"Do I know you?" The other party actually replied in English.

Andy smiles and sits opposite him.

"I said I've seen you. Somewhere abroad, it's a place where killing machines are trained. I didn't expect to see my colleagues here. Are you here by yourself or with others? Since everyone is here for the people upstairs, how about our temporary combination? How about the money? Half a point.". Said Andy.

At the beginning, the other party was smiling, but then he didn't speak. He just looked at Andy with bright eyes.

"I don't know who you are, and I don't want to cooperate with anyone. You'd better leave here before I have an attack, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude.". The other party no longer spoke Chinese this time, but replied in English.

"Well, you can try. I'm not alone. There are my people outside. Do you think you can get away with it?" Andy asked.

The other party didn't say a word, but took out his mobile phone. Obviously, after Andy changed his face, he caused a lot of confusion to the other party. He was thinking about who Andy was. Although Ding Changsheng's price had soared to more than five million dollars, if he made money and died, it was also a problem. It was better not to do this business.

When Ding Changsheng was still talking with Cao Ying about the future development of the Chi Shang Group in the box upstairs, someone knocked on the door outside the box, and Ding Changsheng called in, so a girl came in at the door, carrying a dish of vegetables.

Ding Changsheng glanced at the woman, didn't care, and continued to talk with Cao Ying. After the woman put down the food, she said it slowly. Just as the woman spoke, Ding Changsheng was shocked and vigilant, because the two words were too stiff and looked like modern learning. Although this woman looked like a Chinese woman, she used it slowly Two words are like the tone of a Japanese woman.

You must have seen the images of Japanese playing Japanese on TV. In the past, Chinese were used to play ghosts in TV dramas. Now many anti Japanese dramas use Japanese to play Japanese. Therefore, when Japanese speak Chinese, beginners are very stiff, and unconsciously they will have a Japanese tone.

Therefore, when the woman stepped back and reached for her back, Ding Changsheng had already poured a pot of soup on the table.

At this time, the woman pulled out the gun from her back waist with a muffler, but her face was hit by the soup pot. Cao Ying screamed at once. She did not know why Ding Changsheng suddenly became angry and fought with a waiter. She was still a waitress.

But when Ding Changsheng bullies and controls the woman, Cao Ying sees the silent pistol in the woman's hand and screams again. However, the woman has been knocked unconscious by Ding Changsheng's neck.

The sound of the upstairs did not escape the ears of the two people sitting at the door downstairs. Andy was very worried. She knew that Ding Changsheng was eating with a woman upstairs. Now she heard a woman's scream, which indicated that something had happened.

Andy stood up, but the man opposite said, "you'd better sit down, or my bullet will go through your body from behind you.".

Andy looks at the man and finds that his hand is touching the arms of his suit. Obviously, what he said is not a joke. When he turns around and goes upstairs, he is likely to attack and shoot in his back, which makes Andy in a dilemma.

Seeing Andy standing up and sitting down again, Du shankui knew that something must have happened, so he took someone to rush over. The man also saw Du shankui and others. If he didn't act at this time, he might have been made dumplings.

"Stop yelling.". Ding Changsheng said in a low voice.

"Well, what's going on here?" Cao Ying asked in a trembling voice.

"These people are for me, you don't have to worry, you are OK, go out and call the boss, quietly, don't be heard.". Ding Changsheng said. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

But at this time the downstairs has become a pot of porridge, the male killer saw the other party rushed to so many people, suddenly flustered, got up to prepare to go upstairs, but Andy can not let him succeed, the tea bowl and cup on the table have become weapons, one by one according to the man's head thrown in the past.

The man didn't care. He went upstairs in a hurry. His purpose was to meet the people upstairs, and then run away from the back. Behind the pedestrian street is the fast lane, which can run away immediately.

However, this is his idea. Ding Changsheng asked Cao Ying to go out to find the boss. Unexpectedly, he saw this man coming up in a hurry just after he left the house. He forgot Ding Changsheng's order in a hurry. He pointed to the box and said, "hurry up, call the police, call someone, hurry up..."

This man thought that his companion was successful, but he felt something was wrong when he got to the door of the box. If his companion was successful, the woman would not have come out alive. But just as he wanted to retreat, Ding Changsheng appeared at the door. He was stunned to see Ding Changsheng. He reached out his hand and touched him in his arms, But then it became clear that this man was the man who was blocking his retreat downstairs, so he immediately went back into the box and checked the silent pistol still on the ground.These boxes were cut with asbestos board. They were very weak. They were not soundproof at ordinary times, not to mention blocking bullets. Ding Changsheng immediately overturned the table, and the wooden table top was enough to resist bullets. When Ding Changsheng was just hiding behind the table, the bullets first passed through the door panel and then hit the table top.

Ding Changsheng has been hiding, and there are Andy and Du shankui outside. Even if he has the courage, he will run for his life first.

But this time, Ding Changsheng was wrong, because this man not only had shot out a bullet clip and had not withdrawn, but also wanted to enter the box to save people.

Ding Changsheng thinks that this man is really interesting. The woman is still in a coma. She doesn't know whether she is alive or dead. However, this man shoots in the direction of Ding Changsheng, and goes over to wake the woman.

Ding Changsheng, of course, would not wait to be killed. Seeing the opportunity, he shot out. The original meaning of the shot was to tell the other party that he had a gun in his hand. Unfortunately, the shot hit the woman's instep. Instead of being woken up by the male killer, Ding Changsheng woke up.

"Ah..." The woman screamed in pain.

"Go, can you still go?" The man asked in English.

"You go, I can't go, neither of us can leave later.". Said the woman.

"No, we have to go. Let's go. I have bullets. We can go.". The man bent down to stand up the woman, but at this time gave Ding Changsheng a chance.

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