"Well? How do you know that? " Cao Jingjing asked.

"I also listen to others say, why, because of what?" Ding Changsheng seems to be casually asked. In order to let Xia Hehui know that she really cares about her husband's affairs, she turns her mobile phone to hands-free.

Xia Hehui was finally allowed to spit out the stick in her mouth and listened carefully to Director Cao's explanation.

"What do you have to do with him?" Cao Jingjing frowned and asked.

"What kind of relationship can I have with him? It's just a friend's friend. Director Cao, I'll ask him why he was arrested. You don't have to try me like a prisoner?" Ding Changsheng said discontentedly.

"You'd better have nothing to do with him, otherwise you can't run. This beast is not a man at all.". Cao Jingjing said maliciously, and Xia Hehui was also very angry when she heard Cao Jingjing say her husband so. Why, no matter how bad her husband is, she can only scold her husband, and she can't be taught a lesson by others. However, this kind of anger did not last long, and she was replaced by greater anger.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Ding Changsheng had a premonition that Shi Lei must have done something shady. If it was a general criminal act, Cao Jingjing would not have said so gnashing his teeth.

"What's the matter? Hum, as a head teacher in a junior high school, he even used his teacher's identity to molest and * * female students. Up to now, four people have been implemented. One of them is pregnant. He can't hide it. He secretly told his parents, and the parents went to the police station to report the case. Moreover, this is not counted. According to the female students, this guy not only hurt these girls himself Children, but also introduced these girls to a big man, so far we have not found out who this big man is.

Ding Changsheng and Xia Hehui are stunned by this. They can't believe that Xia Hehui's honest husband can do such a earth shaking thing. It's really hard for him to see Shi Lei before he can see him. It's not easy to meet him in the future.

"Hello, Hello, mayor Ding. Are you listening?" Cao Jingjing finished and found that there was no sound on the other side.

"Oh, oh, I'm listening. Director Cao, is there any mistake? As far as I know, Shi Lei is still very honest. How could he do such a thing?"

"Honest? Hum, I don't know how the honest man in your eyes could do such a thing. Anyway, this case is very big, and it may involve some other people. So I have transferred this case to the criminal police team. Our police station only helps to handle the case. This is already an illegal case handling rule. Don't spread it around. ".

"I understand. By the way, is that Zhang still in sight?"

"At present, but I feel that this guy is very cunning, especially as soon as he arrives in Yunnan, it's easy to ask us to follow him. I don't think it's a solution in the long run. Are you in the town, or I'll go to you and we'll sum up again. I always think it's a long night's dream.". Cao Jingjing is a little frustrated, mainly because there are too few people who can use it. Originally, she can't believe any of the people in Dushan town police station. What can be used is the two policemen transferred through her father's relationship. However, she is a director of the Institute and can't go out to deal with cases everywhere. Moreover, the matter itself is illegal. The less people she knows, the better.

"I'm in the county now. I'll go back later, and then we'll meet.". Ding Changsheng said that she didn't know when Xia Hehui had collapsed on the ground after hanging up the phone. Ding Changsheng put the phone away and put Xia Hehui on the chair. Xia Hehui was already in a sluggish state. She didn't think that she was not around him. He did such an animal like thing.

"Are you all right?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"Why, why, why did he do it, you tell me, why?" Xia Hehui took Ding Changsheng's arm and pinched his sharp fingernails into his flesh across a layer of clothes. Don't mention the pain.

"Listen to me, you didn't hear what was said on the phone just now. There is a big man behind this matter. This is the key. Maybe Shi Lei is not the chief conspirator. I guess this big man must be an official or something. Otherwise, Shi Lei is not a child. Don't he know that there are risks? It must have been the great man who gave him some good, don't you think? " Ding Changsheng analyzes that Xia Hehui's mood gradually stabilizes. But as soon as she thinks that her husband has committed such a crime, she feels that her life is over, and she has no home. Although she has done something to apologize to her husband, her starting point is still for the family. Now it's better. They don't owe each other, but their home is gone.

"What should I do now? What should I do now? " Xia Hehui asked repeatedly.

"You don't do anything now and don't show up in public. Ask for leave from your company and say that you are not feeling well. Find a quiet place to hide. I think those parents will find you soon. It's really hard to say what these people have done. Let's close this Qinghe Garden first, and then we'll close it for a few days.". Ding Changsheng said.

"How about that? Do you know how expensive the rent is for a day here?" Xia Hehui is a woman who lives a life. When she hears that she wants to close business here, she is very worried."You are a woman, do you want money or life? Shi Lei has ruined her daughter like that. If you are here, it's light to beat you. If you let those hot headed parents pay back, you will not suffer from the immediate loss. You can see the money. If you lose the rent, I will supply you, OK?" Ding Changsheng at this time made a man to attract women the most real killing move, that is to believe me, nothing, everything has me, to this field, it is very few women can resist such warmth.

Under Ding Changsheng's persuasion, Xia Hehui gradually agreed, not because Ding Changsheng supplied her with money, but because what Ding Changsheng said might be pulled by the parents of those angry students to do irrational things, so she simply ordered the shop attendants to have a holiday from tomorrow, pay all the wages, and inform them when to open business.

Ding Changsheng wanted to live in the county for one night. Seeing Xia Hehui like this, he couldn't bear to do those things again. So he drove back to Dushan town.

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