When the senior executives of chishang group were arrested, their computers and documents were copied together. Ding Changsheng quickly found the backup list in Cao Yonghan's computer, which really opened his eyes to Ding Changsheng and finally knew why Xu Yijian was looking for Cao Yonghan.

In this list, Ding Changsheng suddenly found Jiao Minghai's name, which is why Cao Yongming didn't disclose Jiao Minghai. It seems that Jiao Minghai has always been a very obscure existence. Maybe only Cao Yonghan knows that Jiao Minghai's help to the chishang group is just a matter of his duty. He doesn't know when the chishang group is in crisis, Why did Jiao Minghai choose silence? It was Cao Yonghan. Didn't he find him?

This list is what Li Tiegang wants. Therefore, when the list is in the hands of Ding Changsheng, Ding Changsheng can completely understand why Li Tiegang is so eager for this list.

This can also explain why he Lerui is eager to find Cao Yonghan. For them, whoever Cao Yonghan falls into may leak out the list. In this way, their advantage in getting this list will be lost. Of course, there is Xu Yijian, but Xu Yijian is now unable to protect himself. He is far away from overseas. Compared with Cao Yonghan, the threat has become a second time Yes, Cao Yonghan is the top priority.

Ding Changsheng has been thinking about whether to tell Liang Wenxiang about the dialogue between himself and Cao Yonghan. However, he also thought that if he told Liang Wenxiang about the dialogue between himself and Cao Yonghan, it would not be a problem for him. I don't know. Can I pretend I don't know?

This is not the time for leaders to have problems. Therefore, it is better to continue to hide them. Even if Liang Wenxiang knows from other channels, he will probably pretend that he does not know. This is what Ding Changsheng thinks and the biggest problem he has encountered in his life.

Where to go, which may be related to how to act in the future, but at present, I have no choice.

This time he Lerui didn't ask Ding Changsheng to pick her up. Compared with staying with Ding Changsheng, he was still much safer. After all, Ding Changsheng is still the target to be assassinated by the dark net, so whoever is with him will become an additional target, which is the most frightening.

The address of meeting was chosen in Ding Changsheng's office, which was the first time he came to Ding Changsheng's office.

"Welcome, Mr. He. Please have a seat. Tea or coffee?" After Ding Changsheng welcomed he Lerui in, he asked.

"It doesn't matter what I drink. I don't come to chat with tea. It's urgent. I don't have time to go around with you. People are in your hands, right? I'm really old. I didn't think of this. You've come to Heshan. Can you stop making waves in Heshan and let such a big fish run? If that's the case, it's not your Ding Changsheng. ". He Lerui laughs and goes around the big class table and sits on Ding Changsheng's chair. He wears silk stockings and long legs. His left leg presses his right leg. It's very provocative.

Ding Changsheng took a cup of coffee, and then sat on the opposite chair. There was a big shift table between them. Ding Changsheng said, "sister he, you always overestimate me so much. If I really have that ability, I won't be trapped like this. What kind of deputy group leader do you have? I make waves in Heshan. You really overestimate me.

He Lerui, waiting for him to finish, raised his hand and said, "go ahead and say a condition. As long as I can accept it, I can make a decision now.".

Ding Changsheng frowned and asked: "now, sister he, we are old acquaintances. How can we be considered a gun friend? But you have gained a lot of benefits from me. The benefits I give you are not 10 billion. How can we have billions? How can we be so merciless?"

"What's a billion billion dollars? What are you talking about? When did I take your money?"

, "I'm not talking about money, it's my essence. I can't give people these things easily, so you should believe me, who are you doing for?" Ding Changsheng asked with a frown. The official account of official search is

: if the fish is not updated, the fish will be updated in the official account. The new book will be released in the official account.

"Hooligan, what nonsense? It's better that you don't know. I'm good for you. You don't want the dog biting LV Dongbin. ". He said.

"It's hard to say. Even if I don't know, I'm not interested in knowing that Cao Yonghan is not here. I'm looking for him, and the chishang group is also looking for him. I think you will make a judgment. This man is the key to the chishang group. His younger brother has recruited a lot of Heshan officials. But if we want to make these cases iron, we need him to testify People are missing now, and the chain of evidence can not be connected, which has brought great trouble to the handling of cases, so we are also looking for him. Ding Changsheng said.

He Lerui looked at Ding Changsheng's performance. Without speaking, he took a sip of coffee, frowned and said, "I have a proposal. I don't know what you think about it?"

"What proposal? I'd like to hear more about it. ". Ding Changsheng said.

"I know that you are always worried about something. Is it not the case of Yuwen family in north central province? I can make the decision. In the case of Yuwen family, I can completely overturn the case. Whoever takes anything will spit it out. Even if it brings profits, it will be handed back to the Yuwen family. This case has come to an end. What should be decided and what should be grasped?" He asked.Hearing this, Ding Changsheng laughed and said, "we are not in a hurry. Yuwen ganoderma is not waiting for money. She is still young, and she can still keep going. When someone can't bear it and die, the case will turn over naturally. This is also the time of economic development. So don't you think it's a great advantage to trade with me? What's more, the voice of this case is very high now. What you said will be realized soon. It's just that there are still people who cover the lid forcibly. Is that interesting? "

He Lerui was a little angry and asked, "what else do you want?"

Ding Changsheng looked at he Lerui and said: "if you are really sincere, you can do it. The case of Yuwen family, together with the 30 billion yuan invested by Panshi, was originally a pit. Xu Yijian worked with some people to solve this situation. It is also your obligation. How about these two conditions, Cao Yonghan is responsible for finding out. I will give you whatever is dead or alive You. ".

"No, I want to live.". He said.

"I can't guarantee that if you kill someone in the process of looking for someone and you don't admit it, then I'm not in a loss?" Ding Changsheng asked.

He Lerui stood up, walked around, went behind Ding Changsheng, his hands fell on Ding Changsheng's shoulder, pinched and said, "you are more and more cunning now.".

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