Since the first confrontation in the Standing Committee, many people thought that Zhang Yuanfang would not stop. But unexpectedly, nearly a month later, the Secretary of the Party committee of Dushan town still did not have any counter measures. Moreover, it can be seen that Zhang Yuanfang was very busy, leaving early and returning late. No one knew where he had gone, and often went out for four or five days.

Others are too lazy to take care of such matters, but Ding Changsheng is different. He has always regarded Zhang Yuanfang as an important breakthrough in solving sun Guoqiang's death case, and he thinks that Zhang Yuanfang and sun Guoqiang's death are inseparable.

Therefore, he told the police station chief Cao Jingjing of this situation.

"Do you think he has a problem?"

"Don't you think so? Sun Guoqiang was the second leader of Dushan town before his death, and I asked the people in the town that Zhang Yuanfang always said no two in the town. Even if sun Guoqiang was the second leader, or if there was any backing behind him, sun Guoqiang could not do anything without the participation or convenience of Zhang Yuanfang, a strong leader. So even if Zhang Yuanfang was not a participant, he could not do anything Less is an informed person. ".

"Well, what you said is reasonable, but he is a deputy to the county people's Congress. We have no right to do this. I have to ask the Bureau for instructions on this matter.". Cao Jingjing hesitated.

"Even then, you don't have to ask for instructions. After you ask for instructions, Zhang Yuanfang will know. You have forgotten how Sun Guoqiang died. Maybe Zhang Yuanfang is the second sun Guoqiang. Do you believe it or not?"

However, it is illegal to do so.

"Breaking the law is not breaking the law, that is relative to the object of your execution. Sometimes, in the face of a person who has already committed a crime, you call it self-defense. Do you understand it, or are you a graduate of the police academy? You have no flexibility at all.".

"Hey, what are you talking about? You, go ahead, what are we going to do?"

"How do I know what to do? I just provide you with a clue like this. I think it's abnormal for him to jump up and down like this. As a secretary of the Party committee of a township, what kind of business do you have to go out all day, and you're not at all comfortable working at all. It's not like me that it's for the economic development of the town. There must be some problems in it.".

I see. Let's keep in touch. I'd like to see where he has gone. Cao Jingjing said, biting her teeth. Although it is illegal to monitor the Secretary of a township party committee in such a private way, when the Public Security Bureau handled a case in strict accordance with the procedures, it was a credit for the success of the case. Who knew it had happened?

As soon as I got back to the office, I saw four or five people standing in the corridor in front of the office. One of them he knew was Sun Yihang, the Secretary of the Party branch of Sunjiagou village who delivered tea to him a few days ago. The other three were not very familiar with them. Since taking office, they have only focused on the development of the flower base in huangshuiwan village, and have no time to visit each village.

"Old sun, what's the matter today? You haven't finished your tea yet.". Ding Changsheng jokingly said.

"Hehe, mayor Ding, I'm not here to send tea to you today. It's like this. It's been nearly three months since you came to Dushan town. When do you visit our village, the villagers all have their opinions. They say that if you go to huangshuiwan village, everyone knows about the loan to plant flowers. Who don't want to earn more money? Our village and huangshuiwan It's not much. It's also a big village women. What can't they do? They also want to borrow high-level sideline business, so you have to take time to visit us these days. ".

"Who are these?" Ding Changsheng smiles and doesn't pick up his stubble. He looks at the several people who come in after him and asks.

"Mayor Ding, we are from Sanjia village, and we also want to ask you to visit our village.".

"Sanjia village? Is there a village in our town Ding Changsheng was stunned and didn't react.

"Oh, this is a general term, that is, Yingjia village, Guojia village and Songjia village. I am Zhou Guisheng of Yingjia village, this is Zhou Xiang of Guojia village, and that is Zhou Hailong of Songjia village. We are all of a family.". Zhou Guisheng from Yingjia village said.

"Oh, I understand a little bit. Sit down, all sit down. What does this mean? We all agreed to come together?" Ding Changsheng threw a cigarette one by one and asked.

"Mayor Ding, no, we met at the door.". Sun Yihang said.

"Mayor Ding, the three of us come together.". Zhou Guisheng and several of them took the cigarette, but they didn't light it up at that time, because these villagers were still very envious. They saw that Ding Changsheng put the cigarette into the drawer after he asked him to finish smoking, so they put the cigarette on their ears or in the cigarette box.

Listen to four people, you come and I said for a long time, Ding Changsheng heard a meaning, that is, want to loan, but these people think wrong, the loan is a loan, not the relief money from the superior, the loan is interest, but also to repay the principal, the small loan company of Haiyang County smoothly loaned money to the villagers of huangshuiwan village This is mainly due to Ding Changsheng's factor. Moreover, they also investigated the project, so they made loans. These villages also went to small loan companies, but when asked about the use of the money, what projects and when to pay them back, they just heard that the loan should not be mortgaged, but they didn't want to pay anything else Some loans are for children to go to school, to build a house, to marry a daughter-in-law to send betrothal gifts. Anyway, there are various reasons why small loan companies dare not lend."I said, you guys, before you make a loan, I think you should go to huangshuiwan village to see what's going on there, and then go back to think about what kind of economy your village is suitable for. I personally took charge of Huangshui Bay, but I can only play an exemplary role in the seven natural villages of the town. The rest depends on you, grassroots cadres, to think about it, and then come to me If the small loan companies didn't lend at that time, I would like to come out again.

Several people looked at each other, they did not think that this young man is not easy to fool, think about it is also, to the county magistrate when the Secretary of any fool? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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