"Hello, flower seller, your noodles. Please send me the bowl after eating.". Said the waiter.

"Noodles? I didn't want noodles. The man who sells flowers is very surprised to ask.

"It was given to you by Mayor Ding. It was recorded in his account.". Said the boy.

"Mayor Ding, who is mayor Ding?"

"Hey, dare you to chat with Mayor Ding for such a long time, but you don't know who mayor Ding is. It's just that young guy.".

"Ah, he is mayor Ding. Is he the mayor who takes over from sun Guoqiang?"

"Yes, you know that.".

"Well, look at my eyes, I'm really blind. I asked him for dozens of yuan to spend money. Really, what should I do about it?".

"Ha ha, don't you have the same insight as you, OK, go ahead with your noodles.". The boy handed the noodles to the man who sold the flowers. He took the noodles and looked at the door of the town government. He secretly looked at the closed door office upstairs. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

At this time, Ding Changsheng was looking at the map of Dushan town on the wall. It can be said that Dushan town is still very advantageous. If huangshuiwan village is developed well, it will have the advantage of the first place, because its south is not Baishan boundary, but another prefecture level city, Liujiang City, which is much richer than Baishan City He has coal mines, and the old mining group belongs to Liujiang city.

Thanks to the economic development of Huzhou City, the traffic of Liujiang city is much stronger than that of Baishan City, and it is not only the road traffic. Due to the needs of coal transportation, Liujiang municipal government has widened and deepened the Liujiang River in the territory. Now it is a busy water transportation line, which leads to the Yangtze River, which is the only place in central and southern provinces that has water traffic with the Yangtze River system So just now Ding Changsheng talked with the flower seller at the door about selling flowers to Shanghai. This is not a joke. Maybe it can be implemented.

The development of modern rural areas is to take the mode of "one village, one industry". Each village has its own advantages. One village develops one industry. In this way, we can form a scale. We can unite the contracted responsibility system of joint production after the reform and opening up to form a cooperative. Only in this way can we be more competitive. This is the only way for the development of modern agriculture It will never form combat effectiveness.

His pencil circled on the map and stopped to think from time to time. At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in.". He thought it was an office worker, so he still drew his ideas with a pencil, and did not look up at the people who came in.

"Mayor Ding, you are busy enough. What blueprint are you drawing?" A very nice female voice asked with a smile.

"Well, officer Cao, are you? Is there a new clue to that case? " Seeing Cao Jingjing, Ding Changsheng suddenly thinks of Jia Chengliang's explosion. Up to now, the case is still a case of jiachengliang, but the person behind the scenes has not been there. This can't help it. The key figure in this case, Niu Er Bensheng, doesn't see anyone dead or dead. Miao Zhendong Yi, who handles this case, is always worried. When he sees Cao Jingjing, he thinks that Jia Chengliang's case has made new progress.

"Ouch, mayor Ding is also paying attention to this case. Can I sit down and talk?". Cao Jingjing said with a smile.

"Sit down. Please sit down. Look at me. I forgot to greet you for a moment. Tea or coffee?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"White water bar". Cao Jingjing said.

"Don't you girls like to drink? Why do you drink white water

"Hee hee, I can't see that mayor Ding is still concerned about girls. What's wrong with white water? The best drink in the world is white water.".

Ding Changsheng smile did not say anything, with a disposable cup to Cao Jingjing in the water dispenser received a cup of water to her.

"Mayor Ding, it seems that I am going to let you down. You must be disappointed when I said this.".

"Oh, so sure. What's the matter?"

"The one you want won't come.".

"Zhang Qiang, how do you know I want Zhang Qiang to come to Dushan town?"

"Is it a secret? I don't know if other people know, but I do.

"That's a tongue twister.". Ding Changsheng made a ha ha, and by the way, covered up his helplessness. Since Zhonghua's accident, he knew that everything he had planned had to be changed. It's hard to predict that things in the world can be said to be reflected incisively and vividly. It is said that Chen Junwei has agreed to transfer Zhang Qiang from Linshan Town, but when Zhonghua has an accident, this matter will not follow. Although Ding Changsheng feels very sorry, but There is no way to do it. Once the emperor is a courtier, this is the rule. Ding Changsheng understands it.

"I'll tell you another good news. I'll come to help you. How, I know, you also suspect that Jia Chengliang's case is insidious, but you are a government official. You can't come forward with some things, so we still have to rely on our police, but we can work together. How about that?"

"Will you help me? What do you mean

"I have been transferred to the acting director of Dushan police station to take charge of the public security situation of Dushan town in the future. How about it? Mayor Ding, do you want to support the work of our institute? The town is so rich that there are only two vans in the police station up to now, which can't be said. Moreover, these two vans often break down, resulting in many cases not arriving in time, and the people have great opinions. "."Oh, officer Cao, I welcome you to work in Dushan Town, but are you too early for this blessing? I haven't settled down here. How can I help you? Besides, I just approved the money. Can you get the money? "

"Mayor Ding, this is not old. You are worried. As long as you approve the money here, I can get the money. How about making a deal?" At this time, Cao Jingjing seems to be a female peddler, bargaining with a wholesaler.

"Deal? Where can I begin with that? "

"I know what you mean by asking Zhang Qiang to come here. To be honest, I can do what Zhang Qiang can do, and his custody is better than him. What's more, it's a deal. Mayor Ding, you support me and I support you. You and I are both foreigners. If you want to stand firm in Dushan Town, you have to unite, otherwise nothing can be done. Do you believe it or not ?”

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