"So suddenly?" Liang Wenxiang looked at the opposite Ding Changsheng and asked.

"Well, before Secretary Li left here, he talked to me once and analyzed the current situation..." Ding Changsheng picked up the important thing and talked to Liang Wenxiang. Of course, he emphasized that going to the Commission for discipline inspection was more important than staying here.

After hearing this, Liang Wenxiang nodded and said, "OK, I see what you mean.".

"Secretary Liang, where can I find Sorry. Ding Changsheng struggled to stand up and bowed slightly.

Liang Wenxiang laughed and said, "it's your young people's business. I don't understand it, and I don't want to interfere. As long as you feel good, did you tell her about going to the capital?"

"Before I came here, I talked to her on the phone. Although I scolded me, I still supported me in the end.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, you can coordinate yourself.". Liang Wenxiang said.

After an hour of talking with Liang Wenxiang, Ding Changsheng got up and left the office. At this time, the door opened and Jiao Minghai came in.

"Changsheng, you are here. Are you finished?" Jiao Minghai asked.

Ding Changsheng nodded and said, "the talk is over, mayor Jiao, please.".

Jiao Minghai looks at Ding Changsheng's back and enters Liang Wenxiang's office.

When Ding Changsheng went to Beijing, he didn't take anything with him or anyone. He went to Beijing alone. From then on, he started another world.

A month later, Ding Changsheng and Wang ronghuo led the team to Heshan City. Tu Jiayang, former deputy director of Heshan Municipal Bureau, was detained for investigation.

Three days later, Jiao Minghai, the mayor of Heshan City, was detained for investigation and then handed over to the judicial organ for examination and prosecution.

Half a year later, Chen Huanshan, Secretary of the Jiangdu municipal Party committee of central and southern province, was detained for investigation and then handed over to the judicial organ for examination and prosecution

This series of point by point censorship made many people begin to reflect on their own behavior, and at this time, a list of things began to spread.

"It's me. Do you have time for a drink?" He Lerui called Ding Changsheng and asked.

Since Ding Changsheng came to the capital, she has looked for Ding Changsheng several times, but Ding Changsheng is very busy and refuses her invitation.

"Well, I'll look at the time. I'll have time tonight. I'll wait for you at work. Come here. I'll be safe here.". Ding Changsheng said.

"When I go to your place, can you let me back?" He asked.

"It's like I eat people.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Don't you eat people? Now they are saying that you are a man eater and don't vomit bones. Be careful to choke yourself to death.". He said.

"It doesn't matter. If you remind me so, I'll pay attention to it. Next time, I must chew it before swallowing it.". Ding Changsheng said this creepy thing as if it were nothing.

"Can you come out?" He asked.

"There is no more time. There is a Sichuan restaurant at the gate of my unit. Please wait for me there. I will arrive in half an hour.". Ding Changsheng said.

He Lerui is at the gate of his unit at this time. Ding Changsheng has already known that he Lerui's car has already been installed with positioning device by Andy. The location is very secret. Andy's method is trustworthy.

Half an hour later, Ding Changsheng went to the restaurant.

"You have that list in hand, don't you He asked.

"What list? What do you mean, I don't understand you? " Ding Changsheng said with a face covered with circles.

"Don't pretend. Do you think I don't know? You arrested people according to the list. Now those people on the list are frantically destroying evidence. How do you catch them?" He asked.

The tentative name of the new book "the happy life of yellow croaker" will be released in the near future. In fact, it has been published in the official number: fishing man's fish God. I hope you can pay attention to the public name. The new book will be published once a week for free, so pay attention to the public name: fishing man's fish dignity, with a lot of welfare.

Hearing the speech, Ding Changsheng put down the teacup and said, "it doesn't matter. Our basis is evidence. Without evidence, we won't arrest people. We handle cases based on solid evidence. If you don't have a list of what you said, don't be silly. It's all Xu Yijian's deceiving. Now the cheaters are dead, and the living people are still being cheated. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"I don't believe it.". He said.

"I don't believe it either.".

"Well, I ask you, what are you doing this for? What you've been fighting for half your life can't be enjoyed, and you dare not show up. Is it worth it? " He asked.

"I'm empty handed now, half my life? I'm still young. Where did I come from? People's pursuits are different. This is the difference. Although Secretary Li has dug many holes for me, I have also suffered a lot of grievances. In the final analysis, we all live on this land. If this land is disordered, no one can eat good fruit, right? " Ding Changsheng asked.

"When was your state of mind so high?" He Lerui sneered.

"When? You may not believe it. The first time was when Lin Yidao died, and the second time when I doubted Qin Zhenbang's death. Can you tell me how Qin Zhenbang died Ding Changsheng asked he Lerui's eyes.What do you mean Ding Changsheng asked.

"It's not interesting. Since I knew that Qin Zhenbang was also on Xu Yijian's list, I had some doubts about Qin Zhenbang's death. So I went to the hospital where Qin Zhenbang was finally treated. As a result, I found some raw materials stored in the computer from Qin Zhenbang's therapists. If I want to do it, I can find evidence. What's the result In the blood test before Qin Zhenbang's last death, the doctor found something unusual. Do you remember the doctor? Do you want to call you together for cross examination? How did you ask him to modify the test results at that time? Do you still remember? " Ding Changsheng asked.

Looking at Ding Changsheng's eyes, he Lerui suddenly realized that he should not come tonight, but now he has to deny it.

"I have been thinking, who put down that kind of rare poison, that kind of poison is hard won, ordinary people can not get.".

"I didn't do it, I didn't do it. It's useless for you to talk nonsense here.". He Lerui said with a sneer.

"Ha ha ha, I'm afraid of you. I'm joking. There's no such thing.". Ding Changsheng suddenly laughed.

He le Rui looked at him coldly, picked up the bag and left the restaurant. Ding Changsheng tasted the food on the table alone, looked down at his mobile phone, and he Lerui's car drove to the west mountain. As expected, Ding Changsheng could not do anything about some things, but he could only do it in his own way.

Out of the restaurant, the sky is slightly bright, this is just the effect of city lighting, not naive light, we still live in the illusion, the road ahead is still very long, sometimes bright, sometimes dark, but no matter what, we have to go on.

Just returned to the office, the mobile phone vibrated for a moment, looked down, he Lerui was handcuffed photos sent over, Ding Changsheng looked at it and threw it on the table, the decisive battle just started, Ding Changsheng stretched out a stretch, and will sleep in the office again tonight.

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