"Is this your car?" Ding Changsheng and Wu Yuchen had dinner and tea. After a good time, they went to the parking lot.

"What's the matter?"

"Driving license, driver's license, ID card, insurance policy, all procedures are taken out, routine inspection, open the trunk.". The policeman looked at Ding Changsheng and said.

Ding Changsheng nodded and took the key to the car. But just before the door was opened, the police began to pull the door handle. Ding Changsheng stops opening the door.

"In such a hurry? If you go and cooperate with the police comrades in the inspection, you should guard against the theft of our things and the extra things in our cars that are not ours. ". Ding Changsheng said to Wu Yuchen.

A few police smell speech a Leng, one of them says: "what do you mean?"

Ding Changsheng laughed and didn't say a word. He opened the door to take the procedures for these people to check. When these people wanted to check the procedures, Ding Changsheng took them back and said, "wait a minute. Since it's inspection, is it necessary to be more formal? You don't even have a law enforcement recorder. I'll take a picture of your mobile phone for you, and in addition, show me your certificates.".

Ding Changsheng's many affairs make these people a little angry. In Heshan, no one dares to point fingers at them. Ding Changsheng is the first thorn they come into contact with, and it is the task of the superior. The person who points out his name asks them to hold this man in the middle of the road, and sends someone to follow him.

Just as he was getting his ID card face to face with Ding Changsheng, Ding's mobile phone dialed a phone call. He could only gamble. Liang Wenxiang's secretary can now answer the phone. In addition to a phone call with Liang Wenxiang these days, it is Liang Wenxiang's secretary who is in contact with him.

"Hello, Secretary Zhang, I'm Ding Changsheng. Yes, I met the traffic police on the way. Please take down the police numbers of these people and help me to check them. Then tell Secretary Liang about this. I'm not sure whether these people are real policemen. The police in Heshan are very powerful.". Ding Changsheng looks at these people skin smile flesh not to smile say.

"Yuchen, tell them to open one door at a time, take good care of our things, and don't let their things fall on our cars. We don't need those unclean things.". Ding Changsheng calls Zhang Yang, Secretary of Liang Wenxiang, and guides Wu Yuchen to look at these people.

When these people saw Ding Changsheng like this, they knew that they had indeed encountered a hard stubble. They could only change their original plan and check step by step. After talking with Secretary Zhang, Ding Changsheng looked at these people and said, "come on, check it.".

Although I know that there is no chance, the play still needs to be sung. Otherwise, it doesn't seem that he has a ghost in his heart. So, after checking it bit by bit, it turns out that there is no fire extinguisher in Ding Changsheng's car, which is the only one that does not comply with the regulations. However, this small flaw certainly can not pose any threat to Ding Changsheng, it can only be painless Don't itch to say a few words, let Ding Changsheng go.

Seeing Ding Changsheng's car disappear on the highway, the leading traffic policeman asked one of them, "tell me the truth, what's going on? What do you want to do? Take a look at this person's response. This is a textbook level way, and we have also recorded our alarm. In addition, who is Secretary Liang that this person refers to? "

"Are you afraid? This Secretary Liang Wenxiang is of course Liang Wenxiang. I will do what my leader says to me. If you are afraid, you can go to ask Comrade Ding Changsheng to make an apology and see if you can spare you. I tell you, this is the meaning of the leader, and I have been ordered to do so.". When this guy was talking, he put a small plastic bag that had been hidden in his sleeve into his trouser pocket. This small bag of white powder was high-purity heroin. He had intended to put it in the car while checking the trunk of the car. After checking out, Ding Changsheng was in a dilemma. No one could save him.

However, he didn't expect that Ding Changsheng had so much experience. Seeing his own people, he stopped everyone's intention to rush to the inspection first thing. Moreover, he called Zhang Yang, Secretary of Liang Wenxiang, and scared several people except himself. It was a very simple thing, but it fell into his own hands. He didn't know how to go back Explain. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

"What are they trying to do?" When Wu Yuchen drives, Ding Changsheng sits on the copilot without saying a word. He thinks about what happened just now, and some of them are alert.

"Who did it to keep us out of Heshan? It really needs to be investigated. I'm worried about where to start the first shot after arriving at Heshan. I didn't expect that someone would be sent to the target so soon, which saved me.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Were you just on guard against them planting us?"

"That's right. They can do such a thing, so it must be reported with vengeance. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to open up the situation when I arrive in Heshan. Fortunately, those people have just photographed them. Then they will check one by one to see who has a hard mouth.". Ding Changsheng said to himself.

From this incident, he realized that it was not easy to come to Heshan this time.The next service area was filled with oil, and the road never stopped. We drove all the way to Heshan City. Although we didn't see whether there was a car following us, it was obvious that the matter would not end like this and would continue to ferment.

"Mr. Ding, Secretary Liang is still in a meeting. You can have a cup of tea and wait a moment. He specially asked me to wait for you here.". Zhang Yang saw Ding Changsheng who had just called and said politely.

"Brother Zhang, it seems that you are a little older than me. Don't be so polite. We may have more time to deal with each other in the future. If you are so polite, how can we bother you again?" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Well, we're not polite. We'll call me Zhang Yang later, not secretary. I'll call you Changsheng. OK, this is what Secretary Liang said to me in the morning. He said that you are a man of temperament and have great ambition in the world. It seems that Secretary Liang knows you well.". Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Yes, Secretary Liang and I have known each other for a long time. By the way, are the police signals of those people true?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Zhang Yang smiles. He gets up and takes a piece of A4 paper and hands it to Ding Changsheng. He says, "the information of these people is here. I printed it for you. I didn't expect that someone would check you on the way. Why, do you suspect there is something fishy in it?"

"Well, I didn't check any other vehicles. I only checked my car. I thought something was wrong. So I wrote down their alarm numbers and came back to investigate slowly. I still don't think it's easy. Let's wait until we find out.". Ding Changsheng said.

Zhang Yang nodded. At this time, footsteps came from the corridor, and Liang Wenxiang spoke. Zhang Yang immediately stood up and said, "Secretary Liang has finished his meeting.".

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