Cao Yonghan left the private hunting ground early the next morning. At this time, Ding Changsheng and Mo Xiaoyu met, but they still couldn't find where Xu Yijian was. It was as if he had disappeared.

"Do you think the goods will be made by Russian gangs?" Ding Changsheng took a sip of vodka and almost choked to death. It was the first time that he drank such a strong drink that he gave up without drinking a cup.

"No, I've found the local gangs. They are also looking for these people. If there is news from the gangs, there will be news coming out. No one can do so quietly.". Mo Xiaoyu said solemnly.

Mo Xiaoyu said with a smile: "I know, joking, since he hid, it means that he had a premonition of danger, so he hid. You said someone came to look for him. Who is it?"

"My people also want to find out who it is, but they are too close to see the person. They don't know whether the man is with Xu Yijian, or they can't be separated. So they are still investigating. But obviously, after the man came to see him, they suddenly left and disappeared, which is very strange.". Mo Xiaoyu said.

"Well, don't be in a hurry. Wait a little longer. Don't let him feel that we've stopped. As long as we haven't reached an agreement, don't stop for a moment, until he hurts him.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Can't she get in touch with people?" Mo Xiaoyu looks at Wu Yuchen and asks Ding Changsheng.

She couldn't get in touch, so now she has to wait. Ding Changsheng said.

At this time, some of his men looked upstairs downstairs. Mo Xiaoyu immediately got up and went down. Wu Yuchen came over and asked, "where are the people? Haven't you found them yet?"

"I also want to ask you, you are to act as a matchmaker, until now where people are, you have been led away, how do you do?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Wu Yuchen sighed, sat in the position of just Mo Xiaoyu and said, "do you think they will trust me more? I'm just one of their baits. I can catch whoever they say they are. I don't know where they are. It's useless for you to tell me.

Ding Changsheng refused to comment and didn't want to talk to her any more.

"Ding Changsheng, I want to know what you want me to do, you and I will be the same as before, or to restore the relationship when we first met. At least don't be so rigid as now. OK, your attitude now makes me very cold. In this summer, my heart is cold.". Wu Yuchen said.

Ding Changsheng still didn't speak. Seeing Mo Xiaoyu standing downstairs and waving to him, Ding Changsheng stood up and prepared to go downstairs. Wu Yuchen also stood up, but did not follow him down. He just resented what he had just said.

Ding Changsheng looked at her and said, "how to do it is very simple. When you meet them, you can kill them all.".

As soon as Wu Yuchen heard that Ding Changsheng was saying angry words, he immediately became more angry and asked her to do something she couldn't do. How could this be possible?

When Ding Chang was born, Mo Xiaoyu came up and said, "yes, I found it. On the way back to the original manor villa, what happened during the disappearance period? Now I don't know. I can continue to investigate. There are our people around him. They are not high-level, so we can know what they have done.".

Hearing this, Ding Changsheng immediately said to Wu Yuchen upstairs, "contact them and say that I'm here. If you see me at night, there will be a business collapse.".

Soon, Wu Yuchen got through to Xu Jiansheng's phone. This time, Xu Jiansheng answered very simply. He immediately asked Ding Changsheng to come to the address he had discussed. Xu Yijian and he would go back to see each other immediately.

"What? I just learned that they also have a wharf in the Philippines, and a grain ship is loading goods. ". Mo Xiaoyu said.

"Burned, even the ship and dock burned for me, not for him.". Ding Changsheng said. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

So, when Ding Changsheng arrived at the villa, Xu Yijian received bad news from the Philippines. A very beautiful antique cup was smashed on the ground by Xu Yijian, and his heart felt numb. The accompanying doctor immediately gave him a heart examination. Fortunately, he had a heart attack once, so he must not be angry If you do it again, you'll be in trouble.

When Ding Changsheng arrived at the manor villa, Mo Xiaoyu made sufficient preparations in the periphery, which was equivalent to encircling several important intersections of the manor. Of course, it was all because of employing Russian gangs. Otherwise, they had neither weapons nor personnel. It would be impossible for such a large villa to be surrounded. There were few trees around and all were cleared up So it's not easy to fight in. Xu Yijian's people are more than 20, all of them are mercenary veterans. Therefore, compared with the Mafia hired by Mo Xiaoyu, these mercenaries are far more effective.

Although Xu Yijian was angry to death, he still maintained enough dignity and gentlemanly demeanor in the face of Ding Changsheng, and did not threaten and shout to kill at the first time, so there seemed to be no contradiction between them at this time."Tea or coffee?" Xu Jiansheng asked.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "do not drink, afraid to be killed by you.".

In the face of such a frank Ding Changsheng, Wu Yuchen was not polite and didn't have much entanglement. He chose coffee, sat on the side and didn't speak. He refused Xu Jiansheng's request to hug and kiss on purpose, and pushed him away.

You are still my wife. Xu Jiansheng said.

Of course, this is mainly for Ding Changsheng, but Ding Changsheng seems to pay no attention to these things. He looks at the furnishings in the living room and says, "Mr. Xu is good here. I didn't expect to have an industry here. It's really eye opening for me.".

"If you like, you can give it to you. I'll make a phone call and ask the local Russian supervisor to come over and go through the formalities. In case you want to run out one day, you can come here for a rest.". Xu Yijian said.

Ding Changsheng shook his head and said, "I have run once. This time, even if I want to cut off my head, I will not run. I still believe in the rule of law in China, which is getting better and better. Unlike Mr. Xu, who has no confidence, don't you think it's a mistake for you to run out? By the way, Secretary Li and I met before I came here. He said that you only need to go back Will give you a fair trial. What will happen if you hide like this? Have you ever thought about it? If you are arrested, you will not be treated like this. You should know that there are extradition treaties between China and Russia. ". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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