Dushan town police station is located in the west of the town government, which is only 500 meters away. However, when the police of the two police stations arrived at the scene, 20 minutes later, Ding Changsheng was not very good-looking, but he did not say anything. Therefore, at the moment, Ding Changsheng was very angry. He handed the three thugs to the guard and went into the yard. At this time, Sun Haiying and Yang Heping followed Come in.

"Mayor, what do you think you should do about it?" Yang Heping takes a look at Sun Haiying around him. In fact, this is to remind Ding Changsheng how to deal with Sun Haiying. After all, we all heard what those punks said just now. Maybe it was Zhang Yuanfang who did something bad in the back. But there was no evidence, but even if there was no evidence, others might not believe it. Sun Haiying believed it.

"Look at the arrangement. I'm a little tired. I'll drink some water and go back to bed later.". Ding Changsheng still doesn't want to get involved in sun Guoqiang's family. After all, he is on top of sun Guoqiang's position.

"Let's go, Haiying, where I'll arrange for you to live, or do you call your family to come and take you back?" Yang Heping glanced at Sun Haiying and asked.

"Uncle Yang, thank you. No, I want to have a few words with Mayor Ding, and then I'll go.". Sun Haiying doesn't even look at Yang Heping. She stares at Ding Changsheng and says.

"Here, mayor, look at this. What can I do?" Yang Heping asked Ding Changsheng.

Ding Changsheng felt that he was scratching his head, but when his eyes looked at Sun Haiying, Sun Haiying's eyes looked straight at him and raised his chin. His sharp chin was full of bone feeling. However, this radian was like a provocative action, which made Ding Changsheng's heart move. He waved his hand to signal Yang Heping to go out first.

Who knows Yang Heping will be wrong meaning, went out unexpectedly also brought the door, this lets the signal heart can't help but jump, the face is also full of blush.

"Come on, if you have something to say, it will have a bad effect on this evening.". Ding Changsheng stepped back a few steps, around the table, and sat in his chair. Of course, this chair used to belong to sun Guoqiang.

"Mayor Ding, thank you for saving me today, but I don't appreciate you. Do you know why?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know.".

"Because everyone said that you killed my father, and the hatred of killing my father was unforgettable. Sometimes I would like to kill you.". Sun Haiying said with gnashing teeth.

Ding Changsheng did not speak, pointing to the back of the door, "there is an umbrella there. Take it and string it to me. You will get revenge.". Ding Changsheng pointed to his heart and said.

"But when I came back these days, I found that my father may not have been harmed by you. If you save me today, you will not harm my father, right?". Sun Haiying stepped forward and asked.

"Sun Haiying, I repeat, I have nothing to do with your father's death. Your father is dead, and I don't want to evaluate him any more. But I believe that his suicide is also forced. Maybe someone else threatened him, and the threat chip is you. Therefore, you should not come back. Otherwise, your father died in vain.".

"Originally, I thought Uncle Zhang was my father's colleague for many years. He might be able to help me, but what happened tonight, I can't believe anyone any more.".

Ding Changsheng looked at her, did not speak, he poured a glass of water to drink, and then leaned back.

"Mayor Ding, although I temporarily believe that you did not harm my father, I know you must know who killed him, right?" Ding Changsheng couldn't help but smile. The girl was really obsessed to a certain extent. Why did she insist that she was related to her father's death.

"Miss Sun, I don't know who hurt your father. If you want to know, you can go to the County Commission for Discipline Inspection. They took your father, so they know it best.". Ding Changsheng made a bad heart and put the trouble on the Commission for Discipline Inspection. In fact, he was not wrong. Sun Guoqiang committed suicide under the supervision of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, which can not be relied on.

"I've been to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. I can't see anyone at all. Mayor Ding, I know you know what's going on here. Please tell me.".

"But I don't know. What do you want me to tell you? Make up a reason

"I know you know, but you won't tell me, mayor Ding, what conditions do you want to tell me? You say, I promise you. Is that enough?" Sun Haiying's mood has reached the edge of collapse, and before finishing his words, he unties his buttons one by one.

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