Just when Yang Shengjun was impatient, Ding Changsheng actually got up and opened the door. All the people outside were very surprised. They didn't let them in just now. Now they come to open the door in person. What's the matter? However, before everyone's surprise had passed, they were angry, because Ding Changsheng said, "I said that you want to give me a breath, is not it? From your first knock, I said to come in. If you don't come in, you have to let me come over and open the door for you. Police officers and comrades, your frame is not small.".

Outside the door, these people looked at each other and asked each other. Did you hear that they let in? Lian Sun Haiying can't help but admire Ding Changsheng's scoundrel behavior. However, she is standing in a trench with Ding Changsheng, so it is impossible to expose him.

"Come on, what is it?" Ding Changsheng returned to his chair.

"Mayor Ding, this is the case. Just now someone reported that there was a fight at the gate of the town government, and several people were injured.".

"Who reported it? I think it's our report, right Ding Changsheng asked Yang Heping, who was waiting outside the door.

"Yes, it's the case reported by us. Those boys are so rampant that they want to beat the mayor.". Yang Heping said in good time.

"Oh, well, it doesn't seem to be a case. The one who reported the case just now said that a woman injured them and saw the woman enter the town government, so we came here.". Yang Shengjun quibbled.

"Is it? Director Yang, I haven't met the woman you mentioned, but I don't know if you know one here. He is the daughter of sun Guoqiang, the former mayor of Dushan town. You should know him. I heard that sun Guoqiang arranged a task for you before his accident, but you didn't finish it, so... " These words were originally the secret of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. But when Yang Dazhi went to Zhonghua's office to report, he recorded it. At that time, sun Guoqiang arranged for Yang Shengjun to arrest Niu Jiangsheng, but Niu Jiangsheng ran away, and then he told sun Guoqiang to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Later, sun Guoqiang committed suicide before he came and was tried. This is also Yang Dazhi's indignation What has happened.

As soon as Ding Changsheng pointed out these words, Yang Shengjun felt as if his blood had been drained. He didn't know why Ding Changsheng knew about these things. Now he felt as if he had been stripped away and put in front of the public, as if he could not hide the little things in his heart from the young man in front of him.

The more ambiguous Ding Changsheng was, the more startled Yang Shengjun was. So Yang Shengjun looked at Ding Changsheng and suddenly felt that he had been fooled by Zhang Yuanfang. He came here in a hurry without asking what was going on. How should we end up now?

"Mayor Ding, there may be some misunderstanding. I think I'll go back and check it out.". Seeing today's situation, I absolutely can't make a good deal of it. So I stepped back and wanted to go back first. After all, I was a policeman, and my superior was the County Public Security Bureau, not Zhang Yuanfang.

"Well, I think there are some misunderstandings. Director Yang went back to check to see if anyone reported a fake case. Besides, the several people just now would like to ask director Yang to have a good trial to see if there is any instruction in the back. On the first day I took office, I met someone who wanted to demoralize me. I saw that the public security situation in Dushan town was not optimistic.".

"Mayor Ding, I'll try my best. This, those people just He wanted to say that those people had been released by him, but he choked back before he said it. "Director Yang, I am the mayor of the town, not your superior. There is no need to report to me how you handle a case. Of course, I have the right to explain the situation to your superior. I think captain Miao should like such criminal cases.". Ding Changsheng, half joking and half threatening, sent Yang Shengjun away and closed the door.

"See, you're no longer safe in Haiyang county. You'd better leave Haiyang tonight. You'd better not come back before your father's case has been explained. Maybe you will be caught that day, and it will be cheap for you to kill. The most terrible thing is to sell you abroad. Then you will be a prostitute abroad for life.". Ding Changsheng didn't give Sun Haiying any more opportunities to chirp. Instead, she told her the most likely outcome and let her choose by herself. Such a child, who had never experienced a big event, did not know how to deal with it, and was always in high spirits. What's more, Sun Haiying here can only disturb the originally arranged steps, and the others can't play any role.

"Are you scaring me?" Sun Haiying began to exude sweat on her forehead. Judging from tonight's situation, she was really scared and could not help regretting her recklessness. It is really hard to say what would happen next if she had not met this man named Ding tonight.

"I'll scare you, I'll scare you. What good can I get? I'll bet, right at the gate of town, someone is waiting for you to go out.". Ding Changsheng looked out of the window and said, up to now, he is a little uncertain. If Zhang Yuanfang is really manipulating these things behind his back, what does he want to hide? Why is he so impatient? How can we say that Sun Haiying is also the daughter of his colleagues, is it necessary to kill him in such a hurry?

"Then what about my father, that's it?" Although Sun Haiying was not reconciled, he had to admit that what Ding Changsheng said was true.

"Keep yourself first. Besides, there is a government. There will be a saying about your father sooner or later. What are you doing in such a hurry? If something happens to you, will your father feel at ease underground?""Mayor Ding, I know. You can help me, can't you?"

"I help you. Why should I help you? You and I have known each other for less than an hour. Why should I help you?"

"Mayor Ding, I can see that you are insincere. From the sixth sense of a woman, I feel that you are a good man, but you speak hard and have a bad attitude.".

"OK, what kind of person I am, you don't need to evaluate, you'd better think about your own retreat.". Ding Changsheng said coldly.

"Mayor Ding, I think we can talk about a deal. I want you to help me find out how my father died and who forced him to die. Then I'll sell myself to you. I'm 20 years old, and I'll sell it to you for ten years. What do you think?"

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