"Don't talk about it, will you? How do I feel that you are almost becoming a master of bars now?" Ding Changsheng said with a helpless smile.

"Don't interrupt me. What I'm saying is true. Don't give me a careless look. Qin Mo called me yesterday. Do you know what he said?" Zhou Hongqi asked.

Ding Changsheng was stunned and asked, "Qin Mo called you. Why didn't you call me? It's not normal. What did you say and arrange me again?"

"That's not true. She's worried about you. She also knows that wanyoucai is in trouble. So I advise you to stay away from wanyoucai. I didn't expect that you would still drag me to see a woman with all talents. What do you think? Wanyoucai is stupid. Are you stupid with him?" Zhou Hongqi said discontented.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "you don't understand. Xu Yijian digs for wanyoucai. In fact, his purpose is me. If he is abroad now, if I put myself into the affairs of wanyoucai, he will attack me from other aspects. However, Xu Yijian's escape is full of doubts, and no one is willing to take responsibility. Li Tiegang is just taking a short rest After a period of time, I began to be a demon again, so now there are nets everywhere, but I feel that this is the darkness before dawn. Sooner or later, this dark will pass, and there will be light. ".

"Don't talk nonsense. What's the truth? I tell you, the world is always dark. The so-called light is just a flash of lightning from time to time. Do you think it is the long-term darkness or the long-term lightning? Don't be naive.". Zhou Hongqi said.

Hearing this, Ding Changsheng looked at her and asked, "so pessimistic?"

"Otherwise?" Zhou Hongqi said while driving.

This time they did not go to other places, but went to Zhou Hongqi's villa in the same color of water and sky. They entered the door as if everyone had agreed. There was no one here, but they used to live together.

"Where are the people?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Tonight they are busy in the company, guarding the car to be delivered, for fear of an accident. After all, someone has been eyeing at them. In this case, we can't slack off.". Zhou Hongqi said.

Now that the company has arranged everything, Ding Changsheng has nothing to worry about, so when Zhou Hongqi goes to take a bath, he is already waiting for her in bed.

This time, Ding Changsheng's action was very rude. Even if it was as strong as Zhou Hongqi, he couldn't stand it. He kept frowning. Finally, he asked, "what's wrong with you? I didn't rent it.".

"It's all right. I just remembered an Jing. Do you think he knows what we are doing now?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Asshole, what do you want him to do? It's not enough to toss me about in the daytime, but I have to wrestle with me at night to see how I deal with you.". After all, she turned to be the master and rode on Ding Changsheng's body. Jiao Xiaozhou Hongqi is the most beautiful woman in Ding Changsheng's dream. Because she is so small, she never takes the initiative in bed. Ding Changsheng holds the initiative firmly, but this time she is revengeful.

"Well, are you going to murder your husband..." Ding Changsheng prayed for mercy.

"Asshole, when training in Baishan police school, I should give you a kick, kick you to be disabled, there will be no such shit behind.". Zhou Hongqi shook his body fiercely, front and back, left, right and left.

It was a big day for Zhou Hongqi, so she got up early in the morning. After the night's moistening, Zhou Hongqi's face was full of red light, and he was in high spirits.

"It seems that men are really good things.". When she arrived at the company, Scarlett and others were still waiting in the workshop.

If you don't mind pulling a bridge, I'm sorry. If you don't mind, I'll try it for a woman. I'm sorry. Zhou Hongqi said with a smile.

"You can pull it down. Forget it. I don't want to tell you. You can have a look at the car. I think there is no problem. According to our setting, you are going to drive this car to the press conference. When the curtain is down, you will drive your car into the exhibition hall slowly, and then park your car on the exhibition stand. This step can never be wrong, otherwise our release ceremony will be ruined.". She said. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

"No problem. I'm just a driver. You're the main speaker. To be honest, you look very tired. You should have called you last night. Maybe you are as energetic as I am this morning. This is just like the spokesperson of our new energy vehicles.". Zhou Hongqi said.

"You can forget it. If I was tossed by him all night, I can hardly get up now. I'm really energetic without your body.". Scarlett teased.

Zhou Hongqi gave her a white eye and went to test drive.

Ding Changsheng was invited guests, so the auditorium was full of guests and friends when he arrived. Ding Changsheng walked all the way and kept greeting people who were old acquaintances of Huzhou or central and southern provinces. Ding Changsheng was constantly stopped to speak. When he got to his position, aliya was already waiting there."What are you doing here if you're not busy?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I'm a technician. I don't have anything to do with me. Most of the parameters can be solved by sister Jiayi. It's no, I'm arranged to sit with you, so if you don't come, how dare I sit down.". Said aliya.

"Really? Just sit down. Are all the leaders here?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Don't sit down. I'm waiting for you here just to find you. You see you are busy. The leaders of the province are waiting in the VIP room at the back. Don't you want to say hello? Let's go. Don't let people hate you.". Said aliya.

"Who are the leaders here?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Secretary Jia of the provincial Party committee, Secretary General of the CPC, and Chen Huanshan, Secretary General of the Jiangdu municipal Party committee, have also come here. This is not to smash the field, is it?" Aliya asked in a low voice.

Ding Changsheng was stunned and asked, "did you invite him?"

"No, we're not stupid. If he comes, we can't drive him out. He came with Secretary Jia, just like an Jing. We didn't invite him. We also came here.". Said aliya.

"You'll make it clear to me later, and see who's hitting the field. When this matter is over, we'll settle accounts with them. I think these people are not good at coming. Tell Liu Zhendong to keep the order of the scene well.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I don't need to say that. You are his old leader. You can handle things by phone. What can I do for you?" Aliya said impolitely.

Ding Changsheng stopped, looked at aliya, and said, "I said you are so small. You have a big mouth. You can speak. What's the matter? Now this orientation has changed?"

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