It's impossible to know what's going on in the office. Ding Changsheng has a preliminary understanding of the flooding of small coal mines in Dushan town. However, he still doesn't have an intuitive feeling about the extent of the flooding. So he spoke to Yang Heping the next morning and went to the countryside in Santana, which was provided by the town government.

He didn't pay attention to what happened last night. He had many women, so he didn't need to expose his plan ahead of time for the daughter of a corrupt element. Since he came, he had to implement the plan made with Zhong Hua step by step. Otherwise, he might be driven out of Dushan town when he was still unstable.

In the field, it is the dragon who has to learn how to pan, and the tiger has to squat, which is no way to do things.

The old Jin driving is about 40 years old, and Ding Changsheng looks like a little hairy boy, but the people who can drive for the mayor are all very eye-catching. Before that, jinminghe has been driving for sun Guoqiang. Since Sun Guoqiang died, jinminghe has lost his job and can't eat in the car class. Imagine, the drivers are the confidants of the leaders Hou is more intimate than the secretary.

So no one would use him. Just when he thought his driving career was over, a new mayor came, and the party and government office didn't inform a new driver to drive for Ding Changsheng. This made Jin Minghe a little suspicious. Whether it was because Yang Heping was negligent, or because mayor Ding didn't mean to change the driver, it was only a guess, but both of them were not However, mayor Ding gave himself a chance, so he had to do this job well.

When the car left the town, Ding did not say which direction to drive. Jin Minghe took a look in the rearview mirror, looked at Ding Changsheng outside the car, and asked cautiously, "Mayor Ding, where are we going?" There is a fork in the front, so we must know the direction before we can continue to drive.

"Go to huangshuiwan, Lao Jin. Are you familiar with the villages below?"

"Well, mayor Ding, if you don't want to say anything else, I've been running down with Mayor sun these years." Speaking of this, the Jinming river suddenly stopped. At this time, he asked sun Guoqiang to do it. Wasn't he looking for a smoke?

"Why not

"I'm sorry, mayor Ding. I said the wrong thing.".

"Lao Jin, I can see that you are also a man of temperament. Sun Guoqiang used to be your leader, and you have been serving for such a long time. People have feelings. If there is no emotion, it will not be livestock. Therefore, you have not said anything wrong. Continue to say, I also want to know about the following situation.". Ding Changsheng is not generous. He has nothing to worry about with a driver.

"Ah, mayor Ding, if you want to talk about these villages, Huangshui Bay has the best conditions. The terrain here is flat and suitable for growing crops. The people can't be hungry as long as they have land. So in the past few years, the men in Huangshui bay had better find their wives, and the girls from other villages wanted to marry to Huangshui Bay. However, in recent years, they have not been able to do so. The common people don't like farming any more because they are still farming land They didn't earn much by working, so a large part of them went to dig small coal mines. ".

"Is there much land in the Yellow Water Bay now?"

"The per capita land is not as much as before, and the population has increased, but it is still a village with the largest per capita land in Dushan town.". He said.

Ding Changsheng looks at the Jinming river behind him. He feels that the driver of the river has lost his money. He has such insight and knows the word "land per capita". It seems that he is not ordinary and crude.

"Wang Jianguo, the village branch secretary in huangshuiwan, is an old man. He has been a branch secretary since 1980 when he was 17 years old, and he has been the Secretary and director for a long time. The village has not been elected, but it seems that no one in the village is willing to be the head of the village..." Jinminghe said a lot, almost half an hour later, the car entered the boundary of huangshuiwan village.

Yellow Water Bay, as the name implies, is located at the bend of a river called yellow water, so it is named yellow water bay. Ding Changsheng asked the Jinming River to stop the car and stand on a high hill. Looking down from here, the Yellow River looks like a yellow belt stretching to the distance, which is connected with the Yellow River 50 kilometers away from here.

In the flood season of the Yellow River, it is also necessary to prevent floods here. The Yellow River extends to the river city before it flows into a lake, which is the end of the Yellow River. Huangshuiwan village is located in the best place of the Yellow River, with sufficient water source and slow water potential, which is most conducive to agricultural irrigation.

However, on the way to huangshuiwan village after getting on the bus, a lot of wasteland was left there at will. It seems that it has not been planted for many years. The Artemisia grass is very high, which makes Ding Changsheng very sad. He clearly remembers how the mountains in his family are cherished. However, the good land close to the Huangshui River is so barren here.

"Ouch, mayor Ding, why did you come to the Yellow Water Bay so soon? I thought I would wait for a while before coming here.". Wang Jianguo, the old secretary, stretched out his calloused hand to hold Ding Changsheng's hand, which made his strength a little stronger, and Ding Changsheng felt a little pain.

"Old secretary, there were so many people yesterday that I didn't remember the introduction, but I saw you yesterday. Today I come to see you and the famous Huangshui Bay in Dushan town. Although the Yellow Water Bay is good, it is not well planted here.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.Wang Jianguo was stunned. He thought that he was a young man like Ding Changsheng, and he heard that he was the Secretary of the county magistrate. It is estimated that he came down to gild and went back after a year and a half. However, it seems that he knows something about this kind of land.

"Old secretary, I'm also a farmer's child. I also have land in my family, but it's much better without you. We're all mountainous areas. We don't grow crops very well. It's better to water them.". Ding Changsheng talks while sitting with Wang Jianguo on a pony in the yard.

"Well, mayor Ding, I'll tell you the truth. Now the land is not profitable and it's losing money. Who is willing to farm? They've all gone out to work. You can see that there are young people in the village. They are all women and old people. They are not willing to do it. So these people prefer playing mahjong and playing cards all day long rather than farming. There is no way It's a matter of. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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