After the policewoman finished asking, she found that her speech was a little inappropriate, but the words had already been exported and could not be taken back. She peeked at Cao Jingjing and found that the legend was the daughter of the director of the Municipal Bureau. She was not angry. In fact, Cao Jingjing also wanted to know the purpose of Shi Lei's doing this. After all, curiosity is human nature.

"That way, if I feel spicy, it means that the inner layer is broken. If she feels spicy, it means that the outer layer is broken. I am very careful. After all, there are too many fakes now. I just play with them and don't want them to get pregnant, so I really don't do the pregnancy.". Shi Lei is very aggrieved to say.

This answer made the policewoman in charge of the record gape. My God, this man is really a genius. He can think of such a method. But Cao Jingjing is still a child without any human resources, so he doesn't want to talk about these things with him.

"Who did that? The students said you introduced them to a big man. Did that person do it?" Cao Jingjing's eyes show sharp eyes, and Shi Lei dare not look at her.

"It may be that, in fact, I just took a thread to build a bridge, and I don't know the rest of the things. Moreover, they volunteered. Why didn't they say when they took the money? Now they're pregnant, and it's not the first time anyway.". Shi Lei murmured.

"What are you talking about? It's not the first time, asshole. Shi Lei, I'll tell you, it's spreading all over the country. I think the big man you mentioned will soon know what will happen next. If you don't dare to explain clearly, he will eliminate all the evidence outside, and then all the responsibility will be put on you later On your head, how big do you think your head is? Can you shoulder this responsibility Cao Jingjing's tone is very heavy, and the threat is very strong. Needless to say, she is very angry now. If it wasn't for an iron fence in the middle, she would have slapped him in the face.

"I know it's my responsibility. I'm sure I can't escape, but I won't take the blame for others. In fact, that person is the mayor and Secretary of our town.". Shi Lei finally told the truth, but Cao Jingjing was shaken by this sentence. The mayor and the Secretary of the town were not Ding Changsheng, they should not. How long did he go.

"To be clear, who is it, how many are the mayor and vice mayor of your town, and how many are the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of your town? Who are they? You will not even know the name of them.". Cao Jingjing asked in a tense voice. The policewoman next to her found a big fish. She was very excited that she could do meritorious deeds. Such a large case is still in the case. The play is really more and more wonderful.

"The mayor sun Guoqiang is dead, and there is secretary Zhang Yuanfang. As for the pregnant one, it may be Zhang Yuanfang's. In fact, I don't know. They often change play. I heard that they would take these girls to the county, and I don't know who they gave them to play. I don't know about these things.". Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief. The scholar rebelled, but it didn't work for three years. All these things were held in his mind like a big stone. Today, he finally moved the stone away, so the whole person relaxed and collapsed on the iron chair like a pool of rotten meat.

With a bang, Cao Jingjing smashed the glass in front of her to the ground, startling the relieved Shi Lei and the recording policewoman. Looking at our director Cao, the plump chest wrapped in the blue gray police uniform fluctuates due to anger. Although Cao Jingjing's figure is not very plump, the capital on the chest is very real. Even though the police uniform is wrapped, it is still difficult to hide its demon Enchanting body.

"Look, I'll call and report.". Cao Jingjing said coldly.

"Ah," the policewoman agreed, not daring to say anything else.

Cao Jingjing didn't go far away. She just went out of the door of the pre-trial room. However, the first person she reported to was not Zhang Miao Zhendong of the criminal police force, nor his father Cao Jianming, but Ding Changsheng, who was unable to fight with this matter. This is a little strange.

"Hello, it's me. Is it convenient to talk now?" Cao Jingjing asked eagerly.

"Well, it's convenient. I'm in the office.".

"When Shi Lei was interrogated just now..." Cao Jingjing tells Ding Changsheng the news that Shi Lei got just now. Ding Changsheng frowns tightly. The more he listens, the less he believes it is true.

"Are you sure what Shi Lei said is true?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"There is no definite evidence yet, but Shi Lei said that the child conceived by the pregnant girl may be surnamed Zhang. What do you think we should do now?"

"Well, who else knows about it?" Ding Changsheng asked.

"You are the first one in addition to a colleague in the pre-trial room who is responsible for recording.".

"So believe me?" Ding Changsheng made a joke to ease his inner tension.

"Don't talk nonsense. What should I do now? I don't think it's going to be long before it's all known. "

"Well, you're right. You have ghosts inside. Well, where is Zhang now? Can you control it?"

"He is now in Yunnan, under control.". Cao Jingjing was excited. It seemed that she was right to go to Dushan town. After the case was settled, I didn't depend on my father for food. She didn't think that if it wasn't for your father, you could be the director of the police station."Immediately control it secretly and never let him contact anyone. It's like disappearing out of thin air. It's better to get some white powder on him, so that we can get justice and I'll do the rest.".

"However, he is a deputy to the county people's Congress, and now there is no evidence..."

"Miss, didn't I just say that? Get some white powder. It's not evidence? "

"How to speak, who is the lady?" Cao Jingjing said with a mouthful.

"OK, OK, don't report to anyone until you catch him. I'm going to the county to find the director of the National People's Congress. You can control him and call me. Remember, you can't let him run away, let's not let him die. Otherwise, you'll never want to solve this case.". Ding Changsheng Yin measurement said, said Cao Jingjing here are a bit cold feeling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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