After Zhang Yuanfang finished, he looked at the people present. However, after sun Guoqiang died, he didn't know whether it was to avoid suspicion and stay out of the trouble. He found that his appeal was no longer as strong as before. Another important reason is that sun Guoqiang died because of the uneven distribution of spoils in small coal mines. This is a good thing. Since Sun Guoqiang died, the dividend issue has been completely out of play No one mentioned it again. This is also an important reason why big guys are shrinking their heads. Since there is no interest, who is willing to take risks?

Just when Zhang Yuanfang wanted to call the roll, Liang Hehua, the Deputy Secretary of the Party committee, who had not spoken much, actually opened his mouth. This surprised everyone and made everyone realize that the original rumor was true. No, as soon as the former Deputy Secretary Yu Quanfang came to power, Liang Hehua's performance here was immediately different.

It has been rumored that Liang Hehua and her sister, director of Haiyang county's Beijing office, are the former deputy secretary of the county Party committee, and the present county governor Quan Fang's lover, and they are both sisters serving one husband. This is vivid and vivid in Haiyang County officialdom, as if it is true. This is also an important talk on the official table. When Liang Hehua talks, everyone looks at each other It's like something big has happened.

"Let me just say a few words. In fact, I don't think there is anything wrong with Mayor Ding's work. He served as a secretary to the former county magistrate Zhong, who is a subordinate cadre of the provincial finance department. Naturally, his level is very high. Although it is not appropriate for mayor Ding to risk his own interests for the interests of the common people, I support him Why is mayor Ding forced to win the people's trust in such a way? I think this is a question we should consider. In the eyes of ordinary people, does our government still have credibility? And how this credibility is lost, I think all of you should know one or two, I will say so much. ". After Liang Hehua finished, he took a sip of tea and glanced at Zhang Yuanfang, whose face was blue with the light of his eyes. But the big guy's head was lower. At this time, no one wanted to be pushed out by Zhang Yuanfang to fight against the two or three leaders of Dushan town.

"What Secretary Liang said just now has a certain truth, but I think that the practice of mayor Ding violates the organization and discipline that our party has always stressed. It's not right to take charge of such a big matter without organizing and discussing. If it's all like that of mayor Ding, Dushan town will be in a mess soon.". Just when Zhang Yuanfang felt that today's meeting was in a bit of a hurry, he was so confident in himself that he was now sitting in wax. However, Liu Heyuan, the executive vice mayor of the town, actually opened his mouth to support him, which enabled him to make full use of the subject.

So far, a total of three people have spoken. First, Zhang Yuanfang has set a critical tone, but the Deputy Secretary of the Party committee has sung a negative tune, and then the executive deputy mayor has pressed the negative tune back. As the protagonist of this meeting, Ding Changsheng has been making a careful record. No one knows what he remembers. Anyway, it seems that he has a good time It's not his business at all.

However, after Liu Heyuan finished his speech, Ding Changsheng spoke. One of the two people in front of him was the Secretary, who was the head of Dushan town. The Deputy Secretary of the Party committee was in charge of party affairs and personnel, and was also an important role. But I was the mayor. You Liu Heyuan was the deputy mayor. Although there was a standing officer on your head, you were also my subordinate. As the executive deputy mayor, your duty was It's not for you to give me eye drops to help the mayor do the work in the town. Besides, you are nothing.

"Secretary Zhang, may I say a few words?" Ding Changsheng also raised his hand to solicit the opinions of Zhang Yuanfang.

"Of course, we are the Standing Committee. We can speak freely.". Zhang Yuanfang pretended to be magnanimous, but he felt a little uneasy. He looked like a copper pea, which was not easy to clean up.

"Just now, Mayor Liu said that I violated the party's organizational discipline. I would like to ask, which meeting said I could not do this matter, Mayor Liu, can you tell me which meeting and which clause decided that government officials were not allowed to guarantee the people for the sake of economic development?"

"You, mayor Ding, aren't you holding up?"

"Raise the bar? I'm free? "


"After that, the party's organizational discipline has been violated. Let alone that there is no decision made at the meeting. There is no superior document. In order to develop the local economy and get rid of poverty and become rich, such documents should be abolished. Moreover, there are many violations of the party's organizational discipline in Dushan Town, but it is not me Just a few days ago, the new director of the police station asked me for some funds. He said that he wanted to buy a police car to maintain the public order in Dushan town. I approved 50000 yuan. But when the chief of the police station went to get the money, the financial director said that only the approval note didn't work, and Secretary Zhang had to sign it. I want to ask, Secretary Zhang, is my right to sign 50000 yuan? Was this decided by sun Guoqiang when he was in the past? Why doesn't it work when I come here? When was it decided at the meeting

"Well, what else?" Zhang Yuan was embarrassed. He didn't expect Ding Changsheng to get involved in this matter. After sun Guoqiang died, he called the director of Finance in person to curb Ding Changsheng's financial power. He reduced the limit of 50000 yuan to 5000 yuan."I think it's necessary to find out. Director Yang, you can go and call the director of finance. By the way, you can also inform the chief of the police station to come over. Don't say that our town does not support the work of the police station, and local public security depends on them.

Zhang Yuanfang's face was gloomy, but he was not so good at it: "Mayor Ding, we'd better talk about it later. The theme of today's meeting is about the Yellow River Bay, which has nothing to do with it.". Zhang Yuanfang said coldly.

"Secretary Zhang, I can't be wronged. I'd like to see who is violating the party's organizational discipline. If I can't solve this problem today, I can resign and go back to the county tomorrow. Ah, director Yang, why don't you go? Are you waiting for me to call them?" Ding Changsheng, who committed the crime, did not forget to take Yang Heping into his army. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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