About the name of sun Guoqiang, Dushan town is now a taboo topic, but since Ding Changsheng moved into sun Guoqiang's office, the problem about sun Guoqiang has become rampant. However, this topic has another protagonist, that is Ding Changsheng, and sun Guoqiang has become a secondary role.

All the furniture is ready-made, so it is not troublesome to clean it. Half an hour later, Ding Changsheng's office has been completely renovated, and those pots of green plants have added a lot of light to the lifeless office.

"Director Yang, it's almost done. Thank you. There are several other comrades. Well, if you don't have anything else to do tonight, I'll invite you to dinner. I'll thank you for your help.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile and handed Yang Heping a cigarette, because he saw that Yang Heping's right index finger and middle finger were burnt yellow. Although he did not smoke in front of Ding Changsheng, this person must be very addicted to smoking.

"Oh, thank you, mayor Ding. It's not good. All these work are our responsibilities. How dare you treat me? If we invite you, we will be able to meet you.". Yang Heping is also very good at life. Although he knows that the current situation is not clear and he doesn't want to be too close to him, if he refuses, it is obvious that he will not leave a way for himself. Therefore, he takes a compromise way to bring all the people who participate in the cleaning up, so that others will not say anything, and he is still doing his job impartially.

"Well, I'll pay if I don't post.". Ding Changsheng can think of it.

After Yang Heping and several other people went out, Ding Changsheng stood in sun Guoqiang's office and raised his eyes. There was a plaque on the wall: "why do people serve? I really don't understand. I don't know why I don't work for the people, but I still use the sign of serving the people to win his reputation. It's really funny. He also believes that in China, he has such a banner Unfortunately, he also became one of these people. He wanted Yang Heping to take away the plaque, but after thinking about it, it was not good for others to think that he did not want to serve the people.

He took office, but there were a lot of things to do. Just as he was pacing the room, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in.". Ding Changsheng turned and said that he thought it was Yang Heping who had gone back.

But he was wrong. It was not Yang Heping who came in. The door of the room was pushed open. A girl in white casual dress and ponytail, tall and tall chest, not only did the casual clothes cover her figure, but also set off the proud and upright, delicate face in the light, it was particularly exquisite and brilliant, perfect There seems to be a layer of glittering light flowing under the soft coagulated fat on the face. Under the slender and thick eyebrows, the pair of jade eyes as clear as a deep pool make people feel like deer. Such as carved jade straight nose, with the red mouth under the nose, a row of thin bangs, slightly covering the white forehead.

But her eyes were red, as if she had just cried. After she came in, she did not look at Ding Changsheng. She just stood there and looked at the office. Her eyes gradually filled with tears, and in an instant, the drops of batabata fell on the floor.

"Are you?" Ding Changsheng stepped back a few steps, he did not want to come to what happened, what's more, it was in the office, and he didn't know who it was. He was afraid that it was a trap, so he stepped back and dialed Yang Heping. Yang Heping was on the first floor. Hearing Ding Changsheng's call, he walked upstairs quickly. But when he saw the girl standing in the room, he was stunned Secretly scolded a guard, people all came in, unexpectedly did not have any report, this is dereliction of duty.

"Haiying, why are you here?" Yang Heping asked, but the beautiful girl didn't pay attention to Yang Heping. Instead, she moved Lianbu and walked to the rest room inside.

"Ah, Hai Ying..." Yang Heping wanted to stop it, but Ding Changsheng waved his hand to stop him.

"Mayor Ding, it's our fault to do this. It's the gatekeeper's dereliction of duty. I'll review it..."

"Well, director Yang, what's going on? Who is this? "

"This is sun Guoqiang's daughter, who went to university in Northeast China. After sun Guoqiang's accident, her family felt that this was not a good thing, and she did not make any public announcement. She did not know how his daughter got the letter. It seems that she knows everything.". Yang Heping whispered to Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng nodded and didn't say anything. It was unexpected that sun Guoqiang, a corrupt official, had such a beautiful daughter.

Ding Changsheng waved his hand to Yang Heping and himself sitting on the sofa opposite. Since she was Sun Guoqiang's daughter, she seemed to be looking for spiritual sustenance. At this time, sun Guoqiang had already been cremated and buried, not to mention human beings, but even the ashes were gone.

"She used to come here a lot?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Well, when sun Guoqiang was alive, Sun Haiying often came here. When he was in junior high school, he studied in Dushan middle school next door. He usually came here to have a rest at noon.".

"How old is she now?"

"Well, it should be sophomore.". Yang Heping slightly said.At the moment, Sun Haiying came out of the inner room, holding a pot of cactus in his hand. He opened the door directly and went out. This made Yang Heping lose face. Anyway, he was in charge of the party and government affairs office, which is the service organization of the leadership. Everything had to be thought of. But today, the guard made a mistake and let Sun Haiying come in, and then let Sun Haiying go out in a big way.

Ding Changsheng raised his hand to stop Yang Heping, who wanted to stand up, so he watched Sun Haiying go out. Ding Changsheng laughed and didn't speak. He thought, this is really interesting. He didn't expect that the first person to visit him was the daughter of the former mayor of the town. I don't know what those people who want to smooth out the matters related to sun Guoqiang will think.

At this time, many people saw Sun Haiying through the window and went out again. Of course, Zhang Yuanfang was no exception. The vicious eyes stare at Sun Haiying's graceful back for a long time, and a sinister smile gradually rises to his face.

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