"If you have the ability, go to court.". Wu Yuchen doesn't care.

"According to the Chinese law, we are husband and wife now, and the shares are our common property. So you think that if you leave me, you will be finished. How can you think so naive? I originally wanted to divorce you for a period of time, and I would not want those shares. It would be regarded as compensation given to you in recent years, but you betrayed me unexpectedly.". Xu Jiansheng said with gnashing teeth.

In the short distance of several hundred meters, Ding Changsheng felt as if he had walked for a long time. However, Xu Jiansheng and Wu Yuchen kept fighting in front of him, which relieved a lot of embarrassment and fear for the journey. No one knows where the bullets will come from. But no doubt, if the meaning is not clear at this time, there will be a fight, and then it will be true It's out of control.

"You can go to court and fight with me just as you two are now homeless dogs. I'm waiting for you in China.". Wu Yuchen said without politeness.

Well, I'll see you in court. Xu Jiansheng does not show weakness. Although he can't beat Ding Changsheng and can be counselled in front of Ding Changsheng, he still wants to maintain his dignity in front of Wu Yuchen. This is for Ding Changsheng. However, Ding Changsheng is not interested in the rotten things between them. It doesn't matter who owns those shares. He will take the opportunity to collect them.

The woods on the opposite side are getting closer and closer. At this time, Ding Changsheng has seen Mo Xiaoyu standing by the car waiting. Mo Xiaoyu also sees these people coming from the opposite side. With a wave of his hand, the people behind him begin to hide behind the trees behind, and the muzzle of the gun points to this side. Several mercenary bodyguards here also raise the muzzle of their guns and aim at the woods, although they can't See each other, but the necessary vigilance has begun, and at this time, the bodyguard stopped, turned to Xu Jiansheng and said a few words of English.

Xu Jiansheng immediately said, "that's enough. It's enough for me to send you here. If you go inside, the support staff behind us can't see us any more. They are not at ease. They have to be defensive. What do you mean, Ding Changsheng?"

Xu Jiansheng twisted his face and looked at Ding Changsheng and asked.

Ding Changsheng looks back at the direction of the villa. He knows that there must be a sniper gun aiming at himself. If Xu Jiansheng leaves, it may be OK. Because Xu Jiansheng still has a long way to run back to the villa. He is still within the range of the people brought by Mo Xiaoyu in the woods. Moreover, they have rockets in their hands. This is something that Xu Yijian and others are afraid of Yes, so Ding Changsheng thinks the problem is not big.

So he nodded, and the bodyguards were ready to withdraw. At this time, Mo Xiaoyu and several other people gathered around. Xu Jiansheng finally saw Mo Xiaoyu. His eyes were full of angry flames. He knew that this man had burned most of his industries in Japan and burned many other things. He really wanted to eat him raw.

"You are mo Xiaoyu, our Liangzi is a knot. If you dare to move my things again, I must kill you.". Xu Jiansheng looks at Mo Xiaoyu in front of him and says.

Mo Xiaoyu looks at Ding Changsheng, nods and ignores Xu Jiansheng. That means everything is ready and you can leave here.

So although Xu Jiansheng has some provocative meaning, Mo Xiaoyu and Ding Changsheng are too lazy to pay attention to him, so they retreat respectively. But after a few steps, Wu Yuchen, who is walking outside a few people, suddenly stops.

Ding Changsheng didn't notice her action, but she seemed to have made up her mind. She reached out and took a pistol from a Japanese nearby. Then she resolutely turned back and called, "Xu Jiansheng..."

All the people were in a daze. They thought that this was the couple's farewell. But they didn't expect that Xu Jiansheng, who heard his name called himself, also looked back. It was this look that finally confirmed his eyes. He was between the two bodyguards and could see Wu Yuchen, that is, for a second. When the bodyguard found her raised hand, it was already late, bodyguard When Xu Jiansheng's body tilted over to block the bullet for Xu Jiansheng, the bullet could just brush the bodyguard's arm and hit Xu Jiansheng's forehead accurately. Xu Jiansheng fell down in response.

This is a moment, Ding Changsheng also looked silly, but even if he was silly, but in such a situation, he still maintained the vigilance that he should have, or the instinctive inertia of his body, yelled to lie down, and then stepped out to push Wu Yuchen down in the grass on the ground.

Mo Xiaoyu jumps to the other direction. They all know that before they run into the woods, they are likely to be the targets of these mercenary bodyguards. What's more, behind them, there may be snipers staring at them in the villa direction. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

Sure enough, Xu Jiansheng's bodyguards grabbed Xu Jiansheng's clothes and retreated to fight back. In the place where Ding Changsheng had just been, bullets shot like raindrops. After pushing to Wu Yuchen, Ding Changsheng immediately pulled her to crawl forward and hid behind the nearest tree.

"You want to die. Don't pull us, asshole..." Ding Changsheng was really worried this time, but what's the use of just worrying? Now, running away is the most important thing.Fortunately, these people brought by Mo Xiaoyu have been preparing. When they see the real fire, all kinds of things are addressed to the bodyguards. For a time, those people are beaten and can't lift their heads. So Ding Changsheng takes Wu Yuchen and continues to run to the woods. Sure enough, bullets roar from time to time in their running process, and they are watched by snipers Yes.

Fortunately, at this time, Mo Xiaoyu ran into the woods, and then led a man to drive an off-road vehicle, blocking the sniper's bullets and sight for Ding Changsheng and Wu Yuchen. They ran into the woods in the precious narrow channel blocked by the SUV.

"What now?" Mo Xiaoyu asked Ding Changsheng.

"What else can I do? Let's go. Let's go. We are not rivals for a long time.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Otherwise one piece will blow up, and there will be half a box of rockets.". Mo Xiaoyu said.

Ding Changsheng understood Mo Xiaoyu's meaning. Since this was an opportunity, he blew it up. The provincial Xu Yijian's people retaliated. Ding Changsheng thought about it and was right. It was impossible to take Xu Yijian back. So he nodded and Mo Xiaoyu immediately waved. As a result, more than a dozen rockets roared to the villa to greet him, but he saw it in Xu Yijian's telescope After the scene of Xu Jiansheng being knocked down, Xiaoxiong is Xiaoxiong. No matter what the feeling of grief is, he immediately runs in the opposite direction with his bodyguard. Although he is always on guard against the bullets fired in front of him, he doesn't have it. Until the huge explosion behind him comes, Xu Yijian stops, looks back and says to himself: "Ding Changsheng, I'm not with you It's over, it's not over.

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