. As long as there is a network, it can be controlled remotely. I have brought a few of them to you. If you send them a message, I will be able to control it in Mangshan. This is really fun. There is nothing to do in the future video.". Ding Changsheng said.

While talking to Zhou Hongqi about this, while sliding on the mobile phone, you can control the amplitude of the vibration. This can be regarded as suffering Zhou Hongqi. Her body is sensitive. She has never experienced such things, which brings her to disaster.

"Who gave it to you? I have to kill him.". Zhou Hongqi cursed, but he didn't insist on taking it out. He just wore it like this. But when he walked, he was a little unnatural. But after a few steps, he got used to it. Maybe no one would believe that this cold faced woman in front of an outsider would play such a game with Ding Changsheng.

When an Jing arrived, Ding Changsheng and Zhou Hongqi were drinking tea. At this time, Zhou Hongqi was used to hiding such a thing in his body, and he didn't have to worry about falling out. He had the inside and trouser pocket.

Ding Changsheng politely stood up and shook hands with an Jing, but when an Jing wanted to shake hands with Zhou Hongqi, Zhou Hongqi didn't mean to put down his tea cup, let alone shake hands.

"I'm very busy now. What can I do for you?" Zhou Hongqi said impatiently.

"I wanted to talk to you first, and then talk to Changsheng..."

"What do you want to talk about? If you talk about the new energy base, I will make the decision, and he will not be in charge.". Zhou Hongqi said.

An Jing looks at Ding Changsheng. Zhou Hongqi says that. Ding Changsheng is not a bit upset. It seems that they have already reached a tacit agreement. Therefore, no matter what Zhou Hongqi says, Ding Changsheng is indifferent. In any case, saying and doing are different things.

Ding Changsheng nodded and waved his hand, which means you talk, I just listen to it.

Ding Changsheng takes out his mobile phone. He sits opposite to an Jing. An Jing can't see what he's doing. Yu Shi, Ding Changsheng turns on the egg switch in Zhou Hongqi's body, and Zhou Hongqi's face suddenly changes. But she is sitting, so the anti-interference ability is good. So when Ding Changsheng gradually increases strength, she still maintains the military sitting posture As if she was still in the army, but her legs began to tremble. Ding Changsheng turned off the switch at the right time. Zhou Hongqi obviously felt relieved.

"I'm here to congratulate you on the delivery ceremony of your new car. Indeed, I didn't expect you to accomplish this. I know that longevity is indispensable in this matter, otherwise he would not have come all the way to attend the ceremony. You eat meat, and I want to have a sip of soup.". An Jing said."We're not going to work with anyone.". Zhou Hongqi rebuffed an Jing Road.

An Jing looks at Ding Changsheng, which means to ask Ding Changsheng what he thinks. However, Zhou Hongqi says that he will not cooperate with others. If he interrupts again, he will hit Zhou Hongqi in the face, so he is silent.

After seeing this, an Jing said, "you can rest assured, I won't make any other ideas. I mean, after your new energy vehicles come into the market, we can cooperate on the peripheral products of new energy vehicles. How about that?"

"I'm sorry, we haven't considered this, and in view of what you've done before, I can't trust you. No matter who you look for, it's useless. I don't like to cooperate with people I don't like. Even if it's to make more money, I can't see it.". Zhou Hongqi said very clearly, directly put an Jing no temper.

"Changsheng, say a word, I'm sincerely seeking cooperation. I think it's obvious that I don't want to give me face when she says so.". An Jing said.

Ding Changsheng said with a smile: "you let me say, how can I say, you were a couple, what do you want me to say? Right? It's good that I came to attend the delivery ceremony, but I don't have any say in the construction and operation of the new energy base. Didn't you find me burning incense and burning the wrong temple? "

Of course, an Jing would not believe Ding Changsheng's words and said, "I hope you can go back and discuss it. I'm here to cooperate with you wholeheartedly. You don't have to do everything absolutely. It's a matter of making money for everyone. You don't know how many people you've offended by this car. Let alone the influence of two barrels of oil can make you drink a pot.".

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