What did he say? It seems that he was very unhappy when he left. Cao Ying came in and asked.

"It's OK. It's just a mess and something about your father.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, there is one thing I want to tell you. My father's affairs are over, and I don't want to investigate the truth any more. Therefore, don't be embarrassed. The chishang group is moving forward step by step. I'm very satisfied.". Cao Ying said.

Ding Changsheng nodded and said, "then you can do it well. If you have anything, you can come to me at any time.".

Cao Ying sat in front of the hospital bed, looked at Ding Changsheng's legs, and said, "I asked the doctor, your legs will recover soon. If you can be discharged, what are your plans? You have no relatives or dependents here. Go to my home. In this way, someone in my family can take care of your daily life 24 hours a day. How can you say that you are injured for me, and you have helped me so much It's my turn to take care of you for a few days. In return, you won't ask for money or anything. All I can do is this. ".

"No, I can take care of myself. Besides, I don't know how many people are staring at us. If I live in your house, it will be a good thing. It's not good for me or good for you.". Ding Changsheng said.

When Cao Ying heard the speech, she stood up and turned her head to go. Suddenly she looked back at Ding Changsheng and asked, "is it because of my father or my uncle that you keep such a distance from me?"

"What are you talking about..." Before Ding Changsheng's voice fell, Cao Ying had already gone to the bedside and bent down to hold Ding Changsheng's head. The fragrant lips were pressed down and printed directly on Ding Changsheng's lips. Her scattered hair covered Ding Changsheng's face, which made Ding Changsheng feel itchy. At this time, Cao Ying's attack was fierce. This was the first time that Ding Changsheng was forced to kiss by a woman, and under such circumstances, her fragrance Step by step, the tongue is looking for a breakthrough position on Ding Changsheng's lips.

I don't know if she is inexperienced and has been unable to break through Ding Changsheng's teeth. Ding Changsheng feels a little funny. If she goes on like this, it is going to be a stalemate. When she simply satisfies her and releases her barrier, Cao Ying is relieved. It seems that she has won, and fragrant tongue is unbridled in Ding Changsheng's mouth, Than Ding Changsheng imagine to be much more powerful, worthy of the flow. Rogue leader's daughter, the connection kiss is so crude and incomparable.

After a few minutes, she may feel that she can't bear to bend her waist so much. Unconsciously, Miss Cao's body actually pressed on Ding Changsheng's body. Ding Changsheng avoided her own legs and was afraid that she might accidentally press her own legs. Then she really wanted to stay in the hospital bed longer, so that her plan could succeed 。

"Well, it's almost done. It's not good to see it later.". Ding Changsheng said that at this time, Cao Ying's upper body was pressed on Ding Changsheng's upper body. It was hot in the day, and neither of them wore much, so they were almost separated by two layers of clothes, less than one centimeter. This is the close contact between Ding Changsheng and Cao Ying.

"The original feeling of kissing is like this. No matter how many videos and explanations are watched, there is no intuitive operation.". Cao Ying said leisurely.

"Well, are you here to practice? Get up quickly, I will be crushed to death by you. Ding Changsheng said.

"Are you saying I'm fat in disguise?" Cao Ying asked.

"You're not very thin anyway.". Ding Changsheng told the truth.

But in such a toss, Ding Changsheng's sexual interest was really tossed up by her. Covered with a thin sheet, a tent was set up in a place. Cao Ying, who was about to leave, laughed knowingly and walked to the door.

Ding Changsheng felt embarrassed and thought that he had finally left. However, after Cao Ying had said a few words with the bodyguards outside the door, he closed the door and came back.

"Not yet?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"I'm gone. What do you do?" Cao Ying pointed to Ding Changsheng's tent and asked.

Ding Changsheng wanted to say that he could solve the problem, but it was the same as admitting that he would, so he ended up at the moment.

Cao Ying moved the stool and sat down. Then she lifted the sheet and put her hand in.

This is the first time Ding Changsheng realized that Cao Ying's hand is so energetic. It seems that talent is not really a matter of saying. Now her hand is like this. If you pass the ghost hand to her, it may be more effective in the future.

The tentative name of the new book "the happy life of yellow croaker" will be released in the near future. In fact, it has been published in the official number: fishing man's fish God. I hope you can pay attention to the public name. The new book will be published once a week for free, so pay attention to the public name: fishing man's fish dignity, with a lot of welfare.

I have to say that in the hospital for more than a month, the relationship between Ding Changsheng and Cao Ying went smoothly, starting with the kiss, then the hand, then the mouth, and then the small mouth. Er, forget it, self brain tonic.

In order to better recuperation and treatment, Ding Changsheng moved to Li Tiegang's sanatorium. It can be said that this is the light of Li Tiegang. Otherwise, Ding Changsheng is not qualified to come here for recuperation as he is now. This is just Li Tiegang's idea of playing Ding Changsheng again.Every morning, when Ding Changsheng was still sleeping, Wang ronghuo would knock on the door, and then Ding Changsheng went to have breakfast with Li Tiegang on crutches. It was a luxury to sleep in. However, it was also good. At least those women of Ding Changsheng would not come to him, so that he could gradually develop the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

"I'll go back to Beijing this afternoon to receive the next chemotherapy. Although it's useless, it's a dead horse as a live horse doctor. You can stay here and wait for me to come back and take good care of your legs. I'll communicate with them again. You should think about it carefully. Go to work with Wang ronghuo. Your list can be used as an exchange condition, I believe They will. Li Tiegang said.

"No, Beijing is too crowded. I don't want to stay in a crowded place. I feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.". Ding Changsheng said.

"It's just because it's too crowded that you need to turn over the people who shouldn't be in their positions and make room for the upright people. This is what you should do. There are still many things in Heshan. You can't do much if you continue to stay in Heshan. I don't have much time. If you think it through, I can help you If you are so cynical, no one will help you in the future. Li Tiegang said.

"Secretary Li, I appreciate your kindness, but I'm really not as good as you think. You think highly of me. Now I want to have my own little life. When my punishment expires, it should not be difficult to find an official to do something for the common people in Heshan?" Ding Changsheng said.

As soon as Ding Changsheng's voice fell, Li Tiegang took a look at Wang ronghuo. Wang ronghuo took out an envelope, put it on the table, and pushed it to Ding Changsheng.

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