He was supposed to go to the small loan company in Haiyang county to talk about cooperation, but before he got to the county, he received a call from Zhonghua. This was the first time that Ding Changsheng heard of Zhonghua's accident. He was overjoyed. Zhonghua didn't say anything else, but asked Ding Changsheng to come to the provincial capital when he had time. Ding Changsheng said that he had time now and would go to the provincial capital immediately.

Since Zhang Yuanfang had nothing to do with him, he just had to call Yang huanfang when he had nothing to do with him.

For Ding Changsheng to come to the provincial capital to see himself so soon, Zhonghua also has quite a lot of emotion. Since his accident, he has been accompanying Yang huaran to stay at home, and has not gone anywhere. In this era, in the era of paparazzi, maybe there are a few squatting at the door. Therefore, he has been very careful and has caused so much trouble to his family. He doesn't want to make extra troubles in the past After more than a month, it was gradually forgotten. After all, he had left his job, and it was not worth to be beaten up. But Zhonghua knew that his uncle must have done the work secretly.

In a tavern on the outskirts of the provincial capital, Ding Changsheng sat at a table waiting for Zhonghua's arrival. Zhonghua said that he would rather not go to the provincial city, where there were too many acquaintances, so he chose to meet in a farmhouse in the suburbs.

Ding Changsheng saw a taxi coming out of the door. Zhonghua came down from the inside and wore a pair of sunglasses. He could see that he was in good spirits. Although he was frustrated in the officialdom, he was very happy in love. Moreover, he was about to be a father. So after so many things, Zhonghua became more and more manly.

"Leader, please sit down.".

"Well, it's a nice place. It's clean. Have you ordered? This meal is on me. With a smile, Zhong Hua took off his coat and put it on the bench beside him.

"Leader, when I'm here, I won't be able to invite you. According to the boss here, the local chicken here is good. I've ordered a stewed one, and other dishes are not ordered yet. I'm waiting for you.".

"You boy, still like that, no change.". Ding Changsheng's heart is full of joy, this is the leader disguised to say that you have not changed heart. For a leader who left, this is the best reward for this old subordinate. If the leader and you are polite, then the relationship can be dangerous.

"Leader, who did it?" Watching Zhonghua order the menu on the table, Ding Changsheng could not bear the curiosity and indignation in his heart, and finally asked this sentence.

"Well, it's all over. Don't worry about it. To tell the truth, I don't know who did it. Originally, I thought it was your sister-in-law. But I know her behavior and she won't do it. Even though she hates me so much, there is still a couple's affection. I can't remember who else did it.". Zhonghua's explanation is a little helpless. Indeed, if you want to do this, there is no one who doesn't want to retreat. After all, Zhonghua's uncle Zhong Fengyang is still on the stage, and he is a real tiger. If you want to touch the tiger's buttocks, do you really think about it.

"Can it be Zheng Mingtang and them?" Ding Changsheng has always suspected that Zheng Mingtang did it, because Zheng Mingtang has this motive and ability. His son is a mixed society. If he instructs Zheng Laosan to collect Zhonghua's private information, it should not be very difficult.

"It's impossible. To tell you the truth, Zheng Mingtang and I don't have any fierce conflict, and it can be said that even the conflict can not be counted. Moreover, he is very clear about my background. He dare not use this way to deal with me. In the end, he has no courage.".

After all, it has become a topic that has to stop between the two people. After all, it has been a long time since the incident happened, and Zhonghua has no plans to go out to do things for the time being. His meaning can not appear rashly in other posts now. He can only leave it to time. I hope people will forget it slowly.

"How are you doing now? I heard from Hu Jiajia that you are doing a good job. What kind of flower planting are you going to do in Dushan town?". Zhonghua asked.

"Well, after you left, I thought they would clean me out quickly, so I was decadent for a while. But after half a month, it seemed that they didn't mean it. I think you said that as long as you were in that position, you had to do something. Otherwise, you would get out of the way. In the past, sun Guoqiang was like this, occupying the pit and not shitting. I can't be such a person, I found a flower planting expert in huangshuiwan village by chance, so I came up with this idea.

"It's a lot of resistance, isn't it?"

"Yes, I had a fight with Zhang Yuanfang, Secretary of the Party committee a few days ago.". Ding Changsheng told Zhonghua what happened. Zhonghua didn't speak. He just listened to Ding Changsheng.

"Well, I have a general understanding of what you said. I want to see you today. First, I want to see you and see how you are doing. If you don't do well, I can find Secretary Baishan Tang and transfer you to other counties and cities. If you do well, you can stay there. Finally, the cover of Dushan town has not been completely lifted. There should be a lot of hidden things in it Hidden, first of all, sun Guoqiang's death is not clear. I still don't understand why he committed suicide. There is a lot of fame in it. ". Zhonghua such as thinking of said."Thank you, leader. I did well in Dushan town. Zhang Yuanfang didn't dare to do anything to me. If I couldn't get along in Haiyang County, I'll come to you again.". Ding Changsheng said.

"Well, it's good for you to think so, but you have one biggest shortcoming, which needs to be corrected as soon as possible.".

Ding Changsheng did not speak, but listened attentively to Zhonghua.

"In the officialdom, you can't fight alone. You should be good at grasping the opportunity to unite the people around you, even the neutral people. You should make sure that the neutral people don't fall to the other side's camp. This is the victory. The enemy's enemy is our friend. You should understand the truth of this sentence. I can see that you don't have many friends in the officialdom, especially in Haiyang county You must try your best to change your outlook in the next step. Otherwise, when the enemy attacks you, there will be no one to block you. This is very dangerous. In this era of officialdom, there is no need for solitary ministers, understand? "

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