Ding Changsheng was stunned and asked, "Secretary Liang, are you talking about Jiao Minghai?"

"That's right. After I came to Heshan City, I heard the most about the close relationship between Jiao Minghai and chishang group. I didn't expect that this person was not on the list. Did Cao Yongming know enough, or did Chen Mingkun not tell the truth?" Liang Wenxiang asked.

This sentence scares Ding Changsheng. If Chen Mingkun is really doing an article here, it will be a big thing. If Chen Mingkun is not credible, then

"I don't think it's possible for Chen Mingkun to hide from us. It's time for this man to show himself. Besides, Cao Yongming is certainly not the only one who interrogates Cao Yongming. What's more, he may not be able to conceal what he wants to conceal?" Ding Changsheng asked.

Liang Wenxiang looked at Ding Changsheng and said: "to tell you the truth, in Heshan, I only believe you. Whether you believe it or not, this is not affectation. I have been in Heshan for a long time, but it has always been in the clouds and fog, as if bound by an invisible rope. Therefore, I can't believe anyone. Jiao Minghai has been operating in Heshan for more than ten years and has survived several terms Secretary of the municipal Party committee, you can say that, although he is usually silent, but the depth of this man's city government is extremely rare, which is one of the reasons why he can stand here.

Seeing that Liang Wenxiang said so, Ding Changsheng could not say anything more, so he nodded and said, "I'll check again.".

"Well, be careful. By the way, I heard that Cao Yonghan has disappeared. Where has he gone?" Liang Wenxiang asked.

"I'm still looking. I haven't found it for the time being. People from the red trade group are also looking for it. Maybe the rate is running away. Cao Yongming is arrested. He is afraid.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, if Cao Yonghan is also arrested, many officials in Heshan will not be able to sleep. Even the people on this list should be checked step by step. If they are caught all at once, Heshan will be empty.". Liang Wenxiang said.

"One year is enough.". Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, it will take at least one year for these people to run away if they have the ability, and stay honest for me in Heshan if they don't have the ability. In this year, one by one, they will scare these people to death.". Liang Wenxiang said with hatred.

"My suggestion is that the investigation and prosecution of these cadres should be carried out in secret, which is not to say that they should engage in secret politics, or that the media should not publicize it. This is not good for the image of Heshan. Heshan should not become the focus of attention in this respect, which is not a good thing.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, that's right. I'd like to say hello to the Propaganda Department of the municipal Party committee. I don't want to publish any news in this area. But I can't stop the people's mouths. They can say what they like, and keep it a little mysterious.". Liang Wenxiang said.

At night, Ding Changsheng lives in Liang Wenxiang's home. It is more dangerous to go back at night. It is very unlikely that the assassin will come here to do something. The security measures of the municipal Party committee's family home are OK.

He Lerui sent a message, once again confirmed that Cao Yonghan had an accident, asked Ding Changsheng if he knew where Cao Yonghan was?

"Elder sister he, I think you regard me as an immortal and look for me for everything. I really don't know anything about this matter. By the way, if you really want to help me, send some professional managers to the chishang group. Now the chishang group is in chaos, most of the senior executives are arrested and the company is paralyzed.". Ding Changsheng said.

"I won't help you. Isn't this your opportunity? I know that Cao Ying of chishang group is a pharmaceutical researcher. The best way is not to keep up with the current structure, but to do other business, such as the drugs she researched by herself. This can revive the chishang group and give it to you They bring huge profits. He said.

"That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of it, sister he? Thank you.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"I want to go to see you and talk to you about something. What do you think? Do you have time to receive me?" He asked.

"Yes, you can come whenever you have time. I'm always waiting for your arrival. What's so grand, you have to come in person. Can't you tell me on the phone?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Some things are hard to say. Let's have an interview.". He said. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

After hanging up the phone, Ding Changsheng doesn't have to think about it. He is really curious about what kind of deal Cao Yonghan and he Lerui have reached. It seems that he should go to see Cao Yonghan. After all, he really wants to have a dialogue with this Xiaoxiong and see what is outstanding about Cao Yonghan.

Early in the morning, Ding Changsheng took advantage of the night to leave the family home of the municipal Party committee. After walking around the street, he returned to his place. After staying at home for a while, he left the community from another door of the community. After seven turns and eight turns, he finally arrived at a residential area opposite to the headquarters of chishang group.

After knocking on the door for a while, Ding Feng opened the door to see the man who had just opened the door."Next time you come, you'd better say hello to me first. Just now everyone was scared. They thought that the Cao family had come and almost copied the guy.". He Laosan some discontented said.

"Don't be so nervous. Now the Cao family is too busy. Most of the company's senior executives have been caught. The company is in a business crisis. How can we manage him? Cao Ying knows that he is running away. It's impossible for Cao Ying to know anything about his escape. Therefore, Cao Ying is not in a hurry to find someone. She is just bluffing to show everyone ”。 Ding Changsheng said.

In the basement, it was particularly sultry. In the basement, Cao Yonghan was locked in handcuffs and shackles, and there was only a basin of water beside him, which was a gift to him.

After Ding Changsheng went down, Cao Yonghan looked up at him and closed his eyes again.

He Laosan went up and kicked Cao Yonghan's crotch, and Cao Yonghan was in pain and shrank into a mass. Who could have thought that Heshan, who was still in Heshan a few days ago, was tortured by a gangster from Mangshan in this stuffy and humid basement. You never know how fast the world is changing.

Anyone walking in the world is not a smooth road, step by step, who knows whether the next step is a trap or a field, no one knows.

"I'm Ding Changsheng. Have you heard of me?" Ding Changsheng squatted down, grabbed a handful of water in the basin with his hands, poured it on Cao Yonghan's face, and asked.

Cao Yonghan just did not pay much attention to who was the person, because the people here in and out of countless times, he was too lazy to see who they were?

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