"You have been a driver for Lao sun for so many years. You should have some feelings for Sun Haiying. Since I came to Dushan Town, this is the first trouble I have encountered. Lao Jin, I hope you can help her, and I will not let you drive for four or five years. Do you think so?"

Ding Changsheng said all his words. If jinminghe still pretends to be stupid, Ding Changsheng will not hesitate to change him tomorrow. This shows that such people are stubborn and can not be appeased by a few words. On the other hand, it also shows that jinminghe doesn't value him and has no consciousness to follow him.

"Mayor Ding, I understand what you mean. You can rest assured that I will be one of your ears in the future. I will report to you as soon as I hear anything.".

"Lao Jin, I don't just want to know what happened in the future, but I also want to know what happened in the past. For example, what happened to this Yanghua? How do I think this woman is very evil? You come and go all day in this village of huangshuiwan, and you don't hear anything about it?" Ding Changsheng cuts the topic to Yang Hua, because he can see that this Yanghua is really warm, and the enthusiasm is not what she should do as an identity.

Hearing Ding Changsheng's question, Jin Minghe shakes his head and smiles bitterly. He didn't want to say anything about it. At least he didn't want to talk about sun Guoqiang's love affairs after his death. But when he looked at the moonlight, Ding Changsheng's eyes were burning, and he couldn't hide it.

"Mayor Ding, in fact, in fact, Yang Hua and mayor sun used to have a good relationship. I don't know the details. But once, mayor sun drank too much and showed off with me in the car. He said that Wang Jianguo actually encouraged his daughter-in-law to seduce him in order to be the Secretary of the village branch. The second mayor also liked Yang Hua, so they almost fell in love with each other Wang Jiaping, Yang Hua's husband, Wang Jianguo's son, hardly goes home, leaving the two of them to toss about at home. Of course, Wang Jiaping is not a good thing either. It is said that he has already had a child with a woman outside, and he almost broke off the relationship between father and son. ".

"No, Wang Jianguo has such a fan that he contributes his daughter-in-law to a branch secretary?" Ding Changsheng didn't believe it.

"This is more than that. Of course, there is another thing that is even more ridiculous. Wang Jianguo is so old. He has been the branch secretary of the huangshuiwan village since he was 17 years old. Now, it has been nearly 30 years. Do you think there is no one else in Huangshui Bay? This is not the case at all. Wang Jianguo's daughter-in-law used to be very beautiful, but later she died. It is said that his daughter-in-law and the cadres in the former town are not clear about it, but it is not sure whether this is true or not. ". They were talking while walking. If it wasn't for the jinminghe guy, Ding Changsheng really didn't know that there were so many things in it.

"Mother, what's the matter? There are people in the world who can even contribute to their wives and children for the sake of officials. It's really a lot of miscellaneous things in the world.".

"There is another saying, but it sounds a little reliable, otherwise Wang Jianguo's practice is really impossible to explain.".

"Oh, what else?" Ding Changsheng opened his eyes today. It's strange enough to just encourage his daughter-in-law to seduce the town cadres. Unexpectedly, the material of Jinming river has not been finished.

"It's said that Wang Jianguo can't bear children and has no sexual ability at all. His son is not his own son. Otherwise, he can't do it. If a man doesn't have this kind of personality, what else can he love? Ancient eunuchs love money and power. It's estimated that Wang Jianguo is similar to Wang Jianguo in terms of his performance This explanation is very convincing.

"Well, in this way, Lao Wang is pitiful enough. No wonder he firmly holds on to the position of the village branch secretary. I'm afraid this is his only sustenance. I think if the village branch secretary is removed, Lao Wang will soon collapse.".

"Ding, mayor, are you going to take down Wang Jianguo's branch secretary?" Jin Minghe was surprised. At least, he and Wang Jianguo had some friendship. Wang Jianguo was the leader of his own. So when he heard that Ding Changsheng was going to take down the Secretary of Wang Jianguo's branch, he wanted to say something for Wang Jianguo.

"Well, the branch secretary can not be taken down, but the village director has to let it out. Don't you see that? Wang Jianguo can't adapt to the new situation. When he is a branch secretary, he can master the overall situation. Young people can do the specific things. Huangshuiwan village is about to be built into a flower base in Baishan City. In the future, it may be expanded to other villages. You don't want me to sell it at that time and buy it by myself. This is what I promised in front of the common people, and I can't regret it ”。

"Well, mayor Ding, to tell you the truth, I've been with Mayor sun Guoqiang for four or five years, and I've never seen any leader in the town who sincerely works for the common people and takes risks for them. As soon as you say that if you can't sell it, you'll have to buy it yourself. If you change anyone, you'll be dumbfounded here." 。

"I can't help it. To be honest, if I don't do something, I'll have to stay in Dushan town all my life. I don't say how to do things for the benefit of the common people. As long as you enter the official career, who doesn't want to be promoted quickly, right? But now this society has no real ability, even if you're promoted, people won't convince you, Lao Jin It's my heart. "."Yes, yes, mayor. It's bright to chat with you.".

"It's like your old king. You're so old. Do you want to drive to retirement all your life?"

This makes Jin Minghe's eyes brighten. Sun Guoqiang said this before, but before sun Guoqiang arranged it, he went to see the king of Yan himself. Speaking of this, Jin Minghe blamed his bad luck and followed a short-lived leader. But this Ding Changsheng seemed a little interesting. That day, mayor Ding rushed to the County in a hurry. Later, he found out that the head of Zhongxian came out Yes, everyone knows that mayor Ding is the favorite General of Zhongxian. If there is an accident, what will happen to him?

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