After an hour, he sent a document to his office, and Ding Changsheng still kept a few people's daily revelling in his chair. Although he understood what he was saying, he was just showing his presence. But this way would not be appreciated by the leader. When it comes to the bottom, that is the decision maker has the final say, you are not the Secretary, but you are not. Leading agent, you are only a service, so if you don't put the Secretary's position properly, something will happen sooner or later, which is certain.

"Who's out there?" Looking at the document, Yu Quanfang asked, "it's hard to be free today. There aren't so many people bothering you, so you're not used to it.

"It's Ding Changsheng, the mayor of Dushan town.". He Zhenzhen answers in a low voice.

"Have you been here for a while?" In the whole side said quietly.

I haven't been reading newspapers outside for a long time. He did not dare to say that Ding Changsheng had been here for a long time. He used to work in the policy research office, and Luo Xiangyue was his leader. Therefore, he did not fully understand his new boss's temper and gave an ambiguous answer.

"Let him in.". Yu Quanfang put down his pen and said, watching he Zhenzhen bring him to the door to call Ding Changsheng. If yu Quanfang thinks about it, the secretary is too self-sufficient and wants to make decisions for the leadership. It seems that Hu Jiajia has to be asked to look for other suitable candidates.

"Hello, county magistrate. I'm Ding Changsheng from Dushan town. I'm here to report to you.". As soon as he entered the door, Ding Changsheng made clear his attitude to the whole party. He Zhenzhen, who was in front of him, was a little upset. How could this person be like this? I haven't introduced you to the leader. What are you worried about? When I don't exist?

"Ha ha, Xiaoding, I heard that you are doing a lot of work in Dushan. I've only come to tell me whether it's almost done. Xiaohe, pour a cup of tea for mayor Ding.". Although Yu Quanfang didn't stand up, the enthusiasm on his face made Ding Changsheng's heart drop a little. Despite his pretentious reading of the newspaper outside the door, only heaven knows how much he can read.

He Zhenzhen was also very surprised. His boss actually valued this guy so much. What he had just done was a little too much, not too much, too much. He didn't know that Yu Quanfang had already had an opinion on him.

"How can it be? Just at the beginning, I'm going to ask the leaders to take some time out of their busy schedule to come to us to encourage and encourage us. In this way, we can be steadfast in our work, otherwise it seems that there is no backbone in our hearts.". Ding Changsheng is a dog face, just now he was still smiling. In the twinkling of an eye, he gradually became dignified, as if he was talking about a very important thing. This practice of mobilizing others' emotions through his own emotions was seen in a book called self-cultivation of actors, which was not satisfactory after repeated attempts.

"What, pressure?" Yu Quanfang pointed to the chair in front of him, motioned for Ding Changsheng to sit down and said, but Ding Changsheng still stood there respectfully, his hands crossed, protecting the elixir field, and his voice was low and magnetic. During his speech, he had made it clear that the construction of huangshuiwan flower base that he had personally promoted these days.

"There is pressure, but mainly resistance..." Ding Changsheng gave a brief account of what happened on the Standing Committee. In fact, Ding Changsheng reported these things. His lover's sister, Liang Hehua, was the Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Dushan town. After less than half an hour in the Standing Committee, he knew everything clearly, even more clearly than Ding Changsheng. But at that time, he was inconvenient to express his opinions and did not want to express his opinions, he thought Look at what the Secretary of the former county magistrate should do. I didn't expect that the boy would come to you and me to do it. Originally, he thought there would be a better play in the back, but he didn't expect that Zhang Yuanfang would stop fighting, which was beyond his expectation.

"Unlike the words, some of our cadres are like this. Clearly, they don't want to do something for the common people. When they see others do their work, they try every possible means to obstruct them. What kind of thinking is this? It's afraid that others will do well, and it seems that they can't do it well. Such people are the most selfish people. Moreover, cadres like this should have a profound reflection It's a busy day. I'll go to your town a few days later. But Xiaoding, you should pay attention to the fact that the people's hearts have been hurt once. This time, we must do a good job in marketing development. We can't let the people sweat and cry, otherwise, I can't spare you. ".

"Yes, I'll do it first when I go back. I'll try to get the order before the flower base is built. In this way, we can develop order agriculture and try to minimize the risk of ordinary people.".

"Order farming, well, I've heard this word in the news, but it's very difficult to develop it. It's not only good quality, but also organic and pollution-free. You're young and energetic. Nowadays, as long as you dare to do something, you'll have a chance to succeed. It seems that it's quite right for the county committee to send you to Dushan town in the first place. It took such a short time to open up the situation, I think He must be very pleased. Yu Quanfang finally points out the identity of Ding Changsheng. Just now, at the point of total variance, he forgot that Ding Changsheng was the Secretary of Zhonghua. This boy has a bright head and does not stick to one pattern. If it were not for the factor of Zhonghua, the former county magistrate, Yu Quanfang would like to transfer Ding Changsheng back to be his secretary.

"Yes, county magistrate, I will take all factors into consideration to ensure that the people of huangshuiwan village will not suffer losses."."Well, but you should also remember that you are the mayor of Dushan Town, not the head of huangshuiwan village. The development of the overall economy is the most important thing. After opening the gap, it should be properly spread out, so that the people of Dushan town can live a good life.".

No matter what the outside world thinks of the whole party, Ding Changsheng thinks that he still has a certain leadership ability. At least in this close talk, Yu Quan as a leader has a high level of insight on many things. However, such leaders also like to command blindly. Therefore, it is also a contradiction for Ding Changsheng to invite the whole party to investigate Dushan town It must be good to go there. That is, the county government has affirmed its own work. However, if this gentleman comes up in a good mood and gives random instructions, what should he do? Carry out or not? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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